github Azure/azure-sdk-for-java azure-core-experimental_1.0.0-beta.12

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pre-release3 years ago

1.0.0-beta.12 (2021-04-02)

New Features

  • Added positional coordinate getter to GeoBoundingBox.
  • Overloaded toString for GeoBoundingBox and GeoPosition.
  • Added getOuterRing to GeoPolygon.
  • Added DynamicRequest and DynamicResponse to enable making REST API calls without a service client.

Breaking Changes

  • Removed GeoArray from public API.
  • Changed GeoBoundingBox constructor to use double instead of Double when including altitude values.
  • Renamed GeoLine to GeoLineString and GeoLineCollection to GeoLineStringCollection.
  • Changed getCoordinates of GeoLineString and GeoLinearRing to return List instead of GeoArray.
  • Removed getCoordinates from GeoLineStringCollection, GeoPointCollection, GeoPolygon, and GeoPolygonCollection.

Dependency Updates

  • Upgraded azure-core from 1.14.0 to 1.15.0.

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