github Azure/azure-sdk-for-go sdk/resourcemanager/redisenterprise/armredisenterprise/v0.3.0

latest releases: sdk/messaging/eventgrid/azsystemevents/v0.4.2, sdk/containers/azcontainerregistry/v0.2.2, sdk/monitor/query/azlogs/v1.1.0-beta.1...
pre-release2 years ago

0.3.0 (2022-04-12)

Breaking Changes

  • Function *DatabasesClient.BeginCreate return value(s) have been changed from (DatabasesClientCreatePollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[DatabasesClientCreateResponse], error)
  • Function *PrivateLinkResourcesClient.ListByCluster parameter(s) have been changed from (context.Context, string, string, *PrivateLinkResourcesClientListByClusterOptions) to (string, string, *PrivateLinkResourcesClientListByClusterOptions)
  • Function *PrivateLinkResourcesClient.ListByCluster return value(s) have been changed from (PrivateLinkResourcesClientListByClusterResponse, error) to (*runtime.Pager[PrivateLinkResourcesClientListByClusterResponse])
  • Function *Client.List return value(s) have been changed from (*ClientListPager) to (*runtime.Pager[ClientListResponse])
  • Function NewPrivateEndpointConnectionsClient return value(s) have been changed from (*PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient) to (*PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient, error)
  • Function NewPrivateLinkResourcesClient return value(s) have been changed from (*PrivateLinkResourcesClient) to (*PrivateLinkResourcesClient, error)
  • Function *DatabasesClient.BeginExport return value(s) have been changed from (DatabasesClientExportPollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[DatabasesClientExportResponse], error)
  • Function *DatabasesClient.ListByCluster return value(s) have been changed from (*DatabasesClientListByClusterPager) to (*runtime.Pager[DatabasesClientListByClusterResponse])
  • Function *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient.List parameter(s) have been changed from (context.Context, string, string, *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListOptions) to (string, string, *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListOptions)
  • Function *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListResponse, error) to (*runtime.Pager[PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListResponse])
  • Function *DatabasesClient.BeginUpdate return value(s) have been changed from (DatabasesClientUpdatePollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[DatabasesClientUpdateResponse], error)
  • Function *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClient.BeginPut return value(s) have been changed from (PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientPutPollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientPutResponse], error)
  • Function *DatabasesClient.BeginDelete return value(s) have been changed from (DatabasesClientDeletePollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[DatabasesClientDeleteResponse], error)
  • Function *DatabasesClient.BeginImport return value(s) have been changed from (DatabasesClientImportPollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[DatabasesClientImportResponse], error)
  • Function *Client.BeginCreate return value(s) have been changed from (ClientCreatePollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[ClientCreateResponse], error)
  • Function *Client.ListByResourceGroup return value(s) have been changed from (*ClientListByResourceGroupPager) to (*runtime.Pager[ClientListByResourceGroupResponse])
  • Function *OperationsClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (*OperationsClientListPager) to (*runtime.Pager[OperationsClientListResponse])
  • Function *Client.BeginDelete return value(s) have been changed from (ClientDeletePollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[ClientDeleteResponse], error)
  • Function *DatabasesClient.BeginRegenerateKey return value(s) have been changed from (DatabasesClientRegenerateKeyPollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[DatabasesClientRegenerateKeyResponse], error)
  • Function NewDatabasesClient return value(s) have been changed from (*DatabasesClient) to (*DatabasesClient, error)
  • Function NewClient return value(s) have been changed from (*Client) to (*Client, error)
  • Function NewOperationsClient return value(s) have been changed from (*OperationsClient) to (*OperationsClient, error)
  • Function *Client.BeginUpdate return value(s) have been changed from (ClientUpdatePollerResponse, error) to (*armruntime.Poller[ClientUpdateResponse], error)
  • Function NewOperationsStatusClient return value(s) have been changed from (*OperationsStatusClient) to (*OperationsStatusClient, error)
  • Type of ErrorAdditionalInfo.Info has been changed from map[string]interface{} to interface{}
  • Function RdbFrequency.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientExportPoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function ResourceState.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *OperationsClientListPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientDeletePoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientUpdatePoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *ClientCreatePollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientUpdatePoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientImportPoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientExportPollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function EvictionPolicy.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function DatabasesClientRegenerateKeyPollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientRegenerateKeyPoller.Done has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientRegenerateKeyPoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function AccessKeyType.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function DatabasesClientUpdatePollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function DatabasesClientCreatePollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function *ClientCreatePoller.Done has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientDeletePoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function ClientCreatePollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function *ClientListPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *ClientListPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function *ClientCreatePoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *ClientCreatePoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientExportPoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientPutPoller.Done has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientImportPoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function ProvisioningState.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function Origin.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientPutPoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function DatabasesClientExportPollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientCreatePoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientExportPoller.Done has been removed
  • Function SKUName.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *ClientCreatePoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *OperationsClientListPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function *ClientUpdatePoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientUpdatePoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientPutPollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientImportPoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientUpdatePollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *ClientDeletePoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientImportPoller.Done has been removed
