github Azure/azure-sdk-for-java azure-cosmos-spark_3-1_2-12_4.0.0-beta.1
Azure Cosmos DB OLTP Spark 3 Preview 4.0.0-beta.1 Connector

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pre-release3 years ago

Cosmos DB Spark 3.1.1 Connector Preview 4.0.0-beta.1 Release.


  • Supports Spark 3.1.1 and Scala 2.12.
  • Integrated against Spark3 DataSourceV2 API.
  • Devloped ground up using Cosmos DB Java V4 SDK.
  • Added support for Spark Query, Write, and Streaming.
  • Added support for Spark3 Catalog metadata APIs.
  • Added support for Java V4 Throughput Control.
  • Added support for different partitioning strategies
  • Integrated against Cosmos DB TCP protocol.
  • Added support for Databricks automated Maven Resolver.
  • Added support for broadcasting CosmosClient caches to reduce bootstrapping RU throttling.
  • Added support for unified jackson ObjectNode to SparkRow Converter.
  • Added support for Raw Json format.
  • Added support for Config Validation.
  • Added support for Spark application configuration consolidation.
  • Integrated against Cosmos DB FeedRange API to support Partition Split Proofing.
  • Automated CI testing on DataBricks and Cosmos DB live endpoint.
  • Automated CI Testing on Cosmos DB Emulator.

Known limitations

  • Spark structured streaming (micro batches) for consuming change feed has been implemented but not tested end-to-end fully so is considered experimental at this point
  • No support for continuous processing (change feed) yet
  • No perf tests / optimizations have been done yet - we will iterate on perf in the next preview releases. So usage should be limited to non-production environments with this preview.

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