github Azure/azure-sdk-for-go sdk/resourcemanager/storage/armstorage/v0.5.0

latest releases: sdk/messaging/eventgrid/azsystemevents/v0.4.2, sdk/containers/azcontainerregistry/v0.2.2, sdk/monitor/query/azlogs/v1.1.0-beta.1...
pre-release2 years ago

0.5.0 (2022-04-14)

Breaking Changes

  • Function NewObjectReplicationPoliciesClient return value(s) have been changed from (*ObjectReplicationPoliciesClient) to (*ObjectReplicationPoliciesClient, error)
  • Function *EncryptionScopesClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (*EncryptionScopesClientListPager) to (*runtime.Pager[EncryptionScopesClientListResponse])
  • Function *AccountsClient.BeginCreate return value(s) have been changed from (AccountsClientCreatePollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[AccountsClientCreateResponse], error)
  • Function NewFileServicesClient return value(s) have been changed from (*FileServicesClient) to (*FileServicesClient, error)
  • Function NewPrivateEndpointConnectionsClient return value(s) have been changed from (*PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient) to (*PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient, error)
  • Function NewQueueServicesClient return value(s) have been changed from (*QueueServicesClient) to (*QueueServicesClient, error)
  • Function NewAccountsClient return value(s) have been changed from (*AccountsClient) to (*AccountsClient, error)
  • Function NewBlobInventoryPoliciesClient return value(s) have been changed from (*BlobInventoryPoliciesClient) to (*BlobInventoryPoliciesClient, error)
  • Function *OperationsClient.List parameter(s) have been changed from (context.Context, *OperationsClientListOptions) to (*OperationsClientListOptions)
  • Function *OperationsClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (OperationsClientListResponse, error) to (*runtime.Pager[OperationsClientListResponse])
  • Function NewUsagesClient return value(s) have been changed from (*UsagesClient) to (*UsagesClient, error)
  • Function NewBlobContainersClient return value(s) have been changed from (*BlobContainersClient) to (*BlobContainersClient, error)
  • Function *TableClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (*TableClientListPager) to (*runtime.Pager[TableClientListResponse])
  • Function NewDeletedAccountsClient return value(s) have been changed from (*DeletedAccountsClient) to (*DeletedAccountsClient, error)
  • Function *ObjectReplicationPoliciesClient.List parameter(s) have been changed from (context.Context, string, string, *ObjectReplicationPoliciesClientListOptions) to (string, string, *ObjectReplicationPoliciesClientListOptions)
  • Function *ObjectReplicationPoliciesClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (ObjectReplicationPoliciesClientListResponse, error) to (*runtime.Pager[ObjectReplicationPoliciesClientListResponse])
  • Function NewTableServicesClient return value(s) have been changed from (*TableServicesClient) to (*TableServicesClient, error)
  • Function NewQueueClient return value(s) have been changed from (*QueueClient) to (*QueueClient, error)
  • Function *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient.List parameter(s) have been changed from (context.Context, string, string, *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListOptions) to (string, string, *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListOptions)
  • Function *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListResponse, error) to (*runtime.Pager[PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListResponse])
  • Function *LocalUsersClient.List parameter(s) have been changed from (context.Context, string, string, *LocalUsersClientListOptions) to (string, string, *LocalUsersClientListOptions)
  • Function *LocalUsersClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (LocalUsersClientListResponse, error) to (*runtime.Pager[LocalUsersClientListResponse])
  • Function NewEncryptionScopesClient return value(s) have been changed from (*EncryptionScopesClient) to (*EncryptionScopesClient, error)
  • Function *FileSharesClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (*FileSharesClientListPager) to (*runtime.Pager[FileSharesClientListResponse])
  • Function *AccountsClient.BeginHierarchicalNamespaceMigration return value(s) have been changed from (AccountsClientHierarchicalNamespaceMigrationPollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[AccountsClientHierarchicalNamespaceMigrationResponse], error)
  • Function *AccountsClient.BeginFailover return value(s) have been changed from (AccountsClientFailoverPollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[AccountsClientFailoverResponse], error)
  • Function *QueueClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (*QueueClientListPager) to (*runtime.Pager[QueueClientListResponse])
  • Function NewPrivateLinkResourcesClient return value(s) have been changed from (*PrivateLinkResourcesClient) to (*PrivateLinkResourcesClient, error)
  • Function NewLocalUsersClient return value(s) have been changed from (*LocalUsersClient) to (*LocalUsersClient, error)
  • Function NewOperationsClient return value(s) have been changed from (*OperationsClient) to (*OperationsClient, error)
  • Function NewBlobServicesClient return value(s) have been changed from (*BlobServicesClient) to (*BlobServicesClient, error)
  • Function *DeletedAccountsClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (*DeletedAccountsClientListPager) to (*runtime.Pager[DeletedAccountsClientListResponse])
  • Function *BlobContainersClient.BeginObjectLevelWorm return value(s) have been changed from (BlobContainersClientObjectLevelWormPollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[BlobContainersClientObjectLevelWormResponse], error)
  • Function *BlobInventoryPoliciesClient.List parameter(s) have been changed from (context.Context, string, string, *BlobInventoryPoliciesClientListOptions) to (string, string, *BlobInventoryPoliciesClientListOptions)
  • Function *BlobInventoryPoliciesClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (BlobInventoryPoliciesClientListResponse, error) to (*runtime.Pager[BlobInventoryPoliciesClientListResponse])
