github Azure/azure-sdk-for-go sdk/resourcemanager/streamanalytics/armstreamanalytics/v0.4.0

latest releases: sdk/resourcemanager/trustedsigning/armtrustedsigning/v0.1.0, sdk/resourcemanager/computeschedule/armcomputeschedule/v0.1.0, sdk/resourcemanager/containerservice/armcontainerservice/v6.2.0-beta.1...
pre-release2 years ago

0.4.0 (2022-04-13)

Breaking Changes

  • Function *StreamingJobsClient.BeginScale return value(s) have been changed from (StreamingJobsClientScalePollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[StreamingJobsClientScaleResponse], error)
  • Function *StreamingJobsClient.BeginDelete return value(s) have been changed from (StreamingJobsClientDeletePollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[StreamingJobsClientDeleteResponse], error)
  • Function NewStreamingJobsClient return value(s) have been changed from (*StreamingJobsClient) to (*StreamingJobsClient, error)
  • Function NewSubscriptionsClient return value(s) have been changed from (*SubscriptionsClient) to (*SubscriptionsClient, error)
  • Function NewFunctionsClient return value(s) have been changed from (*FunctionsClient) to (*FunctionsClient, error)
  • Function *ClustersClient.BeginDelete return value(s) have been changed from (ClustersClientDeletePollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[ClustersClientDeleteResponse], error)
  • Function *PrivateEndpointsClient.BeginDelete return value(s) have been changed from (PrivateEndpointsClientDeletePollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[PrivateEndpointsClientDeleteResponse], error)
  • Function NewOutputsClient return value(s) have been changed from (*OutputsClient) to (*OutputsClient, error)
  • Function NewTransformationsClient return value(s) have been changed from (*TransformationsClient) to (*TransformationsClient, error)
  • Function *ClustersClient.ListBySubscription return value(s) have been changed from (*ClustersClientListBySubscriptionPager) to (*runtime.Pager[ClustersClientListBySubscriptionResponse])
  • Function *ClustersClient.BeginUpdate return value(s) have been changed from (ClustersClientUpdatePollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[ClustersClientUpdateResponse], error)
  • Function *OutputsClient.ListByStreamingJob return value(s) have been changed from (*OutputsClientListByStreamingJobPager) to (*runtime.Pager[OutputsClientListByStreamingJobResponse])
  • Function *StreamingJobsClient.BeginStop return value(s) have been changed from (StreamingJobsClientStopPollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[StreamingJobsClientStopResponse], error)
  • Function *FunctionsClient.BeginTest return value(s) have been changed from (FunctionsClientTestPollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[FunctionsClientTestResponse], error)
  • Function *StreamingJobsClient.ListByResourceGroup return value(s) have been changed from (*StreamingJobsClientListByResourceGroupPager) to (*runtime.Pager[StreamingJobsClientListByResourceGroupResponse])
  • Function *InputsClient.ListByStreamingJob return value(s) have been changed from (*InputsClientListByStreamingJobPager) to (*runtime.Pager[InputsClientListByStreamingJobResponse])
  • Function *StreamingJobsClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (*StreamingJobsClientListPager) to (*runtime.Pager[StreamingJobsClientListResponse])
  • Function NewOperationsClient return value(s) have been changed from (*OperationsClient) to (*OperationsClient, error)
  • Function *FunctionsClient.ListByStreamingJob return value(s) have been changed from (*FunctionsClientListByStreamingJobPager) to (*runtime.Pager[FunctionsClientListByStreamingJobResponse])
  • Function *StreamingJobsClient.BeginCreateOrReplace return value(s) have been changed from (StreamingJobsClientCreateOrReplacePollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[StreamingJobsClientCreateOrReplaceResponse], error)
  • Function *ClustersClient.ListStreamingJobs return value(s) have been changed from (*ClustersClientListStreamingJobsPager) to (*runtime.Pager[ClustersClientListStreamingJobsResponse])
  • Function *PrivateEndpointsClient.ListByCluster return value(s) have been changed from (*PrivateEndpointsClientListByClusterPager) to (*runtime.Pager[PrivateEndpointsClientListByClusterResponse])
  • Function *ClustersClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate return value(s) have been changed from (ClustersClientCreateOrUpdatePollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[ClustersClientCreateOrUpdateResponse], error)
  • Function *OperationsClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (*OperationsClientListPager) to (*runtime.Pager[OperationsClientListResponse])
  • Function NewInputsClient return value(s) have been changed from (*InputsClient) to (*InputsClient, error)
  • Function NewClustersClient return value(s) have been changed from (*ClustersClient) to (*ClustersClient, error)
  • Function *InputsClient.BeginTest return value(s) have been changed from (InputsClientTestPollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[InputsClientTestResponse], error)
  • Function NewPrivateEndpointsClient return value(s) have been changed from (*PrivateEndpointsClient) to (*PrivateEndpointsClient, error)
  • Function *StreamingJobsClient.BeginStart return value(s) have been changed from (StreamingJobsClientStartPollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[StreamingJobsClientStartResponse], error)
  • Function *OutputsClient.BeginTest return value(s) have been changed from (OutputsClientTestPollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[OutputsClientTestResponse], error)
