github Azure/azure-sdk-for-java azure-messaging-eventhubs_5.20.0

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16 hours ago

5.20.0 (2025-02-11)

Features Added

  • Setting the v2 stack as the default. (43725)

Breaking Changes

  • Do not remove x-opt-partition-key message annotation when publishing events.
    If event is received from an Event Hub, it may contain x-opt-partition-key message annotation. If this event is
    published to another Event Hub, previous version of the Event Hubs SDK did not pass this annotation to the next Event Hub.
    Starting with this version:

    • if the event is sent with SendOptions or CreateBatchOptions containing null partition key, the existing x-opt-partition-key
      message annotation will be used when publishing the event. This is a new behavior.
    • if the event is sent with SendOptions or CreateBatchOptions containing non-null partition key, this partition key will be used.
      This behavior did not change.

    If you relied on the previous behavior, make sure to clear the x-opt-partition-key message annotation before re-sending the event.

Bugs Fixed

  • Set partition key in addition to partition id when publishing events with EventHubsBufferedProducerClient.
  • Do not remove x-opt-sequence-number, x-opt-offset, x-opt-enqueued-time, x-opt-publisher message annotations
    when re-sending events received from another Event Hub. Message annotations should not be modified by the SDK and Event Hubs
    will overwrite these values when the event is published.

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