1.0.0-beta4 is a developer preview that supports major parts of:
- Azure Virtual Machines and VM Extensions
- Virtual Machine Scale Sets
- Storage
- Networking (virtual networks, subnets, network interfaces, IP addresses, network security groups, load balancers, DNS, traffic managers and application gateways)
- Resource Manager
- SQL Database (databases, firewalls and elastic pools)
- App Service (Web Apps)
- Key Vault, Redis, CDN and Batch.
What's new since 1.0.0-beta3:
- Traffic manager
- Application gateways
- SQL Databases
- App Service (excluding App Service Environments, Backup, Restore, Azure Functions)
- Redis Cache
You can find samples on how to use them here: https://github.com/azure/azure-sdk-for-java#sample-code.