github Azure/azure-sdk-for-java v1.0.0-beta1.2-datalake
Azure Management for Data Lake 1.0.0-beta1.2

latest releases: azure-resourcemanager-quota_1.1.0, azure-cosmos-kafka-connect_2.2.0, azure-cosmos-test_1.0.0-beta.11...
pre-release8 years ago
  1. Add two new exception types: AdlsFileAlreadyExistsException and AdlsBadOffsetException
  2. Add optional offset to append
  3. Fix columns in TableType to be a list of typefieldinfo
  4. Fix bug in DataLakeStoreFrontEndAdapterImpl to properly create a file with just the data being passed in and not the full 4MB array (even if the back of the array is empty).
  5. fix the uploader tests to include a < 4mb file upload test

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