github Azure/azure-sdk-for-go sdk/resourcemanager/webpubsub/armwebpubsub/v0.3.0

latest releases: sdk/resourcemanager/trustedsigning/armtrustedsigning/v0.1.0, sdk/resourcemanager/computeschedule/armcomputeschedule/v0.1.0, sdk/resourcemanager/containerservice/armcontainerservice/v6.2.0-beta.1...
pre-release2 years ago

0.3.0 (2022-04-13)

Breaking Changes

  • Function *Client.BeginUpdate return value(s) have been changed from (ClientUpdatePollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[ClientUpdateResponse], error)
  • Function *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.BeginDelete return value(s) have been changed from (SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientDeletePollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientDeleteResponse], error)
  • Function *Client.BeginDelete return value(s) have been changed from (ClientDeletePollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[ClientDeleteResponse], error)
  • Function NewHubsClient return value(s) have been changed from (*HubsClient) to (*HubsClient, error)
  • Function *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient.BeginDelete return value(s) have been changed from (PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientDeletePollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientDeleteResponse], error)
  • Function *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (*PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListPager) to (*runtime.Pager[PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListResponse])
  • Function *Client.BeginRestart return value(s) have been changed from (ClientRestartPollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[ClientRestartResponse], error)
  • Function NewPrivateLinkResourcesClient return value(s) have been changed from (*PrivateLinkResourcesClient) to (*PrivateLinkResourcesClient, error)
  • Function *Client.ListByResourceGroup return value(s) have been changed from (*ClientListByResourceGroupPager) to (*runtime.Pager[ClientListByResourceGroupResponse])
  • Function *Client.BeginRegenerateKey return value(s) have been changed from (ClientRegenerateKeyPollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[ClientRegenerateKeyResponse], error)
  • Function *PrivateLinkResourcesClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (*PrivateLinkResourcesClientListPager) to (*runtime.Pager[PrivateLinkResourcesClientListResponse])
  • Function NewUsagesClient return value(s) have been changed from (*UsagesClient) to (*UsagesClient, error)
  • Function NewPrivateEndpointConnectionsClient return value(s) have been changed from (*PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient) to (*PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient, error)
  • Function *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate return value(s) have been changed from (SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientCreateOrUpdatePollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse], error)
  • Function *UsagesClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (*UsagesClientListPager) to (*runtime.Pager[UsagesClientListResponse])
  • Function NewClient return value(s) have been changed from (*Client) to (*Client, error)
  • Function *Client.ListBySubscription return value(s) have been changed from (*ClientListBySubscriptionPager) to (*runtime.Pager[ClientListBySubscriptionResponse])
  • Function *OperationsClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (*OperationsClientListPager) to (*runtime.Pager[OperationsClientListResponse])
  • Function *HubsClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate return value(s) have been changed from (HubsClientCreateOrUpdatePollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[HubsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse], error)
  • Function *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (*SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListPager) to (*runtime.Pager[SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListResponse])
  • Function *HubsClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (*HubsClientListPager) to (*runtime.Pager[HubsClientListResponse])
  • Function *Client.BeginCreateOrUpdate return value(s) have been changed from (ClientCreateOrUpdatePollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[ClientCreateOrUpdateResponse], error)
  • Function *HubsClient.BeginDelete return value(s) have been changed from (HubsClientDeletePollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[HubsClientDeleteResponse], error)
  • Function NewOperationsClient return value(s) have been changed from (*OperationsClient) to (*OperationsClient, error)
  • Function NewSharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient return value(s) have been changed from (*SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient) to (*SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClient, error)
  • Function *HubsClientCreateOrUpdatePoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *ClientRegenerateKeyPollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function HubsClientDeletePollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientDeletePollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function ClientRegenerateKeyPollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function *ClientRegenerateKeyPoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *OperationsClientListPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *HubsClientCreateOrUpdatePoller.Done has been removed
  • Function *PrivateLinkResourcesClientListPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *HubsClientDeletePoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientDeletePoller.Done has been removed
  • Function *ClientCreateOrUpdatePoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *ClientRegenerateKeyPoller.Done has been removed
  • Function *UsagesClientListPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *PrivateLinkResourcesClientListPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientDeletePoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientDeletePoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function *ClientListBySubscriptionPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function WebPubSubSKUTier.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function ScaleType.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *ClientListByResourceGroupPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function *ClientUpdatePollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *UsagesClientListPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function CreatedByType.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function ClientUpdatePollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function *ClientListByResourceGroupPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *ClientRestartPoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientDeletePoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *ClientListBySubscriptionPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *ClientDeletePollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientDeletePoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *HubsClientCreateOrUpdatePoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientDeletePoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *PrivateLinkResourcesClientListPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientDeletePollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientDeletePollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function ProvisioningState.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *HubsClientDeletePoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function ACLAction.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *ClientListByResourceGroupPager.Err has been removed
  • Function SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientDeletePollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function WebPubSubRequestType.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *ClientDeletePoller.Done has been removed
  • Function *HubsClientDeletePoller.Done has been removed
