github Azure/azure-sdk-for-go sdk/resourcemanager/workloads/armworkloads/v0.3.0

latest releases: sdk/messaging/eventgrid/azsystemevents/v0.4.2, sdk/containers/azcontainerregistry/v0.2.2, sdk/monitor/query/azlogs/v1.1.0-beta.1...
pre-release19 months ago

0.3.0 (2023-02-24)

Breaking Changes

  • Type alias ApplicationProvisioningState has been removed
  • Type alias AzureFrontDoorEnabled has been removed
  • Type alias DatabaseTier has been removed
  • Type alias DatabaseType has been removed
  • Type alias DiskStorageType has been removed
  • Type alias EnableBackup has been removed
  • Type alias EnableSSLEnforcement has been removed
  • Type alias FileShareStorageType has been removed
  • Type alias FileShareType has been removed
  • Type alias HAEnabled has been removed
  • Type alias LoadBalancerType has been removed
  • Type alias LocationType has been removed
  • Type alias OSImageOffer has been removed
  • Type alias OSImagePublisher has been removed
  • Type alias OSImageSKU has been removed
  • Type alias OSImageVersion has been removed
  • Type alias PHPVersion has been removed
  • Type alias PhpWorkloadProvisioningState has been removed
  • Type alias RedisCacheFamily has been removed
  • Type alias SKURestrictionReasonCode has been removed
  • Type alias SKURestrictionType has been removed
  • Type alias SKUScaleType has been removed
  • Type alias SKUTier has been removed
  • Type alias SearchType has been removed
  • Type alias WordpressVersions has been removed
  • Type alias WorkloadKind has been removed
  • Function NewPhpWorkloadsClient has been removed
  • Function *PhpWorkloadsClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate has been removed
  • Function *PhpWorkloadsClient.BeginDelete has been removed
  • Function *PhpWorkloadsClient.Get has been removed
  • Function *PhpWorkloadsClient.NewListByResourceGroupPager has been removed
  • Function *PhpWorkloadsClient.NewListBySubscriptionPager has been removed
  • Function *PhpWorkloadsClient.Update has been removed
  • Function NewSKUsClient has been removed
  • Function *SKUsClient.NewListPager has been removed
  • Function NewWordpressInstancesClient has been removed
  • Function *WordpressInstancesClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate has been removed
  • Function *WordpressInstancesClient.Delete has been removed
  • Function *WordpressInstancesClient.Get has been removed
  • Function *WordpressInstancesClient.NewListPager has been removed
  • Struct BackupProfile has been removed
  • Struct CacheProfile has been removed
  • Struct DatabaseProfile has been removed
  • Struct DiskInfo has been removed
  • Struct FileshareProfile has been removed
  • Struct NetworkProfile has been removed
  • Struct NodeProfile has been removed
  • Struct OsImageProfile has been removed
  • Struct PatchResourceRequestBody has been removed
  • Struct PatchResourceRequestBodyIdentity has been removed
  • Struct PhpProfile has been removed
  • Struct PhpWorkloadResource has been removed
  • Struct PhpWorkloadResourceIdentity has been removed
  • Struct PhpWorkloadResourceList has been removed
  • Struct PhpWorkloadResourceProperties has been removed
  • Struct PhpWorkloadsClient has been removed
  • Struct PhpWorkloadsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Struct PhpWorkloadsClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Struct PhpWorkloadsClientListByResourceGroupResponse has been removed
  • Struct PhpWorkloadsClientListBySubscriptionResponse has been removed
  • Struct RestrictionInfo has been removed
  • Struct SKU has been removed
  • Struct SKUCapability has been removed
  • Struct SKUCapacity has been removed
  • Struct SKUCost has been removed
  • Struct SKUDefinition has been removed
  • Struct SKULocationAndZones has been removed
  • Struct SKURestriction has been removed
  • Struct SKUZoneDetail has been removed
  • Struct SKUsClient has been removed
  • Struct SKUsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Struct SKUsListResult has been removed
  • Struct SearchProfile has been removed
  • Struct SiteProfile has been removed
  • Struct UserProfile has been removed
  • Struct VmssNodesProfile has been removed
  • Struct WordpressInstanceResource has been removed
  • Struct WordpressInstanceResourceList has been removed
  • Struct WordpressInstanceResourceProperties has been removed
  • Struct WordpressInstancesClient has been removed
  • Struct WordpressInstancesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Struct WordpressInstancesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field DbSSLCertificateURI of struct HanaDbProviderInstanceProperties has been removed
  • Field VirtualMachineID of struct SAPApplicationServerProperties has been removed
  • Field DiskCount of struct SAPDiskConfiguration has been removed
  • Field DiskIopsReadWrite of struct SAPDiskConfiguration has been removed
  • Field DiskMBpsReadWrite of struct SAPDiskConfiguration has been removed
  • Field DiskSizeGB of struct SAPDiskConfiguration has been removed
  • Field DiskStorageType of struct SAPDiskConfiguration has been removed
  • Field DiskType of struct SAPDiskConfiguration has been removed
  • Field Volume of struct SAPDiskConfiguration has been removed
  • Field DiskConfigurations of struct SAPDiskConfigurationsResult has been removed
  • Field SapSSLCertificateURI of struct SapNetWeaverProviderInstanceProperties has been removed
  • Field HardStop of struct StopRequest has been removed