  • Function *BlobContainersClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (*BlobContainersClientListPager) to (*runtime.Pager[BlobContainersClientListResponse])
  • Function *SKUsClient.List parameter(s) have been changed from (context.Context, *SKUsClientListOptions) to (*SKUsClientListOptions)
  • Function *SKUsClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (SKUsClientListResponse, error) to (*runtime.Pager[SKUsClientListResponse])
  • Function *UsagesClient.ListByLocation parameter(s) have been changed from (context.Context, string, *UsagesClientListByLocationOptions) to (string, *UsagesClientListByLocationOptions)
  • Function *UsagesClient.ListByLocation return value(s) have been changed from (UsagesClientListByLocationResponse, error) to (*runtime.Pager[UsagesClientListByLocationResponse])
  • Function NewSKUsClient return value(s) have been changed from (*SKUsClient) to (*SKUsClient, error)
  • Function *AccountsClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (*AccountsClientListPager) to (*runtime.Pager[AccountsClientListResponse])
  • Function *AccountsClient.BeginAbortHierarchicalNamespaceMigration return value(s) have been changed from (AccountsClientAbortHierarchicalNamespaceMigrationPollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[AccountsClientAbortHierarchicalNamespaceMigrationResponse], error)
  • Function *AccountsClient.ListByResourceGroup return value(s) have been changed from (*AccountsClientListByResourceGroupPager) to (*runtime.Pager[AccountsClientListByResourceGroupResponse])
  • Function NewManagementPoliciesClient return value(s) have been changed from (*ManagementPoliciesClient) to (*ManagementPoliciesClient, error)
  • Function *BlobServicesClient.List parameter(s) have been changed from (context.Context, string, string, *BlobServicesClientListOptions) to (string, string, *BlobServicesClientListOptions)
  • Function *BlobServicesClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (BlobServicesClientListResponse, error) to (*runtime.Pager[BlobServicesClientListResponse])
  • Function NewFileSharesClient return value(s) have been changed from (*FileSharesClient) to (*FileSharesClient, error)
  • Function *AccountsClient.BeginRestoreBlobRanges return value(s) have been changed from (AccountsClientRestoreBlobRangesPollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[AccountsClientRestoreBlobRangesResponse], error)
  • Function NewTableClient return value(s) have been changed from (*TableClient) to (*TableClient, error)
  • Function BlobInventoryPolicyName.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientFailoverPoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function RootSquashType.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function AccountStatus.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function Format.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function AccountsClientAbortHierarchicalNamespaceMigrationPollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function EnabledProtocols.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function ListContainersInclude.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function Name.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *TableClientListPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function PublicAccess.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *BlobContainersClientListPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function AccountsClientCreatePollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function *BlobContainersClientObjectLevelWormPoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientFailoverPoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function PublicNetworkAccess.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientHierarchicalNamespaceMigrationPoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function InventoryRuleType.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function Services.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientRestoreBlobRangesPollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function Permissions.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function HTTPProtocol.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function LeaseDuration.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientCreatePoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function AllowedCopyScope.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function PrivateEndpointConnectionProvisioningState.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientHierarchicalNamespaceMigrationPoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientRestoreBlobRangesPoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientCreatePoller.Done has been removed
  • Function RuleType.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function BlobContainersClientObjectLevelWormPollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function *FileSharesClientListPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *BlobContainersClientListPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientRestoreBlobRangesPoller.Done has been removed
  • Function MigrationState.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function LargeFileSharesState.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function LeaseState.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function LeaseContainerRequestAction.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientRestoreBlobRangesPoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientListPager.Err has been removed
  • Function ReasonCode.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *QueueClientListPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function UsageUnit.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *TableClientListPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function DirectoryServiceOptions.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function AccountsClientFailoverPollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function LeaseStatus.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function EncryptionScopeState.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *FileSharesClientListPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientListByResourceGroupPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function AccountsClientHierarchicalNamespaceMigrationPollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function SignedResource.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function SKUName.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *TableClientListPager.Err has been removed
