12.7.0-beta.1 (2020-10-01)
- Added support for the 2020-02-10 service version.
- Added support to getFileRanges on a previous snapshot by adding the getFileRangesDiff API.
- Added support to set whether or not smb multichannel is enabled.
- Added support to lease shares and snapshot shares.
- Added support to specify a lease id for share operations.
- Fixed a bug where getProperties on a file client would throw a HttpResponseException instead of ShareStorageException.
- Fixed a bug where snapshot would be appended to a share snapshot instead of sharesnapshot.
- Fixed a bug that would cause auth failures when building a client by passing an endpoint which had a sas token with protocol set to https,http
- Fixed a bug where a custom application id in HttpLogOptions would not be added to the User Agent String.