  • Function *ClustersClient.ListByResourceGroup return value(s) have been changed from (*ClustersClientListByResourceGroupPager) to (*runtime.Pager[ClustersClientListByResourceGroupResponse])
  • Type of ScalarFunctionProperties.Properties has been changed from *ScalarFunctionConfiguration to *FunctionConfiguration
  • Type of AvroSerialization.Properties has been changed from map[string]interface{} to interface{}
  • Type of ParquetSerialization.Properties has been changed from map[string]interface{} to interface{}
  • Type of ServiceBusQueueOutputDataSourceProperties.SystemPropertyColumns has been changed from map[string]interface{} to interface{}
  • Function *InputsClientTestPollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function JSONOutputSerializationFormat.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function ClusterProvisioningState.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function FunctionsClientTestPollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function StreamingJobsClientStopPollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function *OperationsClientListPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function StreamingJobsClientDeletePollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function *OperationsClientListPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientScalePoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function OutputStartMode.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *FunctionsClientTestPoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function *PrivateEndpointsClientDeletePoller.Done has been removed
  • Function StreamingJobsClientStartPollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function ClustersClientUpdatePollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientStopPoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientScalePoller.Done has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientStartPoller.Done has been removed
  • Function *ClustersClientCreateOrUpdatePoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function StreamingJobsClientCreateOrReplacePollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function RefreshType.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *OutputsClientTestPoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientDeletePoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function SKUName.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *OperationsClientListPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *InputsClientTestPoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientStopPoller.Done has been removed
  • Function OutputsClientTestPollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientListByResourceGroupPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *ClustersClientListStreamingJobsPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function *PrivateEndpointsClientListByClusterPager.Err has been removed
  • Function Encoding.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *ClustersClientCreateOrUpdatePoller.Done has been removed
  • Function *InputsClientListByStreamingJobPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientDeletePoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientStartPoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientCreateOrReplacePoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *ClustersClientDeletePollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *PrivateEndpointsClientDeletePollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *OutputsClientTestPoller.Done has been removed
  • Function *ClustersClientListByResourceGroupPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *ClustersClientDeletePoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *ClustersClientListStreamingJobsPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientStartPoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientScalePoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientStopPoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *PrivateEndpointsClientListByClusterPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *ClustersClientListBySubscriptionPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function AuthenticationMode.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function JobType.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientCreateOrReplacePollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *ClustersClientListByResourceGroupPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function *InputsClientTestPoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function *OutputsClientListByStreamingJobPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *FunctionsClientTestPoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *ClustersClientCreateOrUpdatePoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientStartPollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientListPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function *ClustersClientUpdatePoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function *ClustersClientDeletePoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function PrivateEndpointsClientDeletePollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function CompatibilityLevel.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *ClustersClientDeletePoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientScalePoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function *ClustersClientUpdatePollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *ClustersClientUpdatePoller.Done has been removed