  • Function ImmutabilityPolicyUpdateType.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function ImmutabilityPolicyState.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientCreatePollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientCreatePoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function SignedResourceTypes.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function DefaultSharePermission.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *BlobContainersClientObjectLevelWormPoller.Done has been removed
  • Function PrivateEndpointServiceConnectionStatus.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function ProvisioningState.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function IdentityType.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientRestoreBlobRangesPoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function KeyType.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientListPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function ManagementPolicyName.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function Bypass.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function ShareAccessTier.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *EncryptionScopesClientListPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientAbortHierarchicalNamespaceMigrationPollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientListByResourceGroupPager.Err has been removed
  • Function GeoReplicationStatus.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientAbortHierarchicalNamespaceMigrationPoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *QueueClientListPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *FileSharesClientListPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientHierarchicalNamespaceMigrationPoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function BlobRestoreProgressStatus.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *DeletedAccountsClientListPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientHierarchicalNamespaceMigrationPollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientAbortHierarchicalNamespaceMigrationPoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function KeySource.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientAbortHierarchicalNamespaceMigrationPoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientListByResourceGroupPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *BlobContainersClientListPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *DeletedAccountsClientListPager.Err has been removed
  • Function CorsRuleAllowedMethodsItem.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function AccountImmutabilityPolicyState.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientHierarchicalNamespaceMigrationPoller.Done has been removed
  • Function AccountsClientRestoreBlobRangesPollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function AccessTier.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *DeletedAccountsClientListPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function ObjectType.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function KeyPermission.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function ExpirationAction.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function SKUTier.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientListPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function *QueueClientListPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function EncryptionScopeSource.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function Reason.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function State.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function Schedule.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientFailoverPollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function StorageAccountExpand.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *BlobContainersClientObjectLevelWormPollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function ActiveDirectoryPropertiesAccountType.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function CreatedByType.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *EncryptionScopesClientListPager.Err has been removed
  • Function MinimumTLSVersion.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientFailoverPoller.Done has been removed
  • Function Kind.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function ExtendedLocationTypes.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *BlobContainersClientObjectLevelWormPoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function LeaseShareAction.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function RoutingChoice.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *EncryptionScopesClientListPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientFailoverPoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientCreatePoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *AccountsClientAbortHierarchicalNamespaceMigrationPoller.Done has been removed
  • Function DefaultAction.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *BlobContainersClientObjectLevelWormPoller.Poll has been removed
  • Struct AccountsClientAbortHierarchicalNamespaceMigrationPoller has been removed
  • Struct AccountsClientAbortHierarchicalNamespaceMigrationPollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct AccountsClientCheckNameAvailabilityResult has been removed
  • Struct AccountsClientCreatePoller has been removed
  • Struct AccountsClientCreatePollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct AccountsClientCreateResult has been removed
  • Struct AccountsClientFailoverPoller has been removed
  • Struct AccountsClientFailoverPollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct AccountsClientGetPropertiesResult has been removed
