github Azure/azure-sdk-for-java spring-cloud-azure_5.20.0
Spring Cloud Azure 5.20.0

  • This release is compatible with Spring Boot 3.4.0-3.4.2, 3.3.0-3.3.6, 3.2.0-3.2.12, 3.1.0-3.1.12, 3.0.0-3.0.13. (Note: 3.4.x (x>0), 3.3.y (y>6) and 3.2.z (z>12) should be supported, but they aren't tested with this release.)
  • This release is compatible with Spring Cloud 2024.0.0, 2023.0.0-2023.0.4, 2022.0.0-2022.0.5. (Note: 2024.0.x(x>0) and 2023.0.y (y>4) should be supported, but they aren't tested with this release.)

Spring Cloud Azure Dependencies (BOM)

Dependency Updates

  • Upgrade azure-sdk-bom to 1.2.31.

Spring Cloud Azure Autoconfigure

This section includes changes in spring-cloud-azure-autoconfigure module.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fix bug: Registered the empty value for ineligible definition, it causes NPE when sending message via bean StreamBridge. #43366.
  • Fix bug: Not working when using Spring Kafka and Kafka Binder via connection string auth #43853.

Spring Messaging Azure Service Bus

This section includes changes in the spring-messaging-azure-servicebus module.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fix bug: The PropertiesMerger implementation not handling property CustomEndpointAddress. #43555.

Azure Spring Data Cosmos

This section includes changes in azure-spring-data-cosmos module.
Please refer to azure-spring-data-cosmos/ for more details.

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