  • Function EventSerializationType.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientStopPollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *ClustersClientListBySubscriptionPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *FunctionsClientListByStreamingJobPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *ClustersClientCreateOrUpdatePoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientDeletePoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *FunctionsClientListByStreamingJobPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function *FunctionsClientTestPollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *FunctionsClientTestPoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientListPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *InputsClientTestPoller.Done has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientScalePollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *PrivateEndpointsClientListByClusterPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function JobState.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *ClustersClientListBySubscriptionPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientCreateOrReplacePoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function CompressionType.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientListByResourceGroupPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientCreateOrReplacePoller.Done has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientListPager.Err has been removed
  • Function EventsOutOfOrderPolicy.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *PrivateEndpointsClientDeletePoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *ClustersClientUpdatePoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientStopPoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function *FunctionsClientListByStreamingJobPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *ClustersClientUpdatePoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *OutputsClientListByStreamingJobPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *OutputsClientListByStreamingJobPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientDeletePollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function ScalarFunctionConfiguration.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function ClustersClientDeletePollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function *PrivateEndpointsClientDeletePoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function *FunctionsClientTestPoller.Done has been removed
  • Function InputsClientTestPollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function ClusterSKUName.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function ClustersClientCreateOrUpdatePollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function *OutputsClientTestPollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *InputsClientListByStreamingJobPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *InputsClientListByStreamingJobPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function ContentStoragePolicy.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *OutputsClientTestPoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *PrivateEndpointsClientDeletePoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientListByResourceGroupPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function *ClustersClientListStreamingJobsPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *ClustersClientCreateOrUpdatePollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *ClustersClientDeletePoller.Done has been removed
  • Function *ScalarFunctionConfiguration.UnmarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function StreamingJobsClientScalePollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function *InputsClientTestPoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientCreateOrReplacePoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function *ClustersClientListByResourceGroupPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientStartPoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *StreamingJobsClientDeletePoller.Done has been removed
  • Function *OutputsClientTestPoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function OutputErrorPolicy.ToPtr has been removed
  • Struct ClustersClientCreateOrUpdatePoller has been removed
  • Struct ClustersClientCreateOrUpdatePollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct ClustersClientCreateOrUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct ClustersClientDeletePoller has been removed
  • Struct ClustersClientDeletePollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct ClustersClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct ClustersClientListByResourceGroupPager has been removed
  • Struct ClustersClientListByResourceGroupResult has been removed
  • Struct ClustersClientListBySubscriptionPager has been removed
  • Struct ClustersClientListBySubscriptionResult has been removed
  • Struct ClustersClientListStreamingJobsPager has been removed
  • Struct ClustersClientListStreamingJobsResult has been removed
  • Struct ClustersClientUpdatePoller has been removed
  • Struct ClustersClientUpdatePollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct ClustersClientUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct FunctionsClientCreateOrReplaceResult has been removed