  • Struct AccountsClientHierarchicalNamespaceMigrationPoller has been removed
  • Struct AccountsClientHierarchicalNamespaceMigrationPollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct AccountsClientListAccountSASResult has been removed
  • Struct AccountsClientListByResourceGroupPager has been removed
  • Struct AccountsClientListByResourceGroupResult has been removed
  • Struct AccountsClientListKeysResult has been removed
  • Struct AccountsClientListPager has been removed
  • Struct AccountsClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct AccountsClientListServiceSASResult has been removed
  • Struct AccountsClientRegenerateKeyResult has been removed
  • Struct AccountsClientRestoreBlobRangesPoller has been removed
  • Struct AccountsClientRestoreBlobRangesPollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct AccountsClientRestoreBlobRangesResult has been removed
  • Struct AccountsClientUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct BlobContainersClientClearLegalHoldResult has been removed
  • Struct BlobContainersClientCreateOrUpdateImmutabilityPolicyResult has been removed
  • Struct BlobContainersClientCreateResult has been removed
  • Struct BlobContainersClientDeleteImmutabilityPolicyResult has been removed
  • Struct BlobContainersClientExtendImmutabilityPolicyResult has been removed
  • Struct BlobContainersClientGetImmutabilityPolicyResult has been removed
  • Struct BlobContainersClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct BlobContainersClientLeaseResult has been removed
  • Struct BlobContainersClientListPager has been removed
  • Struct BlobContainersClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct BlobContainersClientLockImmutabilityPolicyResult has been removed
  • Struct BlobContainersClientObjectLevelWormPoller has been removed
  • Struct BlobContainersClientObjectLevelWormPollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct BlobContainersClientSetLegalHoldResult has been removed
  • Struct BlobContainersClientUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct BlobInventoryPoliciesClientCreateOrUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct BlobInventoryPoliciesClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct BlobInventoryPoliciesClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct BlobServicesClientGetServicePropertiesResult has been removed
  • Struct BlobServicesClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct BlobServicesClientSetServicePropertiesResult has been removed
  • Struct DeletedAccountsClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct DeletedAccountsClientListPager has been removed
  • Struct DeletedAccountsClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct EncryptionScopesClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct EncryptionScopesClientListPager has been removed
  • Struct EncryptionScopesClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct EncryptionScopesClientPatchResult has been removed
  • Struct EncryptionScopesClientPutResult has been removed
  • Struct FileServicesClientGetServicePropertiesResult has been removed
  • Struct FileServicesClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct FileServicesClientSetServicePropertiesResult has been removed
  • Struct FileSharesClientCreateResult has been removed
  • Struct FileSharesClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct FileSharesClientLeaseResult has been removed
  • Struct FileSharesClientListPager has been removed
  • Struct FileSharesClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct FileSharesClientUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct LocalUsersClientCreateOrUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct LocalUsersClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct LocalUsersClientListKeysResult has been removed
  • Struct LocalUsersClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct LocalUsersClientRegeneratePasswordResult has been removed
  • Struct ManagementPoliciesClientCreateOrUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct ManagementPoliciesClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct ObjectReplicationPoliciesClientCreateOrUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct ObjectReplicationPoliciesClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct ObjectReplicationPoliciesClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct OperationsClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientPutResult has been removed
  • Struct PrivateLinkResourcesClientListByStorageAccountResult has been removed
  • Struct QueueClientCreateResult has been removed
  • Struct QueueClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct QueueClientListPager has been removed
  • Struct QueueClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct QueueClientUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct QueueServicesClientGetServicePropertiesResult has been removed
  • Struct QueueServicesClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct QueueServicesClientSetServicePropertiesResult has been removed
  • Struct SKUsClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct TableClientCreateResult has been removed
  • Struct TableClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct TableClientListPager has been removed
  • Struct TableClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct TableClientUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct TableServicesClientGetServicePropertiesResult has been removed
  • Struct TableServicesClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct TableServicesClientSetServicePropertiesResult has been removed
  • Struct UsagesClientListByLocationResult has been removed
  • Field TableClientCreateResult of struct TableClientCreateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct TableClientCreateResponse has been removed
  • Field AccountsClientRestoreBlobRangesResult of struct AccountsClientRestoreBlobRangesResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct AccountsClientRestoreBlobRangesResponse has been removed
