github Azure/azure-sdk-for-java azure-security-attestation_1.0.0

2 years ago

1.0.0 (2022-02-08)

Breaking Changes

  • Removed buildSigningCertificatesClient and buildSigningCertificatesAsyncClient replaced
    with getAttestationSigners and getAttestationSignersWithResponse on AttestationClient
    and AttestationAsyncClient.
  • Removed buildMetadataConfigurationClient and buildMetadataConfigurationAsyncClient API
    • get API becomes getMetadataConfiguration on AttestationClient
    • getWithResponse becomes getMetadataConfigurationWithResponse
    • getAsync becomes getMetadataConfiguration on AttestationAsyncClient.
    • getWithResponseAsync becomes getMetadataConfigurationWithResponse on AttestationAsyncClient.
  • Removed InitTimeData, RunTimeData, and DataType types
    • All functionality incorporated into AttestOpenEnclaveRequest and AttestSgxEnclaveRequest
  • Changed function signature for AttestOpenEnclaveRequest and AttestSgxEnclaveRequest.
    • Changed setInitTimeData to accept a byte[] instead of a InitTimeData.
      setInitTimeData sets a binary InitTime data value.
    • Added setInitTimeJson which takes a byte[] and sets the
      InitTime data as JSON.
    • Similarly, setRunTimeData was changed to accept a byte[].
    • And setRunTimeJson was added to set the RunTimeData as JSON.
  • Renamed AttestOpenEnclaveRequest to AttestOpenEnclaveOptions and AttestSgxEnclaveRequest to AttestSgxEnclaveOptions.
  • Instead of being directly instantiated, AttestOpenEnclaveOptions and AttestSgxEnclaveOptions are instantiated via a
    factory method:
AttestSgxEnclaveOptions options = AttestSgxEnclaveOptions
    .setRunTimeData(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5});


AttestOpenEnclaveOptions options = AttestOpenEnclaveOptions
    .setRunTimeJson("{ \"xxx\": 123 }".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
  • attestSgxEnclave and attestOpenEnclave return an AttestationResponse type instead of
    a Response type to get access to the AttestationToken returned from the attestation service.
  • Converted the AttestationToken and AttestationSigner types to interfaces since there are no scenarios where customers
    will instantiate them directly.
  • Renamed buildAttestationClient to buildClient and buildAsyncAttestationClient to buildAsyncClient to match API
    design guidelines.
  • Removed buildPolicyClient, buildPolicyAsyncClient, buildPolicyCertificatesClient and buildPolicyCertificatesAsyncClient methods
    on the AttestationClientBuilder class and implemented a new AttestationAdministrationClient class which contains the administrative APIs.
  • Removed buildPolicyCertificatesClient and buildPolicyCertificatesAsyncClient, and PolicyCertificatesClient and PolicyCertificatesAsyncClient replacing the functionality
    with the listPolicyManagementCertificates, addPolicyManagementCertificate and removePolicyManagementCertificate APIs on the AttestationAdministrationClient object.
  • Removed JsonWebKey, JsonWebKeySet, PolicyCertificatesModificationResult, PolicyCertificatesModifyResponse, and CertificatesResponse objects
    because they are no longer a part of the public API surface.
  • Refactored AttestationSigningKey class to require certificate and signing key parameters in constructor.
  • listAttestationSigners now returns an AttestationSignersCollection object instead of a raw List<AttestationSigner>

Bugs Fixed

  • Attestation tests now all pass when run in Live mode.

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