  • Function *ClientDeletePoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function *ClientListByResourceGroupPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *ClientUpdatePoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *ClientDeletePoller.Done has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientDeletePollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientExportPoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientCreatePoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientUpdatePoller.Done has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientListByClusterPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function TLSVersion.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function ClientUpdatePollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function *ClientUpdatePoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *ClientListPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientListByClusterPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function ActionType.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientRegenerateKeyPoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function *ClientListByResourceGroupPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientRegenerateKeyPollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientImportPollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientPutPoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function ClientDeletePollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientCreatePoller.Done has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientDeletePoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function DatabasesClientImportPollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function *OperationsClientListPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *ClientDeletePollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientCreatePoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function Protocol.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientCreatePollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientDeletePoller.Done has been removed
  • Function PrivateEndpointConnectionProvisioningState.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *ClientUpdatePollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientRegenerateKeyPoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientPutPollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function *DatabasesClientListByClusterPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *ClientListByResourceGroupPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *ClientUpdatePoller.Done has been removed
  • Function PrivateEndpointServiceConnectionStatus.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function ClusteringPolicy.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function DatabasesClientDeletePollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function AofFrequency.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *ClientDeletePoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientPutPoller.Poll has been removed
  • Struct ClientCreatePoller has been removed
  • Struct ClientCreatePollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct ClientCreateResult has been removed
  • Struct ClientDeletePoller has been removed
  • Struct ClientDeletePollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct ClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct ClientListByResourceGroupPager has been removed
  • Struct ClientListByResourceGroupResult has been removed
  • Struct ClientListPager has been removed
  • Struct ClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct ClientUpdatePoller has been removed
  • Struct ClientUpdatePollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct ClientUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct DatabasesClientCreatePoller has been removed
  • Struct DatabasesClientCreatePollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct DatabasesClientCreateResult has been removed
  • Struct DatabasesClientDeletePoller has been removed
  • Struct DatabasesClientDeletePollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct DatabasesClientExportPoller has been removed
  • Struct DatabasesClientExportPollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct DatabasesClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct DatabasesClientImportPoller has been removed
  • Struct DatabasesClientImportPollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct DatabasesClientListByClusterPager has been removed
  • Struct DatabasesClientListByClusterResult has been removed
  • Struct DatabasesClientListKeysResult has been removed
  • Struct DatabasesClientRegenerateKeyPoller has been removed
  • Struct DatabasesClientRegenerateKeyPollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct DatabasesClientRegenerateKeyResult has been removed
  • Struct DatabasesClientUpdatePoller has been removed
  • Struct DatabasesClientUpdatePollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct DatabasesClientUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct OperationsClientListPager has been removed
  • Struct OperationsClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct OperationsStatusClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientPutPoller has been removed
  • Struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientPutPollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientPutResult has been removed
  • Struct PrivateLinkResourcesClientListByClusterResult has been removed
  • Field PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientGetResult of struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field DatabasesClientUpdateResult of struct DatabasesClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct DatabasesClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field ClientListResult of struct ClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field DatabasesClientRegenerateKeyResult of struct DatabasesClientRegenerateKeyResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct DatabasesClientRegenerateKeyResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct DatabasesClientExportResponse has been removed
  • Field ClientCreateResult of struct ClientCreateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ClientCreateResponse has been removed
  • Field PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientPutResult of struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientPutResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientPutResponse has been removed
  • Field ClientGetResult of struct ClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field OperationsClientListResult of struct OperationsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct OperationsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field PrivateLinkResourcesClientListByClusterResult of struct PrivateLinkResourcesClientListByClusterResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct PrivateLinkResourcesClientListByClusterResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct DatabasesClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct DatabasesClientImportResponse has been removed
  • Field PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListResult of struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field ClientListByResourceGroupResult of struct ClientListByResourceGroupResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ClientListByResourceGroupResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Field DatabasesClientGetResult of struct DatabasesClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct DatabasesClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field DatabasesClientCreateResult of struct DatabasesClientCreateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct DatabasesClientCreateResponse has been removed
  • Field DatabasesClientListKeysResult of struct DatabasesClientListKeysResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct DatabasesClientListKeysResponse has been removed
  • Field ClientUpdateResult of struct ClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct ClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Field OperationsStatusClientGetResult of struct OperationsStatusClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct OperationsStatusClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field DatabasesClientListByClusterResult of struct DatabasesClientListByClusterResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct DatabasesClientListByClusterResponse has been removed

