github Azure/azure-sdk-for-java azure-resourcemanager-connectedvmware_1.1.0

11 hours ago

1.1.0 (2024-12-13)

  • Azure Resource Manager ConnectedVMware client library for Java. This package contains Microsoft Azure SDK for ConnectedVMware Management SDK. Connected VMware Client. Package tag package-2023-10. For documentation on how to use this package, please see Azure Management Libraries for Java.

Breaking Changes

Serialization/Deserialization change

  • Jackson is removed from dependency and no longer supported.
Migration Guide

If you are using Jackson/ObjectMapper for manual serialization/deserialization, configure your ObjectMapper for backward compatibility:


Features Added

models.DatastoreInventoryItem was modified

  • inventoryType() was added

models.VirtualMachineTemplateInventoryItem was modified

  • inventoryType() was added

models.VirtualMachineInventoryItem was modified

  • inventoryType() was added

models.HostInventoryItem was modified

  • inventoryType() was added

models.VirtualNetworkInventoryItem was modified

  • inventoryType() was added

models.InventoryItemProperties was modified

  • inventoryType() was added

models.ResourcePoolInventoryItem was modified

  • inventoryType() was added

models.ClusterInventoryItem was modified

  • inventoryType() was added

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