  • Struct FunctionsClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct FunctionsClientListByStreamingJobPager has been removed
  • Struct FunctionsClientListByStreamingJobResult has been removed
  • Struct FunctionsClientRetrieveDefaultDefinitionResult has been removed
  • Struct FunctionsClientTestPoller has been removed
  • Struct FunctionsClientTestPollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct FunctionsClientTestResult has been removed
  • Struct FunctionsClientUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct InputsClientCreateOrReplaceResult has been removed
  • Struct InputsClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct InputsClientListByStreamingJobPager has been removed
  • Struct InputsClientListByStreamingJobResult has been removed
  • Struct InputsClientTestPoller has been removed
  • Struct InputsClientTestPollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct InputsClientTestResult has been removed
  • Struct InputsClientUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct OperationsClientListPager has been removed
  • Struct OperationsClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct OutputsClientCreateOrReplaceResult has been removed
  • Struct OutputsClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct OutputsClientListByStreamingJobPager has been removed
  • Struct OutputsClientListByStreamingJobResult has been removed
  • Struct OutputsClientTestPoller has been removed
  • Struct OutputsClientTestPollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct OutputsClientTestResult has been removed
  • Struct OutputsClientUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct PrivateEndpointsClientCreateOrUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct PrivateEndpointsClientDeletePoller has been removed
  • Struct PrivateEndpointsClientDeletePollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct PrivateEndpointsClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct PrivateEndpointsClientListByClusterPager has been removed
  • Struct PrivateEndpointsClientListByClusterResult has been removed
  • Struct ScalarFunctionConfiguration has been removed
  • Struct StreamingJobsClientCreateOrReplacePoller has been removed
  • Struct StreamingJobsClientCreateOrReplacePollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct StreamingJobsClientCreateOrReplaceResult has been removed
  • Struct StreamingJobsClientDeletePoller has been removed
  • Struct StreamingJobsClientDeletePollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct StreamingJobsClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct StreamingJobsClientListByResourceGroupPager has been removed
  • Struct StreamingJobsClientListByResourceGroupResult has been removed
  • Struct StreamingJobsClientListPager has been removed
  • Struct StreamingJobsClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct StreamingJobsClientScalePoller has been removed
  • Struct StreamingJobsClientScalePollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct StreamingJobsClientStartPoller has been removed
  • Struct StreamingJobsClientStartPollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct StreamingJobsClientStopPoller has been removed
  • Struct StreamingJobsClientStopPollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct StreamingJobsClientUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct SubscriptionsClientListQuotasResult has been removed
  • Struct TransformationsClientCreateOrReplaceResult has been removed
  • Struct TransformationsClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct TransformationsClientUpdateResult has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct StreamingJobsClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Field TransformationsClientGetResult of struct TransformationsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct TransformationsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct StreamingJobsClientStartResponse has been removed
  • Field InputsClientTestResult of struct InputsClientTestResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct InputsClientTestResponse has been removed
  • Field FunctionsClientListByStreamingJobResult of struct FunctionsClientListByStreamingJobResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct FunctionsClientListByStreamingJobResponse has been removed
  • Field OutputsClientUpdateResult of struct OutputsClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct OutputsClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ClustersClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Field TransformationsClientCreateOrReplaceResult of struct TransformationsClientCreateOrReplaceResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct TransformationsClientCreateOrReplaceResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct PrivateEndpointsClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Field FunctionsClientUpdateResult of struct FunctionsClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct FunctionsClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field ClustersClientUpdateResult of struct ClustersClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ClustersClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field InputsClientUpdateResult of struct InputsClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct InputsClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct OutputsClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Field OperationsClientListResult of struct OperationsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct OperationsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field InputsClientGetResult of struct InputsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct InputsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field InputsClientListByStreamingJobResult of struct InputsClientListByStreamingJobResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct InputsClientListByStreamingJobResponse has been removed
