github Azure/azure-sdk-for-java azure-identity_1.2.0-beta.1

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pre-release3 years ago

1.2.0-beta.1 (2020-09-11)

  • Added InteractiveBrowserCredentialBuilder.redirectUrl(String) to configure the redirect URL
  • Deprecated InteractiveBrowserCredentialBuilder.port(int)
  • Added support for App Service 2019 MSI Endpoint in ManagedIdentityCredential
  • Added Shared Token cache support for MacOS Keychain, Gnome Keyring, and plain text for other Linux environments
  • Added option to write to shared token cache from InteractiveBrowserCredential, AuthorizationCodeCredential, UsernamePasswordCredential, DeviceCodeCredential ClientSecretCredential and ClientCertificateCredential
  • Added new APIs for authenticating users with DeviceCodeCredential, InteractiveBrowserCredential and UsernamePasswordCredential.
    • Added method authenticate which pro-actively interacts with the user to authenticate if necessary and returns a serializable AuthenticationRecord
  • Added following configurable options in classes DeviceCodeCredentialBuilder and InteractiveBrowserCredentialBuilder
    • authenticationRecord enables initializing a credential with an AuthenticationRecord returned from a prior call to Authenticate
    • disableAutomaticAuthentication disables automatic user interaction causing the credential to throw an AuthenticationRequiredException when interactive authentication is necessary.

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