Features Added

  • New value SAPSoftwareInstallationTypeExternal added to type alias SAPSoftwareInstallationType
  • New value SAPVirtualInstanceStateSoftwareDetectionFailed, SAPVirtualInstanceStateSoftwareDetectionInProgress added to type alias SAPVirtualInstanceState
  • New value SAPVirtualInstanceStatusSoftShutdown added to type alias SAPVirtualInstanceStatus
  • New type alias ApplicationServerVirtualMachineType with values ApplicationServerVirtualMachineTypeActive, ApplicationServerVirtualMachineTypeStandby, ApplicationServerVirtualMachineTypeUnknown
  • New type alias ConfigurationType with values ConfigurationTypeCreateAndMount, ConfigurationTypeMount, ConfigurationTypeSkip
  • New type alias DiskSKUName with values DiskSKUNamePremiumLRS, DiskSKUNamePremiumV2LRS, DiskSKUNamePremiumZRS, DiskSKUNameStandardLRS, DiskSKUNameStandardSSDLRS, DiskSKUNameStandardSSDZRS, DiskSKUNameUltraSSDLRS
  • New type alias NamingPatternType with values NamingPatternTypeFullResourceName
  • New type alias SSLPreference with values SSLPreferenceDisabled, SSLPreferenceRootCertificate, SSLPreferenceServerCertificate
  • New type alias SapLandscapeMonitorProvisioningState with values SapLandscapeMonitorProvisioningStateAccepted, SapLandscapeMonitorProvisioningStateCanceled, SapLandscapeMonitorProvisioningStateCreated, SapLandscapeMonitorProvisioningStateFailed, SapLandscapeMonitorProvisioningStateSucceeded
  • New function *CreateAndMountFileShareConfiguration.GetFileShareConfiguration() *FileShareConfiguration
  • New function *ExternalInstallationSoftwareConfiguration.GetSoftwareConfiguration() *SoftwareConfiguration
  • New function *FileShareConfiguration.GetFileShareConfiguration() *FileShareConfiguration
  • New function *MountFileShareConfiguration.GetFileShareConfiguration() *FileShareConfiguration
  • New function *SAPApplicationServerInstancesClient.BeginStartInstance(context.Context, string, string, string, *SAPApplicationServerInstancesClientBeginStartInstanceOptions) (*runtime.Poller[SAPApplicationServerInstancesClientStartInstanceResponse], error)
  • New function *SAPApplicationServerInstancesClient.BeginStopInstance(context.Context, string, string, string, *SAPApplicationServerInstancesClientBeginStopInstanceOptions) (*runtime.Poller[SAPApplicationServerInstancesClientStopInstanceResponse], error)
  • New function *SAPCentralInstancesClient.BeginStartInstance(context.Context, string, string, string, *SAPCentralInstancesClientBeginStartInstanceOptions) (*runtime.Poller[SAPCentralInstancesClientStartInstanceResponse], error)
  • New function *SAPCentralInstancesClient.BeginStopInstance(context.Context, string, string, string, *SAPCentralInstancesClientBeginStopInstanceOptions) (*runtime.Poller[SAPCentralInstancesClientStopInstanceResponse], error)
  • New function *SAPDatabaseInstancesClient.BeginStartInstance(context.Context, string, string, string, *SAPDatabaseInstancesClientBeginStartInstanceOptions) (*runtime.Poller[SAPDatabaseInstancesClientStartInstanceResponse], error)
  • New function *SAPDatabaseInstancesClient.BeginStopInstance(context.Context, string, string, string, *SAPDatabaseInstancesClientBeginStopInstanceOptions) (*runtime.Poller[SAPDatabaseInstancesClientStopInstanceResponse], error)
  • New function NewSapLandscapeMonitorClient(string, azcore.TokenCredential, *arm.ClientOptions) (*SapLandscapeMonitorClient, error)
  • New function *SapLandscapeMonitorClient.Create(context.Context, string, string, SapLandscapeMonitor, *SapLandscapeMonitorClientCreateOptions) (SapLandscapeMonitorClientCreateResponse, error)
  • New function *SapLandscapeMonitorClient.Delete(context.Context, string, string, *SapLandscapeMonitorClientDeleteOptions) (SapLandscapeMonitorClientDeleteResponse, error)
  • New function *SapLandscapeMonitorClient.Get(context.Context, string, string, *SapLandscapeMonitorClientGetOptions) (SapLandscapeMonitorClientGetResponse, error)
  • New function *SapLandscapeMonitorClient.List(context.Context, string, string, *SapLandscapeMonitorClientListOptions) (SapLandscapeMonitorClientListResponse, error)
  • New function *SapLandscapeMonitorClient.Update(context.Context, string, string, SapLandscapeMonitor, *SapLandscapeMonitorClientUpdateOptions) (SapLandscapeMonitorClientUpdateResponse, error)
  • New function *SingleServerCustomResourceNames.GetSingleServerCustomResourceNames() *SingleServerCustomResourceNames