  • Field OutputsClientGetResult of struct OutputsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct OutputsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field OutputsClientCreateOrReplaceResult of struct OutputsClientCreateOrReplaceResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct OutputsClientCreateOrReplaceResponse has been removed
  • Field OutputsClientTestResult of struct OutputsClientTestResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct OutputsClientTestResponse has been removed
  • Field ClustersClientListByResourceGroupResult of struct ClustersClientListByResourceGroupResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ClustersClientListByResourceGroupResponse has been removed
  • Field ClustersClientListBySubscriptionResult of struct ClustersClientListBySubscriptionResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ClustersClientListBySubscriptionResponse has been removed
  • Field StreamingJobsClientListByResourceGroupResult of struct StreamingJobsClientListByResourceGroupResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct StreamingJobsClientListByResourceGroupResponse has been removed
  • Field PrivateEndpointsClientListByClusterResult of struct PrivateEndpointsClientListByClusterResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct PrivateEndpointsClientListByClusterResponse has been removed
  • Field FunctionsClientGetResult of struct FunctionsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct FunctionsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field ClustersClientListStreamingJobsResult of struct ClustersClientListStreamingJobsResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ClustersClientListStreamingJobsResponse has been removed
  • Field StreamingJobsClientUpdateResult of struct StreamingJobsClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct StreamingJobsClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field OutputsClientListByStreamingJobResult of struct OutputsClientListByStreamingJobResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct OutputsClientListByStreamingJobResponse has been removed
  • Field SubscriptionsClientListQuotasResult of struct SubscriptionsClientListQuotasResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct SubscriptionsClientListQuotasResponse has been removed
  • Field PrivateEndpointsClientCreateOrUpdateResult of struct PrivateEndpointsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct PrivateEndpointsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field ClustersClientCreateOrUpdateResult of struct ClustersClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ClustersClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct InputsClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Field StreamingJobsClientListResult of struct StreamingJobsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct StreamingJobsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct StreamingJobsClientScaleResponse has been removed
  • Field StreamingJobsClientGetResult of struct StreamingJobsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct StreamingJobsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field FunctionsClientCreateOrReplaceResult of struct FunctionsClientCreateOrReplaceResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct FunctionsClientCreateOrReplaceResponse has been removed
  • Field FunctionsClientTestResult of struct FunctionsClientTestResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct FunctionsClientTestResponse has been removed
  • Field TransformationsClientUpdateResult of struct TransformationsClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct TransformationsClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field ClustersClientGetResult of struct ClustersClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ClustersClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field InputsClientCreateOrReplaceResult of struct InputsClientCreateOrReplaceResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct InputsClientCreateOrReplaceResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct FunctionsClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct StreamingJobsClientStopResponse has been removed
  • Field StreamingJobsClientCreateOrReplaceResult of struct StreamingJobsClientCreateOrReplaceResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct StreamingJobsClientCreateOrReplaceResponse has been removed
  • Field FunctionsClientRetrieveDefaultDefinitionResult of struct FunctionsClientRetrieveDefaultDefinitionResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct FunctionsClientRetrieveDefaultDefinitionResponse has been removed
  • Field PrivateEndpointsClientGetResult of struct PrivateEndpointsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct PrivateEndpointsClientGetResponse has been removed

Features Added

  • New function AggregateFunctionProperties.MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
  • New function FunctionConfiguration.MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
  • New function *FunctionConfiguration.UnmarshalJSON([]byte) error
  • New function *AggregateFunctionProperties.GetFunctionProperties() *FunctionProperties
