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pre-release2 years ago

4.0.0-beta.1 (2021-10-07)

This new major version beta introduces a full redesign of the Azure Form Recognizer client library. To leverage features of the newest Form Recognizer service API (version "2021-09-30-preview" and newer), the new SDK is required, and application code must be changed to use the new clients. Please see the Migration Guide for detailed instructions on how to update application code from version 3.x of the Form Recognizer SDK to the new version (4.x). The following sections contain an outline of the changes.

Breaking Changes

  • This package targets Azure Form Recognizer service API version 2021-09-30-preview and newer. It is not compatible with the older Form Recognizer service API versions (2.0 and 2.1). To continue to use Form Recognizer API version 2.1, please use major version 3 of the client package (@azure/ai-form-recognizer@^3.2.0).
  • FormRecognizerClient has been replaced by DocumentAnalysisClient.
    • The new beginExtractLayout method replaces the previous beginRecognizeContent method and its -FromUrl counterpart. Rather than a FormPageArray, the new method produces an object that has properties for pages, tables, and styles.
    • The new beginAnalyzeDocuments method replaces the form recognition methods of the previous client. It provides a single method that can analyze documents using any model ID, including prebuilt models. It replaces beginRecognizeCustomForms, beginRecognizeReceipts, beginRecognizeBusinessCards, beginRecognizeInvoices, and beginRecognizeIdentityDocuments, as well as all of their -FromUrl counterparts. Rather than an array of forms, the new method produces an AnalyzeResult (an object with several fields, described below).
    • Analysis using models trained without labeled training data is no longer supported by this package. This use-case is now provided by the prebuilt (generic) document model (see "New Features" below).
    • The language option has been renamed to locale, and it accepts a wider variety of locale codes (such as "en-US" for United States English) as well as two-letter language codes (such as "fr" for French).
    • The pages option is now a single string instead of an array of strings. Multiple page ranges may be specified by separating them with commas.
    • In many output types, boundingBox has been replaced by a list of boundingRegions, which may contain a bounding box and page number. This is useful for objects that may span multiple pages.
  • FormTrainingClient has been replaced by DocumentModelAdministrationClient.
    • The new beginBuildModel method replaces the previous beginTraining method. The new method and underlying service API do not support training a model using unlabeled training data. Labeled data are required to build a custom document model using the new SDK and service API.
    • The new beginComposeModel method replaces the beginCreateComposedModel method.
    • The getCopyAuthorization method no longer requires the target resource name and region, instead requiring only a model ID/name.
    • The getModel and listModels methods replace the getCustomModel and listCustomModels methods, as the new methods support prebuilt models as well as custom models. They no longer produce any information about models that did not succeed (if a model creation operation failed, it will not be included in the output of listModels and cannot be retrieved with getModel by model ID).
    • Custom models no longer have a name that is distinct from the model ID (more accurately, the model ID and name have been unified).
    • You must now specify a model ID to create a model (whether composed, copied, or built). Previously, the Form Recognizer service would generate a GUID for the newly-created model. Now, the model ID may be any text (so long as it does not start with "prebuilt-"), and it must be provided when the model is created.
    • The ModelInfo type (previously CustomFormModelInfo) has been redesigned. It no longer contains trainingDocuments, and it has a property called docTypes that contains the information previously contained in submodels, but with a different shape. Please refer to the documentation for more information, as this type has changed significantly.
  • The structure of many output types has changed. The full list of changes is extensive and discussed in depth in the migration guide. The following are some of the changes:
    • When analyzing a document, the output is no longer an array of RecognizedForms. All analysis methods—including custom/prebuilt model analysis, layout, and the generic document model—produce an AnalyzeResult or a subset thereof. The AnalyzeResult has fields for pages, tables, styles, entities, keyValuePairs, and documents. The beginExtractLayout and beginExtractGenericDocument methods produce subtypes (LayoutResult and GenericDocumentResult respectively) of AnalyzeResult that contain only those fields that are produced by that model. The list of changes within these types is extensive, as they have been redesigned. Please consult the documentation for more information.
    • The new type AnalyzedDocument replaces RecognizedForm. It does not contain a pages property, as pages are now a top-level property of the AnalyzeResult.
    • The new type DocumentPage replaces FormPage. It does not have a tables property, as tables are now a top-level property of the AnalyzeResult.
    • The DocumentLine type (replacing FormLine) no longer has a words property, as words is now a property of the DocumentPage. The DocumentLine instead contains spans which can be used to correlate DocumentWords to DocumentLines, as words are no longer required to be part of a line.

New Features

  • Added support for a new generic document prebuilt model. The beginExtractGenericDocument method of DocumentAnalysisClient utilizes this new model, or it may be used with beginAnalyzeDocuments by its model ID: "prebuilt-document". This model produces all of the same basic layout information as the prebuilt layout model, but also extracts entities (along with their categories/subcategories) and key-value pairs (associations from one document element, such as a label, to another).
  • There are now strong result types for the four prebuilt models (receipts, business cards, invoices, and identity documents) built in to the SDK. To utilize these new result types, the DocumentModel data structure corresponding to the prebuilt model must be provided to beginAnalyzeDocuments (rather than providing a simple string model ID). These DocumentModel data structures are part of PrebuiltModels (for example, PrebuiltModels.Receipt), which can be imported from this package.
  • An extracted table may now span multiple pages. As a result, tables now have multiple bounding regions to describe their locations on multiple pages.
  • Models may now have an optional description (part of the options bag when building a model, composing a model, or creating a model copy authorization).
  • Introduced listOperations and getOperation methods. These methods access model creation operations (including operations that failed to create a model). Operations are retained for 24 hours, after which point they are deleted.

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