  • Field BlobContainersClientUpdateResult of struct BlobContainersClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct BlobContainersClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field FileSharesClientListResult of struct FileSharesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct FileSharesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field BlobContainersClientLeaseResult of struct BlobContainersClientLeaseResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct BlobContainersClientLeaseResponse has been removed
  • Field BlobContainersClientListResult of struct BlobContainersClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct BlobContainersClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field BlobServicesClientGetServicePropertiesResult of struct BlobServicesClientGetServicePropertiesResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct BlobServicesClientGetServicePropertiesResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct BlobInventoryPoliciesClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Field EncryptionScopesClientPutResult of struct EncryptionScopesClientPutResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct EncryptionScopesClientPutResponse has been removed
  • Field ObjectReplicationPoliciesClientListResult of struct ObjectReplicationPoliciesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ObjectReplicationPoliciesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field AccountsClientListAccountSASResult of struct AccountsClientListAccountSASResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct AccountsClientListAccountSASResponse has been removed
  • Field TableServicesClientGetServicePropertiesResult of struct TableServicesClientGetServicePropertiesResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct TableServicesClientGetServicePropertiesResponse has been removed
  • Field BlobContainersClientLockImmutabilityPolicyResult of struct BlobContainersClientLockImmutabilityPolicyResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct BlobContainersClientLockImmutabilityPolicyResponse has been removed
  • Field QueueClientGetResult of struct QueueClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct QueueClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field BlobContainersClientSetLegalHoldResult of struct BlobContainersClientSetLegalHoldResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct BlobContainersClientSetLegalHoldResponse has been removed
  • Field DeletedAccountsClientGetResult of struct DeletedAccountsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct DeletedAccountsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field OperationsClientListResult of struct OperationsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct OperationsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field BlobInventoryPoliciesClientListResult of struct BlobInventoryPoliciesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct BlobInventoryPoliciesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field EncryptionScopesClientListResult of struct EncryptionScopesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct EncryptionScopesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct AccountsClientFailoverResponse has been removed
  • Field TableServicesClientSetServicePropertiesResult of struct TableServicesClientSetServicePropertiesResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct TableServicesClientSetServicePropertiesResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct AccountsClientRevokeUserDelegationKeysResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct AccountsClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct TableClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Field FileServicesClientSetServicePropertiesResult of struct FileServicesClientSetServicePropertiesResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct FileServicesClientSetServicePropertiesResponse has been removed
  • Field FileServicesClientListResult of struct FileServicesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct FileServicesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field AccountsClientRegenerateKeyResult of struct AccountsClientRegenerateKeyResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct AccountsClientRegenerateKeyResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Field AccountsClientListServiceSASResult of struct AccountsClientListServiceSASResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct AccountsClientListServiceSASResponse has been removed
  • Field PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientPutResult of struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientPutResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientPutResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct AccountsClientAbortHierarchicalNamespaceMigrationResponse has been removed
  • Field BlobInventoryPoliciesClientCreateOrUpdateResult of struct BlobInventoryPoliciesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct BlobInventoryPoliciesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field FileSharesClientLeaseResult of struct FileSharesClientLeaseResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct FileSharesClientLeaseResponse has been removed
  • Field ManagementPoliciesClientGetResult of struct ManagementPoliciesClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ManagementPoliciesClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field QueueServicesClientGetServicePropertiesResult of struct QueueServicesClientGetServicePropertiesResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct QueueServicesClientGetServicePropertiesResponse has been removed
  • Field ManagementPoliciesClientCreateOrUpdateResult of struct ManagementPoliciesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ManagementPoliciesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field BlobContainersClientGetResult of struct BlobContainersClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct BlobContainersClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct AccountsClientHierarchicalNamespaceMigrationResponse has been removed
