github Azure/azure-sdk-for-js @azure/ai-form-recognizer_3.0.0-preview.1

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pre-release3 years ago

3.0.0-preview.1 (2020-08-11)

  • Changed the package version to 3.0.0-preview.1 to reduce confusion with older versions of the Azure Form Recognizer SDKs.
  • Changed the name of the options bag parameter of beginRecognizeReceipts and beginRecognizeReceiptsFromUrl to BeginRecognizeReceiptsOptions.
  • Switched to using the generally-available 2.0 service endpoint rather than 2.0-preview.
  • Added a pageNumber property to the FormTable and FormTableCell types indicating the number of the page where the table/cell appeared within the input document.
  • [Breaking] Renamed the includeSubFolders property of the TrainSourceFilter type to includeSubfolders.
  • [Breaking] Renamed the documentName property of the TrainingDocumentInfo type to just name.
  • [Breaking] Removed the containingLine property of the FormWord type.
  • Made the rowSpan, columnSpan, isHeader, and isFooter properties of the FormTableCell type non-optional to reflect that they have default values.
  • [Breaking] Renamed CustomFormField to CustomFormModelField for similarity to other language SDKs.
  • [Breaking] Removed the redundant expirationDateTimeTicks property from the CopyAuthorization type, as the expiresOn property exists.
  • [Breaking] Moved the optional contentType parameter of the FormRecognizerClient recognition methods (recognizeContent, recognizeCustomForms, recognizeReceipts, and their URL-based variants) to the associated options bag for these methods.
  • [Breaking] Removed exports of several internal types, including most internal poller operation states and some unused types. All client poller implementations now return a smaller subset of fields.

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