github Azure/azure-sdk-for-java azure-ai-openai_1.0.0-beta.9

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pre-release24 days ago

1.0.0-beta.9 (2024-06-06)

Features Added

  • Added support for service API versions, 2024-04-01-preview and 2024-05-01-preview.
  • Note that AOAI refers to Azure OpenAI and OAI refers to OpenAI.
  • Added timestamp granularity to Whisper transcription; this is an array of enumerated string values
    (word and/or segment) that controls which, if any, timestamp information is emitted to transcription results.
    • AudioTranscriptionTimestampGranularity enum to represent the timestamp granularity options for Whisper transcription.
    • AudioTranscriptionWord class to represent the word timestamp information in the transcription results.
  • Added two new audio formats, wav and pcm, to the SpeechGenerationResponseFormat enum.


  • Added a new RAI content filter schema type, ContentFilterDetailedResults, that features:
    • The boolean filtered property from ContentFilterResult.
    • An array named details of the existing ContentFilterBlocklistIdResult type, each of which has:
      • The base boolean filtered
      • A string id
  • Added a new property indirectAttack in ContentFilterResultDetailsForPrompt class to represent the indirect attack results.
  • Added a new property custom_blocklists in ImageGenerationPromptFilterResults class to represent the prompt filter results.

On Your Data

  • New string enum type used in options: OnYourDataContextProperty: "citations" | "intent" | "allRetrievedDocuments"
    • This is used in arrays like a bitmasked flag; "give me citations and documents" == [ "citations", "allRetrievedDocuments" ]
    • It's not dissimilar to how transcription uses timestamp_granularities[]
  • New model type used in response extensions: retrievedDocument
    • Inherits from existing citation
    • Required properties: content (string, inherited), search_queries (array of strings), data_source_index (int32), original_search_score (double)
    • Optional properties: title, url, filepath, chunk_id (all strings inherited from citation); re_rank_score (double)
  • New options fields for chat extension parameters (request options):
    • max_search_queries (optional int32)
    • allow_partial_result (optional boolean)
    • include_contexts (optional array of the above OnYourDataContextProperty enum (effective flag selection))
    • Affected *parameters types:
      • AzureSearchChatExtensionParameters
      • AzureMachineLearningIndexChatExtensionParameters
      • AzureCosmosDBChatExtensionParameters
      • ElasticsearchChatExtensionParameters
      • PineconeChatExtensionParameters
  • Vectorization source types have a new dimensions property (optional int32)
    • Affected: OnYourDataEndpointVectorizationSource, OnYourDataDeploymentNameVectorizationSource
  • AzureSearchChatExtensionParameters now supports OnYourDataAccessTokenAuthenticationOptions in its named authentication field
  • OnYourDataEndpointVectorizationSource now supports OnYourDataAccessTokenAuthenticationOptions for its named authentication field.
  • Added new class OnYourDataVectorSearchAuthenticationType, OnYourDataVectorSearchAuthenticationOptions,
    OnYourDataVectorSearchApiKeyAuthenticationOptions, OnYourDataVectorSearchAccessTokenAuthenticationOptions for the
    vector search authentication options.
  • The response extension type AzureChatExtensionsMessageContext has a new all_retrieved_documents field, which is an optional array of the new retrievedDocument type defined earlier.

Breaking Changes

  • Replaced Jackson Databind annotations with azure-json functionality for OpenAI service models.
  • [AOAI] Added a new class ContentFilterDetailedResults to represent detailed content filter results, which replaces the
    customBlocklists response property type, List<ContentFilterBlocklistIdResult> in
    ContentFilterResultDetailsForPrompt and ContentFilterResultsForChoice class.
  • [AOAI] Replaced OnYourDataAuthenticationOptions with OnYourDataVectorSearchAuthenticationOptions in the OnYourDataEndpointVectorizationSource class.
    Currently, OnYourDataEndpointVectorizationSource only supports OnYourDataApiKeyAuthenticationOptions and OnYourDataAccessTokenAuthenticationOptions as authentication options.

Other Changes

Dependency Updates

  • Upgraded azure-core to version 1.49.1.
  • Upgraded azure-core-http-netty to version 1.15.1.

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