github Azure/azure-sdk-for-java azure-core_1.15.0

3 years ago

1.15.0 (2021-04-02)

New Features

  • Added Binary.toByteBuffer which returns a read-only view of the BinaryData.
  • Added ProxyOptions.fromConfiguration(Configuration, boolean) which allows for configuring if the returned proxy
    is resolved.
  • Added a default JsonSerializer implementation which is optionally used when creating a JsonSerializer with
    JsonSerializerProviders by passing the flag useDefaultIfAbset.
  • Added the ability to configure HTTP logging level without making code changes by configuring environment property
  • Added constructor overloads to PagedFlux which allows for the paging implements to consume the byPage page size value.
  • Added AzureNamedKey and AzureNamedKeyCredential to support authentication using a named key.
  • Added overloads to SerializerAdapter which use byte[] instead of String or InputStream/OutputStream.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where Unix timestamps were not being properly deserialized to OffsetDateTime.
  • Fixed edge cases where response bodies would be eagerly read into a byte[] when they shouldn't.

Dependency Updates

  • Upgraded Jackson from 2.12.1 to 2.12.2.
  • Upgraded Netty from 4.1.59.Final to 4.1.60.Final.

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