  • New function *SingleServerFullResourceNames.GetSingleServerCustomResourceNames() *SingleServerCustomResourceNames
  • New function *SkipFileShareConfiguration.GetFileShareConfiguration() *FileShareConfiguration
  • New function *ThreeTierCustomResourceNames.GetThreeTierCustomResourceNames() *ThreeTierCustomResourceNames
  • New function *ThreeTierFullResourceNames.GetThreeTierCustomResourceNames() *ThreeTierCustomResourceNames
  • New struct ApplicationServerFullResourceNames
  • New struct ApplicationServerVMDetails
  • New struct CentralServerFullResourceNames
  • New struct CreateAndMountFileShareConfiguration
  • New struct DatabaseServerFullResourceNames
  • New struct DiskConfiguration
  • New struct DiskDetails
  • New struct DiskSKU
  • New struct DiskVolumeConfiguration
  • New struct ExternalInstallationSoftwareConfiguration
  • New struct LoadBalancerDetails
  • New struct LoadBalancerResourceNames
  • New struct MountFileShareConfiguration
  • New struct NetworkInterfaceResourceNames
  • New struct SAPApplicationServerInstancesClientStartInstanceResponse
  • New struct SAPApplicationServerInstancesClientStopInstanceResponse
  • New struct SAPCentralInstancesClientStartInstanceResponse
  • New struct SAPCentralInstancesClientStopInstanceResponse
  • New struct SAPDatabaseInstancesClientStartInstanceResponse
  • New struct SAPDatabaseInstancesClientStopInstanceResponse
  • New struct SapLandscapeMonitor
  • New struct SapLandscapeMonitorClient
  • New struct SapLandscapeMonitorListResult
  • New struct SapLandscapeMonitorMetricThresholds
  • New struct SapLandscapeMonitorProperties
  • New struct SapLandscapeMonitorPropertiesGrouping
  • New struct SapLandscapeMonitorSidMapping
  • New struct SharedStorageResourceNames
  • New struct SingleServerFullResourceNames
  • New struct SkipFileShareConfiguration
  • New struct StorageConfiguration
  • New struct StorageInformation
  • New struct ThreeTierFullResourceNames
  • New struct VirtualMachineResourceNames
  • New field StorageDetails in struct CentralServerVMDetails
  • New field SSLCertificateURI in struct DB2ProviderInstanceProperties
  • New field SSLPreference in struct DB2ProviderInstanceProperties
  • New field DiskConfiguration in struct DatabaseConfiguration
  • New field StorageDetails in struct DatabaseVMDetails
  • New field ManagedRgStorageAccountName in struct DiscoveryConfiguration
  • New field SSLCertificateURI in struct HanaDbProviderInstanceProperties
  • New field SSLPreference in struct HanaDbProviderInstanceProperties
  • New field SapSid in struct HanaDbProviderInstanceProperties
  • New field StorageAccountArmID in struct MonitorProperties
  • New field ZoneRedundancyPreference in struct MonitorProperties
  • New field SSLCertificateURI in struct MsSQLServerProviderInstanceProperties
  • New field SSLPreference in struct MsSQLServerProviderInstanceProperties
  • New field SSLCertificateURI in struct PrometheusHaClusterProviderInstanceProperties
  • New field SSLPreference in struct PrometheusHaClusterProviderInstanceProperties
  • New field SSLCertificateURI in struct PrometheusOSProviderInstanceProperties
  • New field SSLPreference in struct PrometheusOSProviderInstanceProperties
  • New field SapSid in struct PrometheusOSProviderInstanceProperties
  • New field LoadBalancerDetails in struct SAPApplicationServerProperties
  • New field VMDetails in struct SAPApplicationServerProperties
  • New field LoadBalancerDetails in struct SAPCentralServerProperties
  • New field LoadBalancerDetails in struct SAPDatabaseProperties
  • New field RecommendedConfiguration in struct SAPDiskConfiguration
  • New field SupportedConfigurations in struct SAPDiskConfiguration
  • New field VolumeConfigurations in struct SAPDiskConfigurationsResult
  • New field SSLCertificateURI in struct SapNetWeaverProviderInstanceProperties
  • New field SSLPreference in struct SapNetWeaverProviderInstanceProperties
  • New field CustomResourceNames in struct SingleServerConfiguration
  • New field DbDiskConfiguration in struct SingleServerConfiguration
  • New field SoftStopTimeoutSeconds in struct StopRequest
  • New field CustomResourceNames in struct ThreeTierConfiguration
  • New field StorageConfiguration in struct ThreeTierConfiguration

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