github Azure/azure-sdk-for-java azure-ai-openai-assistants_1.0.0-beta.3

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pre-release24 days ago

1.0.0-beta.3 (2024-06-06)

Features Added


  • Operation updates:
    • Added createRunStream, createThreadAndRunStream and submitToolOutputsToRunStream methods to AssistantsClient and AssistantsAsyncClient classes.
      A suite of classes extending from StreamUpdate were added for users to be able to consume the incremental updates from the service.


  • Model updates:
    • Assistant, AssistantCreationOptions and UpdateAssistantOptions models:
      • Added new fields: toolResources , temperature, topP and responseFormat.


  • Model updates:
    • OpenAIFile model changes:
      • Added new fields: status of FileState type and status_details of String type.
    • Added new enum FileState representing the type of the status field mentioned in the previous point.
    • Added new possible values for FilePurpose: batch, batch_output and vision.


  • Operation updates:

    • Updated listMessages to accept the filter runId.
  • Model updates:

    • Added new model MessageAttachment.
    • Updated docs renaming mentions of retrieval tool to file_search.
    • Added new field, startIndex and endIndex to MessageTextFileCitationAnnotation, MessageTextFilePathAnnotation model.

Run Step

  • Model updates:
    • ThreadRun model updates:
      • Added fields: temperature, topP, maxPromptTokens, maxCompletionTokens, truncationStrategy, toolChoice and responseFormat.
    • Updated documentation for RunCompletionUsage.
    • CreateRunOptions model updates:
      • Added fields: additionalMessages, temperature, topP, maxPromptTokens, maxCompletionTokens, truncationStrategy, toolChoice and responseFormat.
    • CreateAndRunThreadOptions model updates:
      • Added fields: toolResources, temperature, topP, maxPromptTokens, maxCompletionTokens, truncationStrategy, toolChoice and responseFormat.
    • Added new model for all the truncationStrategy fields called TruncationObject.


  • Model updates:
    • AssistantThread model now includes toolResources field as nullable.
    • AssistantThreadCreationOptions updates include: messages type using renamed type ThreadInitializationMessage -> ThreadMessageOptions, toolResources.

Tool Resources (new)

  • Model updates:
    • There are 3 new models that were added: ToolResources, CreateToolResourcesOptions and UpdateToolResourcesOptions. As the name implies, wherever there is
      a field toolResource we use the appropriate type, depending on the model declaring it is meant to be a response object, create request object or update request object, respectively.

Vector Stores (new)

There are 3 main areas for vector stores into which its models and operations can be divided. That is vector stores themselves, vector store files and vector store file batches.

  • Model updates:

    • new models (I will just list the top level response and request objects, but there are several subtypes describing more complex JSON object fields): VectorStore and VectorStoreOptions, VectorStoreFile and there is no request object, VectorStoreFileBatch and there is no request object.
  • Operation Updates:

    • new operations listVectorStores , createVectorStore, getVectorStore, modifyVectorStore and deleteVectorStore.
    • new vector store file operations: listVectorStoreFiles, createVectorStoreFile, getVectorStoreFile and deleteVectorStoreFile.
    • new vector store file batch operations: createVectorStoreFileBatch, getVectorStoreFileBatch, cancelVectorStoreFileBatch and listVectorStoreFileBatchFiles.

Breaking Changes


  • Model updates:
    • Removed AssistantFile model.
    • Assistant, AssistantCreateOptions and UpdateAssistantOptions models:
      • removed fields: fileIds.
  • Operation updates:
    • Removed operations: createAssistantFile , listAssistantFiles, getAssistantFile and deleteAssistantFile.


  • Removed method uploadFile(FileDetails file, FilePurpose purpose). Use uploadFile(FileDetails file, FilePurpose purpose, String fileName) instead


  • Model updates:

    • Renamed ThreadInitializationMessage to ThreadMessageOptions.
    • Removed MessageFile model.
    • Updated ThreadMessage model:
      • The field incomplete_details was of the wrong type. Corrected from MessageIncompleteDetailsReason -> MessageIncompleteDetails.
      • assistantId was marked as optional, but it was in fact nullable
      • runId was marked as optional, but it was in fact nullable
      • Removed field fileIds
      • Added new field attachments a nullable array of MessageAttachment
  • Operation updates:

    • Removed MessageFile related operations: listMessageFiles and getMessageFile
    • Updated createMessage to accept the ThreadMessageOptions model (also used in AssistantThreadCreationOptions)

Run Step

  • Model updates:
    • ThreadRun model updates:
      • Removed field fileIds


  • Model updates:

    • Extracted fields used in updateThread operation into model UpdateAssistantThreadOptions which now includes the new fields toolResources.
  • Operation updates:

    • updateThread using extracted model UpdatedAssistantThreadOptions instead of parameters using the spread operator.


  • Model updates: (mostly about renaming tool retrieval to file_search)
    • Renamed model RetrievalToolDefinition to FileSearchToolDefinition and the associated discriminator value.
    • Renamed model RunStepDeltaRetrievalToolCall to RunStepDeltaFileSearchToolCall.
    • RunStepToolCall variant RunStepRetrievalToolCall renamed to RunStepFileSearchToolCall and the associated discriminator value.

Bugs Fixed

  • A combination of inputs for uploadFile would allow users to not send String filename to the service resulting always in an error, as this is actually mandatory.

Other Changes

Dependency Updates

  • Upgraded azure-core to version 1.49.1.
  • Upgraded azure-core-http-netty to version 1.15.1.

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