Features Added

  • New const LinkStateLinked
  • New const LinkStateUnlinking
  • New const LinkStateLinkFailed
  • New const LinkStateLinking
  • New const LinkStateUnlinkFailed
  • New function ForceUnlinkParameters.MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
  • New function *DatabasesClient.BeginForceUnlink(context.Context, string, string, string, ForceUnlinkParameters, *DatabasesClientBeginForceUnlinkOptions) (*armruntime.Poller[DatabasesClientForceUnlinkResponse], error)
  • New function PossibleLinkStateValues() []LinkState
  • New function DatabasePropertiesGeoReplication.MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
  • New struct DatabasePropertiesGeoReplication
  • New struct DatabasesClientBeginForceUnlinkOptions
  • New struct DatabasesClientForceUnlinkResponse
  • New struct ForceUnlinkParameters
  • New struct LinkedDatabase
  • New anonymous field PrivateEndpointConnection in struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientGetResponse
  • New field ResumeToken in struct DatabasesClientBeginExportOptions
  • New field ResumeToken in struct DatabasesClientBeginDeleteOptions
  • New anonymous field DatabaseList in struct DatabasesClientListByClusterResponse
  • New anonymous field Database in struct DatabasesClientCreateResponse
  • New field ResumeToken in struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientBeginPutOptions
  • New anonymous field OperationListResult in struct OperationsClientListResponse
  • New anonymous field Cluster in struct ClientUpdateResponse
  • New field ResumeToken in struct DatabasesClientBeginRegenerateKeyOptions
  • New field ResumeToken in struct DatabasesClientBeginImportOptions
  • New anonymous field Cluster in struct ClientGetResponse
  • New anonymous field AccessKeys in struct DatabasesClientListKeysResponse
  • New field ResumeToken in struct DatabasesClientBeginCreateOptions
  • New anonymous field OperationStatus in struct OperationsStatusClientGetResponse
  • New field GeoReplication in struct DatabaseProperties
  • New field ResumeToken in struct ClientBeginUpdateOptions
  • New anonymous field PrivateEndpointConnectionListResult in struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientListResponse
  • New anonymous field PrivateEndpointConnection in struct PrivateEndpointConnectionsClientPutResponse
  • New anonymous field Database in struct DatabasesClientGetResponse
  • New anonymous field ClusterList in struct ClientListResponse
  • New field ResumeToken in struct ClientBeginCreateOptions
  • New anonymous field PrivateLinkResourceListResult in struct PrivateLinkResourcesClientListByClusterResponse
  • New field ResumeToken in struct DatabasesClientBeginUpdateOptions
  • New anonymous field ClusterList in struct ClientListByResourceGroupResponse
  • New anonymous field Database in struct DatabasesClientUpdateResponse
  • New field ResumeToken in struct ClientBeginDeleteOptions
  • New anonymous field Cluster in struct ClientCreateResponse
  • New anonymous field AccessKeys in struct DatabasesClientRegenerateKeyResponse

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