  • Field TableClientUpdateResult of struct TableClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct TableClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field EncryptionScopesClientGetResult of struct EncryptionScopesClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct EncryptionScopesClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field LocalUsersClientRegeneratePasswordResult of struct LocalUsersClientRegeneratePasswordResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct LocalUsersClientRegeneratePasswordResponse has been removed
  • Field AccountsClientListKeysResult of struct AccountsClientListKeysResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct AccountsClientListKeysResponse has been removed
  • Field LocalUsersClientCreateOrUpdateResult of struct LocalUsersClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct LocalUsersClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientGetResult of struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field AccountsClientGetPropertiesResult of struct AccountsClientGetPropertiesResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct AccountsClientGetPropertiesResponse has been removed
  • Field AccountsClientCheckNameAvailabilityResult of struct AccountsClientCheckNameAvailabilityResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct AccountsClientCheckNameAvailabilityResponse has been removed
  • Field QueueServicesClientSetServicePropertiesResult of struct QueueServicesClientSetServicePropertiesResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct QueueServicesClientSetServicePropertiesResponse has been removed
  • Field DeletedAccountsClientListResult of struct DeletedAccountsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct DeletedAccountsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field TableServicesClientListResult of struct TableServicesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct TableServicesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field QueueClientListResult of struct QueueClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct QueueClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field BlobInventoryPoliciesClientGetResult of struct BlobInventoryPoliciesClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct BlobInventoryPoliciesClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field AccountsClientUpdateResult of struct AccountsClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct AccountsClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field UsagesClientListByLocationResult of struct UsagesClientListByLocationResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct UsagesClientListByLocationResponse has been removed
  • Field QueueClientUpdateResult of struct QueueClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct QueueClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field LocalUsersClientGetResult of struct LocalUsersClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct LocalUsersClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field LocalUsersClientListResult of struct LocalUsersClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct LocalUsersClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field ObjectReplicationPoliciesClientGetResult of struct ObjectReplicationPoliciesClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ObjectReplicationPoliciesClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field LocalUsersClientListKeysResult of struct LocalUsersClientListKeysResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct LocalUsersClientListKeysResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct FileSharesClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Field BlobContainersClientCreateResult of struct BlobContainersClientCreateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct BlobContainersClientCreateResponse has been removed
  • Field PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListResult of struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field BlobServicesClientSetServicePropertiesResult of struct BlobServicesClientSetServicePropertiesResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct BlobServicesClientSetServicePropertiesResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ObjectReplicationPoliciesClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Field TableClientListResult of struct TableClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct TableClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field BlobServicesClientListResult of struct BlobServicesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct BlobServicesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field QueueServicesClientListResult of struct QueueServicesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct QueueServicesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field AccountsClientListResult of struct AccountsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct AccountsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field PrivateLinkResourcesClientListByStorageAccountResult of struct PrivateLinkResourcesClientListByStorageAccountResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct PrivateLinkResourcesClientListByStorageAccountResponse has been removed
  • Field BlobContainersClientExtendImmutabilityPolicyResult of struct BlobContainersClientExtendImmutabilityPolicyResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct BlobContainersClientExtendImmutabilityPolicyResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct BlobContainersClientObjectLevelWormResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct QueueClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Field AccountsClientCreateResult of struct AccountsClientCreateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct AccountsClientCreateResponse has been removed
  • Field AccountsClientListByResourceGroupResult of struct AccountsClientListByResourceGroupResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct AccountsClientListByResourceGroupResponse has been removed
  • Field ObjectReplicationPoliciesClientCreateOrUpdateResult of struct ObjectReplicationPoliciesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ObjectReplicationPoliciesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ManagementPoliciesClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Field BlobContainersClientClearLegalHoldResult of struct BlobContainersClientClearLegalHoldResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct BlobContainersClientClearLegalHoldResponse has been removed