  • Function SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientCreateOrUpdatePollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function *ClientCreateOrUpdatePoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientCreateOrUpdatePoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *HubsClientListPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function *HubsClientCreateOrUpdatePoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *HubsClientCreateOrUpdatePollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *HubsClientListPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function ClientCreateOrUpdatePollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function *OperationsClientListPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *ClientDeletePoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function PrivateLinkServiceConnectionStatus.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *ClientDeletePoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function SharedPrivateLinkResourceStatus.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *ClientRestartPoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientCreateOrUpdatePollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *ClientRegenerateKeyPoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function *ClientUpdatePoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientDeletePoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *HubsClientDeletePoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *ClientRegenerateKeyPoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *ClientUpdatePoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *HubsClientListPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *UsagesClientListPager.Err has been removed
  • Function ClientRestartPollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function *ClientRestartPoller.Done has been removed
  • Function *ClientListBySubscriptionPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientCreateOrUpdatePoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *ClientUpdatePoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *ClientRestartPollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function KeyType.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *HubsClientDeletePollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *ClientCreateOrUpdatePoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *ClientRestartPoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *ClientUpdatePoller.Done has been removed
  • Function UpstreamAuthType.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientDeletePoller.Done has been removed
  • Function *ClientDeletePoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientCreateOrUpdatePoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function *OperationsClientListPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function ManagedIdentityType.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function ClientDeletePollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function HubsClientCreateOrUpdatePollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function *ClientCreateOrUpdatePollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientCreateOrUpdatePoller.Done has been removed
  • Function *ClientCreateOrUpdatePoller.Done has been removed
  • Struct ClientCheckNameAvailabilityResult has been removed
  • Struct ClientCreateOrUpdatePoller has been removed
  • Struct ClientCreateOrUpdatePollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct ClientCreateOrUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct ClientDeletePoller has been removed
  • Struct ClientDeletePollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct ClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct ClientListByResourceGroupPager has been removed
  • Struct ClientListByResourceGroupResult has been removed
  • Struct ClientListBySubscriptionPager has been removed
  • Struct ClientListBySubscriptionResult has been removed
  • Struct ClientListKeysResult has been removed
  • Struct ClientListSKUsResult has been removed
  • Struct ClientRegenerateKeyPoller has been removed
  • Struct ClientRegenerateKeyPollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct ClientRegenerateKeyResult has been removed
  • Struct ClientRestartPoller has been removed
  • Struct ClientRestartPollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct ClientUpdatePoller has been removed
  • Struct ClientUpdatePollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct ClientUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct HubsClientCreateOrUpdatePoller has been removed
  • Struct HubsClientCreateOrUpdatePollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct HubsClientCreateOrUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct HubsClientDeletePoller has been removed
  • Struct HubsClientDeletePollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct HubsClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct HubsClientListPager has been removed
  • Struct HubsClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct OperationsClientListPager has been removed
  • Struct OperationsClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientDeletePoller has been removed
  • Struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientDeletePollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListPager has been removed
  • Struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct PrivateLinkResourcesClientListPager has been removed
  • Struct PrivateLinkResourcesClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientCreateOrUpdatePoller has been removed
  • Struct SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientCreateOrUpdatePollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientCreateOrUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientDeletePoller has been removed
  • Struct SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientDeletePollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListPager has been removed
  • Struct SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct UsagesClientListPager has been removed
  • Struct UsagesClientListResult has been removed
  • Field HubsClientGetResult of struct HubsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct HubsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field ClientCreateOrUpdateResult of struct ClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field UsagesClientListResult of struct UsagesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct UsagesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientCreateOrUpdateResult of struct SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field ClientListSKUsResult of struct ClientListSKUsResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ClientListSKUsResponse has been removed
  • Field HubsClientListResult of struct HubsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct HubsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field ClientListByResourceGroupResult of struct ClientListByResourceGroupResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ClientListByResourceGroupResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct HubsClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Field ClientListKeysResult of struct ClientListKeysResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ClientListKeysResponse has been removed
  • Field ClientListBySubscriptionResult of struct ClientListBySubscriptionResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ClientListBySubscriptionResponse has been removed
  • Field PrivateLinkResourcesClientListResult of struct PrivateLinkResourcesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct PrivateLinkResourcesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ClientRestartResponse has been removed
  • Field ClientCheckNameAvailabilityResult of struct ClientCheckNameAvailabilityResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ClientCheckNameAvailabilityResponse has been removed
  • Field ClientRegenerateKeyResult of struct ClientRegenerateKeyResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ClientRegenerateKeyResponse has been removed
  • Field ClientUpdateResult of struct ClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Field PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientUpdateResult of struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field ClientGetResult of struct ClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientGetResult of struct SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListResult of struct SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientGetResult of struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListResult of struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field OperationsClientListResult of struct OperationsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct OperationsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field HubsClientCreateOrUpdateResult of struct HubsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct HubsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed

Features Added

  • New function ErrorDetail.MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
  • New struct ErrorAdditionalInfo
  • New struct ErrorDetail
  • New struct ErrorResponse
  • New field ResumeToken in struct ClientBeginRegenerateKeyOptions
  • New anonymous field SharedPrivateLinkResourceList in struct SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientListResponse
  • New anonymous field ResourceInfoList in struct ClientListBySubscriptionResponse
  • New anonymous field ResourceInfoList in struct ClientListByResourceGroupResponse
  • New anonymous field PrivateEndpointConnectionList in struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListResponse
  • New anonymous field HubList in struct HubsClientListResponse
  • New anonymous field OperationList in struct OperationsClientListResponse
  • New anonymous field Keys in struct ClientListKeysResponse
  • New anonymous field Hub in struct HubsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • New anonymous field NameAvailability in struct ClientCheckNameAvailabilityResponse
  • New anonymous field SKUList in struct ClientListSKUsResponse
  • New anonymous field Keys in struct ClientRegenerateKeyResponse
  • New field ResumeToken in struct ClientBeginRestartOptions
  • New anonymous field ResourceInfo in struct ClientCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • New field ResumeToken in struct HubsClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions
  • New anonymous field SharedPrivateLinkResource in struct SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientGetResponse
  • New field ResumeToken in struct SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientBeginDeleteOptions
  • New anonymous field Hub in struct HubsClientGetResponse
  • New field ResumeToken in struct ClientBeginDeleteOptions
  • New anonymous field PrivateEndpointConnection in struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientGetResponse
  • New anonymous field ResourceInfo in struct ClientGetResponse
  • New anonymous field PrivateEndpointConnection in struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientUpdateResponse
  • New field ResumeToken in struct ClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions
  • New anonymous field ResourceInfo in struct ClientUpdateResponse
  • New anonymous field SignalRServiceUsageList in struct UsagesClientListResponse
  • New field ResumeToken in struct SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions
  • New anonymous field SharedPrivateLinkResource in struct SharedPrivateLinkResourcesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • New field ResumeToken in struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientBeginDeleteOptions
  • New anonymous field PrivateLinkResourceList in struct PrivateLinkResourcesClientListResponse
  • New field ResumeToken in struct HubsClientBeginDeleteOptions
  • New field ResumeToken in struct ClientBeginUpdateOptions

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