github Azure/azure-sdk-for-java azure-cosmos-spark_3-2_2-12_4.32.0

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one month ago

4.32.0 (2024-05-24)

Features Added

  • Added config option spark.cosmos.auth.aad.clientCertPemBase64 to allow using SPN (ServicePrincipal name) authentication with certificate instead of client secret. - See PR 40325
  • Added config option spark.cosmos.accountDataResolverServiceName to allow specifying which AccountDataResolver trait implementation to use if there are multiple on the class path. - See PR 40325

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed an issue where SHOW DATABASES IN only return one database even though multiple databases exist. - See PR 40277
  • Fixed an issue where SHOW TABLES FROM only return one container even though multiple containers exist. - See PR 40277
  • Fixed UserAgent encoding when the suffix contains non-ASCII characters. - SeePR 40293

Other Changes

  • Added robustness improvement to avoid client-side parsing errors java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to parse JSON when Gateway returns duplicate unqiueKeyPolicy in IndexPolicy (invalid json) - SeePR 40306

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