  • Field FileSharesClientUpdateResult of struct FileSharesClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct FileSharesClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field FileSharesClientGetResult of struct FileSharesClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct FileSharesClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field BlobContainersClientDeleteImmutabilityPolicyResult of struct BlobContainersClientDeleteImmutabilityPolicyResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct BlobContainersClientDeleteImmutabilityPolicyResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct FileSharesClientRestoreResponse has been removed
  • Field EncryptionScopesClientPatchResult of struct EncryptionScopesClientPatchResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct EncryptionScopesClientPatchResponse has been removed
  • Field SKUsClientListResult of struct SKUsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct SKUsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field BlobContainersClientGetImmutabilityPolicyResult of struct BlobContainersClientGetImmutabilityPolicyResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct BlobContainersClientGetImmutabilityPolicyResponse has been removed
  • Field TableClientGetResult of struct TableClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct TableClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field FileSharesClientCreateResult of struct FileSharesClientCreateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct FileSharesClientCreateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct BlobContainersClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct LocalUsersClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Field FileServicesClientGetServicePropertiesResult of struct FileServicesClientGetServicePropertiesResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct FileServicesClientGetServicePropertiesResponse has been removed
  • Field QueueClientCreateResult of struct QueueClientCreateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct QueueClientCreateResponse has been removed
  • Field BlobContainersClientCreateOrUpdateImmutabilityPolicyResult of struct BlobContainersClientCreateOrUpdateImmutabilityPolicyResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct BlobContainersClientCreateOrUpdateImmutabilityPolicyResponse has been removed

Features Added

  • New const CorsRuleAllowedMethodsItemPATCH
  • New const SKUConversionStatusFailed
  • New const DNSEndpointTypeStandard
  • New const DNSEndpointTypeAzureDNSZone
  • New const SKUConversionStatusInProgress
  • New const AccessTierPremium
  • New const SKUConversionStatusSucceeded
  • New function TableAccessPolicy.MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
  • New function Table.MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
  • New function CloudErrorBody.MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
  • New function *TableAccessPolicy.UnmarshalJSON([]byte) error
  • New function TableProperties.MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
  • New function PossibleSKUConversionStatusValues() []SKUConversionStatus
  • New function PossibleDNSEndpointTypeValues() []DNSEndpointType
  • New struct AccountSKUConversionStatus
  • New struct CloudError
  • New struct CloudErrorBody
  • New struct ErrorResponse
  • New struct ErrorResponseBody
  • New struct TableAccessPolicy
  • New struct TableSignedIdentifier
  • New field StorageAccountSKUConversionStatus in struct AccountProperties
  • New field DNSEndpointType in struct AccountProperties
  • New anonymous field Queue in struct QueueClientCreateResponse
  • New anonymous field ImmutabilityPolicy in struct BlobContainersClientExtendImmutabilityPolicyResponse
  • New field ETag in struct BlobContainersClientExtendImmutabilityPolicyResponse
  • New anonymous field BlobServiceProperties in struct BlobServicesClientSetServicePropertiesResponse
  • New anonymous field Account in struct AccountsClientGetPropertiesResponse
  • New anonymous field FileServiceProperties in struct FileServicesClientGetServicePropertiesResponse
  • New anonymous field ListAccountSasResponse in struct AccountsClientListAccountSASResponse
  • New anonymous field UsageListResult in struct UsagesClientListByLocationResponse
  • New anonymous field ObjectReplicationPolicy in struct ObjectReplicationPoliciesClientGetResponse
  • New anonymous field Table in struct TableClientCreateResponse
  • New anonymous field LocalUserRegeneratePasswordResult in struct LocalUsersClientRegeneratePasswordResponse
  • New anonymous field EncryptionScope in struct EncryptionScopesClientGetResponse
  • New field ResumeToken in struct AccountsClientBeginHierarchicalNamespaceMigrationOptions
  • New anonymous field DeletedAccountListResult in struct DeletedAccountsClientListResponse
  • New anonymous field FileServiceProperties in struct FileServicesClientSetServicePropertiesResponse
  • New field DNSEndpointType in struct AccountPropertiesUpdateParameters
  • New anonymous field BlobServiceProperties in struct BlobServicesClientGetServicePropertiesResponse
  • New anonymous field OperationListResult in struct OperationsClientListResponse
  • New anonymous field ImmutabilityPolicy in struct BlobContainersClientDeleteImmutabilityPolicyResponse
  • New field ETag in struct BlobContainersClientDeleteImmutabilityPolicyResponse
  • New anonymous field BlobInventoryPolicy in struct BlobInventoryPoliciesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • New anonymous field Account in struct AccountsClientUpdateResponse
  • New anonymous field EncryptionScope in struct EncryptionScopesClientPutResponse
  • New field DNSEndpointType in struct AccountPropertiesCreateParameters
  • New anonymous field LocalUser in struct LocalUsersClientCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • New anonymous field ListBlobInventoryPolicy in struct BlobInventoryPoliciesClientListResponse