  • New function *AzureFunctionOutputDataSource.GetOutputDataSource() *OutputDataSource
  • New function *AggregateFunctionProperties.UnmarshalJSON([]byte) error
  • New function AzureFunctionOutputDataSource.MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
  • New function *AzureFunctionOutputDataSource.UnmarshalJSON([]byte) error
  • New struct AggregateFunctionProperties
  • New struct AzureFunctionOutputDataSource
  • New struct AzureFunctionOutputDataSourceProperties
  • New struct FunctionConfiguration
  • New field ResumeToken in struct StreamingJobsClientBeginStartOptions
  • New anonymous field Transformation in struct TransformationsClientGetResponse
  • New field ETag in struct TransformationsClientGetResponse
  • New anonymous field Function in struct FunctionsClientGetResponse
  • New field ETag in struct FunctionsClientGetResponse
  • New anonymous field PrivateEndpointListResult in struct PrivateEndpointsClientListByClusterResponse
  • New anonymous field PrivateEndpoint in struct PrivateEndpointsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • New anonymous field Cluster in struct ClustersClientUpdateResponse
  • New field ResumeToken in struct PrivateEndpointsClientBeginDeleteOptions
  • New field ResumeToken in struct StreamingJobsClientBeginStopOptions
  • New field ResumeToken in struct InputsClientBeginTestOptions
  • New anonymous field StreamingJob in struct StreamingJobsClientGetResponse
  • New field ETag in struct StreamingJobsClientGetResponse
  • New anonymous field SubscriptionQuotasListResult in struct SubscriptionsClientListQuotasResponse
  • New anonymous field Function in struct FunctionsClientRetrieveDefaultDefinitionResponse
  • New anonymous field OperationListResult in struct OperationsClientListResponse
  • New anonymous field Function in struct FunctionsClientCreateOrReplaceResponse
  • New field ETag in struct FunctionsClientCreateOrReplaceResponse
  • New anonymous field Function in struct FunctionsClientUpdateResponse
  • New field ETag in struct FunctionsClientUpdateResponse
  • New field ResumeToken in struct OutputsClientBeginTestOptions
  • New anonymous field ClusterListResult in struct ClustersClientListByResourceGroupResponse
  • New anonymous field Output in struct OutputsClientGetResponse
  • New field ETag in struct OutputsClientGetResponse
  • New anonymous field Output in struct OutputsClientUpdateResponse
  • New field ETag in struct OutputsClientUpdateResponse
  • New field ResumeToken in struct ClustersClientBeginDeleteOptions
  • New anonymous field StreamingJobListResult in struct StreamingJobsClientListResponse
  • New anonymous field Input in struct InputsClientCreateOrReplaceResponse
  • New field ETag in struct InputsClientCreateOrReplaceResponse
  • New field ResumeToken in struct StreamingJobsClientBeginScaleOptions
  • New anonymous field StreamingJob in struct StreamingJobsClientUpdateResponse
  • New field ETag in struct StreamingJobsClientUpdateResponse
  • New anonymous field Transformation in struct TransformationsClientCreateOrReplaceResponse
  • New field ETag in struct TransformationsClientCreateOrReplaceResponse
  • New field ResumeToken in struct ClustersClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions
  • New anonymous field ResourceTestStatus in struct FunctionsClientTestResponse
  • New field ResumeToken in struct StreamingJobsClientBeginCreateOrReplaceOptions
  • New field AuthenticationMode in struct BlobDataSourceProperties
  • New field ResumeToken in struct ClustersClientBeginUpdateOptions
  • New anonymous field Input in struct InputsClientGetResponse
  • New field ETag in struct InputsClientGetResponse
  • New anonymous field Cluster in struct ClustersClientGetResponse
  • New field AuthenticationMode in struct BlobReferenceInputDataSourceProperties
  • New anonymous field Transformation in struct TransformationsClientUpdateResponse
  • New field ETag in struct TransformationsClientUpdateResponse
  • New anonymous field ResourceTestStatus in struct InputsClientTestResponse
  • New anonymous field ResourceTestStatus in struct OutputsClientTestResponse
  • New anonymous field OutputListResult in struct OutputsClientListByStreamingJobResponse
  • New anonymous field PrivateEndpoint in struct PrivateEndpointsClientGetResponse
  • New anonymous field StreamingJob in struct StreamingJobsClientCreateOrReplaceResponse
  • New anonymous field Input in struct InputsClientUpdateResponse
  • New field ETag in struct InputsClientUpdateResponse
  • New field AuthenticationMode in struct BlobStreamInputDataSourceProperties
  • New field ResumeToken in struct StreamingJobsClientBeginDeleteOptions
  • New anonymous field InputListResult in struct InputsClientListByStreamingJobResponse
  • New anonymous field StreamingJobListResult in struct StreamingJobsClientListByResourceGroupResponse
  • New field ResumeToken in struct FunctionsClientBeginTestOptions
  • New anonymous field ClusterListResult in struct ClustersClientListBySubscriptionResponse
  • New anonymous field Cluster in struct ClustersClientCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • New anonymous field ClusterJobListResult in struct ClustersClientListStreamingJobsResponse
  • New anonymous field Output in struct OutputsClientCreateOrReplaceResponse
  • New field ETag in struct OutputsClientCreateOrReplaceResponse
  • New anonymous field FunctionListResult in struct FunctionsClientListByStreamingJobResponse
  • New field Properties in struct FunctionProperties

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