  • New anonymous field ManagementPolicy in struct ManagementPoliciesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • New anonymous field ListContainerItems in struct BlobContainersClientListResponse
  • New anonymous field FileServiceItems in struct FileServicesClientListResponse
  • New anonymous field FileShare in struct FileSharesClientCreateResponse
  • New anonymous field QueueServiceProperties in struct QueueServicesClientGetServicePropertiesResponse
  • New anonymous field LegalHold in struct BlobContainersClientSetLegalHoldResponse
  • New field ResumeToken in struct AccountsClientBeginAbortHierarchicalNamespaceMigrationOptions
  • New anonymous field AccountListResult in struct AccountsClientListResponse
  • New anonymous field ManagementPolicy in struct ManagementPoliciesClientGetResponse
  • New anonymous field BlobServiceItems in struct BlobServicesClientListResponse
  • New anonymous field ListTableServices in struct TableServicesClientListResponse
  • New field AllowPermanentDelete in struct DeleteRetentionPolicy
  • New anonymous field PrivateEndpointConnectionListResult in struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListResponse
  • New field ResumeToken in struct AccountsClientBeginRestoreBlobRangesOptions
  • New anonymous field AccountListKeysResult in struct AccountsClientRegenerateKeyResponse
  • New anonymous field BlobContainer in struct BlobContainersClientCreateResponse
  • New anonymous field BlobInventoryPolicy in struct BlobInventoryPoliciesClientGetResponse
  • New anonymous field LocalUserKeys in struct LocalUsersClientListKeysResponse
  • New field ResumeToken in struct AccountsClientBeginCreateOptions
  • New anonymous field LegalHold in struct BlobContainersClientClearLegalHoldResponse
  • New anonymous field QueueServiceProperties in struct QueueServicesClientSetServicePropertiesResponse
  • New anonymous field AccountListResult in struct AccountsClientListByResourceGroupResponse
  • New anonymous field ObjectReplicationPolicy in struct ObjectReplicationPoliciesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • New anonymous field ObjectReplicationPolicies in struct ObjectReplicationPoliciesClientListResponse
  • New field ResumeToken in struct AccountsClientBeginFailoverOptions
  • New anonymous field EncryptionScopeListResult in struct EncryptionScopesClientListResponse
  • New anonymous field LeaseShareResponse in struct FileSharesClientLeaseResponse
  • New field ETag in struct FileSharesClientLeaseResponse
  • New field Parameters in struct TableClientCreateOptions
  • New anonymous field SKUListResult in struct SKUsClientListResponse
  • New anonymous field CheckNameAvailabilityResult in struct AccountsClientCheckNameAvailabilityResponse
  • New anonymous field Table in struct TableClientGetResponse
  • New anonymous field Queue in struct QueueClientGetResponse
  • New field ExcludePrefix in struct BlobInventoryPolicyFilter
  • New field IncludeDeleted in struct BlobInventoryPolicyFilter
  • New field CurrentVersionedKeyExpirationTimestamp in struct KeyVaultProperties
  • New anonymous field DeletedAccount in struct DeletedAccountsClientGetResponse
  • New anonymous field FileShare in struct FileSharesClientUpdateResponse
  • New anonymous field BlobContainer in struct BlobContainersClientGetResponse
  • New anonymous field ImmutabilityPolicy in struct BlobContainersClientLockImmutabilityPolicyResponse
  • New field ETag in struct BlobContainersClientLockImmutabilityPolicyResponse
  • New anonymous field PrivateLinkResourceListResult in struct PrivateLinkResourcesClientListByStorageAccountResponse
  • New anonymous field AccountListKeysResult in struct AccountsClientListKeysResponse
  • New field DaysAfterLastTierChangeGreaterThan in struct DateAfterCreation
  • New anonymous field LeaseContainerResponse in struct BlobContainersClientLeaseResponse
  • New anonymous field Account in struct AccountsClientCreateResponse
  • New anonymous field PrivateEndpointConnection in struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientGetResponse
  • New field DaysAfterCreationGreaterThan in struct DateAfterModification
  • New field DaysAfterLastTierChangeGreaterThan in struct DateAfterModification
  • New field ResumeToken in struct BlobContainersClientBeginObjectLevelWormOptions
  • New field Parameters in struct TableClientUpdateOptions
  • New field SignedIdentifiers in struct TableProperties
  • New anonymous field ListQueueServices in struct QueueServicesClientListResponse
  • New anonymous field TableServiceProperties in struct TableServicesClientSetServicePropertiesResponse
  • New anonymous field FileShare in struct FileSharesClientGetResponse
  • New anonymous field ImmutabilityPolicy in struct BlobContainersClientGetImmutabilityPolicyResponse
  • New field ETag in struct BlobContainersClientGetImmutabilityPolicyResponse
  • New anonymous field FileShareItems in struct FileSharesClientListResponse
  • New anonymous field LocalUsers in struct LocalUsersClientListResponse
  • New anonymous field ListServiceSasResponse in struct AccountsClientListServiceSASResponse
  • New anonymous field Table in struct TableClientUpdateResponse
  • New anonymous field BlobContainer in struct BlobContainersClientUpdateResponse
  • New anonymous field ListTableResource in struct TableClientListResponse
  • New anonymous field LocalUser in struct LocalUsersClientGetResponse
  • New anonymous field TableServiceProperties in struct TableServicesClientGetServicePropertiesResponse
  • New field Destination in struct BlobInventoryPolicySchema
  • New anonymous field ImmutabilityPolicy in struct BlobContainersClientCreateOrUpdateImmutabilityPolicyResponse
  • New field ETag in struct BlobContainersClientCreateOrUpdateImmutabilityPolicyResponse
  • New anonymous field EncryptionScope in struct EncryptionScopesClientPatchResponse
  • New anonymous field ListQueueResource in struct QueueClientListResponse
  • New anonymous field PrivateEndpointConnection in struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientPutResponse
  • New anonymous field Queue in struct QueueClientUpdateResponse
  • New anonymous field BlobRestoreStatus in struct AccountsClientRestoreBlobRangesResponse

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