github Azure/azure-sdk-for-go sdk/resourcemanager/operationalinsights/armoperationalinsights/v1.0.0

latest releases: sdk/monitor/query/azlogs/v1.1.0-beta.1, sdk/storage/azfile/v1.3.1, sdk/storage/azblob/v1.4.1...
2 years ago

1.0.0 (2022-05-17)

Breaking Changes

  • Function *ClustersClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate return value(s) have been changed from (*armruntime.Poller[ClustersClientCreateOrUpdateResponse], error) to (*runtime.Poller[ClustersClientCreateOrUpdateResponse], error)
  • Function *ClustersClient.BeginDelete return value(s) have been changed from (*armruntime.Poller[ClustersClientDeleteResponse], error) to (*runtime.Poller[ClustersClientDeleteResponse], error)
  • Function *ClustersClient.BeginUpdate return value(s) have been changed from (*armruntime.Poller[ClustersClientUpdateResponse], error) to (*runtime.Poller[ClustersClientUpdateResponse], error)
  • Function *LinkedServicesClient.BeginDelete return value(s) have been changed from (*armruntime.Poller[LinkedServicesClientDeleteResponse], error) to (*runtime.Poller[LinkedServicesClientDeleteResponse], error)
  • Function *LinkedServicesClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate return value(s) have been changed from (*armruntime.Poller[LinkedServicesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse], error) to (*runtime.Poller[LinkedServicesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse], error)
  • Function *WorkspacesClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate return value(s) have been changed from (*armruntime.Poller[WorkspacesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse], error) to (*runtime.Poller[WorkspacesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse], error)
  • Function *WorkspacesClient.BeginDelete return value(s) have been changed from (*armruntime.Poller[WorkspacesClientDeleteResponse], error) to (*runtime.Poller[WorkspacesClientDeleteResponse], error)
  • Const SourceEnumCustomer has been removed
  • Const TableTypeEnumSearchResults has been removed
  • Const TableTypeEnumMicrosoft has been removed
  • Const CreatedByTypeUser has been removed
  • Const ProvisioningStateEnumInProgress has been removed
  • Const CreatedByTypeManagedIdentity has been removed
  • Const TableTypeEnumRestoredLogs has been removed
  • Const ColumnDataTypeHintEnumArmPath has been removed
  • Const TableTypeEnumCustomLog has been removed
  • Const ColumnTypeEnumReal has been removed
  • Const TablePlanEnumAnalytics has been removed
  • Const IdentityTypeUser has been removed
  • Const ColumnDataTypeHintEnumGUID has been removed
  • Const SourceEnumMicrosoft has been removed
  • Const ColumnTypeEnumGUID has been removed
  • Const TableSubTypeEnumAny has been removed
  • Const CreatedByTypeApplication has been removed
  • Const ColumnDataTypeHintEnumURI has been removed
  • Const ProvisioningStateEnumUpdating has been removed
  • Const TableSubTypeEnumClassic has been removed
  • Const ProvisioningStateEnumSucceeded has been removed
  • Const ColumnTypeEnumInt has been removed
  • Const IdentityTypeManagedIdentity has been removed
  • Const TablePlanEnumBasic has been removed
  • Const IdentityTypeApplication has been removed
  • Const ColumnDataTypeHintEnumIP has been removed
  • Const ColumnTypeEnumBoolean has been removed
  • Const ColumnTypeEnumDynamic has been removed
  • Const TableSubTypeEnumDataCollectionRuleBased has been removed
  • Const ColumnTypeEnumLong has been removed
  • Const CreatedByTypeKey has been removed
  • Const ColumnTypeEnumString has been removed
  • Const ColumnTypeEnumDateTime has been removed
  • Const IdentityTypeKey has been removed
  • Function *QueriesClient.NewSearchPager has been removed
  • Function SearchSchemaValue.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function LogAnalyticsQueryPackQuery.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function *TablesClient.BeginDelete has been removed
  • Function PossibleProvisioningStateEnumValues has been removed
  • Function LinkedStorageAccountsListResult.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function *TablesClient.Migrate has been removed
  • Function LogAnalyticsQueryPackProperties.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function QueryPacksResource.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function LogAnalyticsQueryPackQuerySearchProperties.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function PossibleTableSubTypeEnumValues has been removed
  • Function LogAnalyticsQueryPackQueryProperties.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function OperationListResult.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function *QueriesClient.Get has been removed
  • Function TagsResource.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function LinkedServiceListResult.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function LogAnalyticsQueryPackQueryPropertiesRelated.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function *QueryPacksClient.NewListPager has been removed
  • Function SearchMetadata.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function UsageMetric.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function *TablesClient.BeginUpdate has been removed
  • Function *QueryPacksClient.Get has been removed
  • Function LogAnalyticsQueryPackListResult.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function NewQueryPacksClient has been removed
  • Function *SystemData.UnmarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function PossibleTableTypeEnumValues has been removed
  • Function LogAnalyticsQueryPack.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function Schema.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function SearchGetSchemaResponse.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function WorkspaceListManagementGroupsResult.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function WorkspaceListResult.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function *QueryPacksClient.CreateOrUpdate has been removed
  • Function PossibleSourceEnumValues has been removed
  • Function SystemData.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function *QueriesClient.Update has been removed
  • Function *QueriesClient.Delete has been removed
  • Function *QueryPacksClient.Delete has been removed
  • Function NewQueriesClient has been removed
  • Function *QueryPacksClient.UpdateTags has been removed
  • Function *QueryPacksClient.NewListByResourceGroupPager has been removed
  • Function *TablesClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate has been removed
  • Function *QueriesClient.Put has been removed
  • Function LogAnalyticsQueryPackQueryListResult.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function ErrorDetail.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function PossibleColumnDataTypeHintEnumValues has been removed
  • Function PossibleColumnTypeEnumValues has been removed
  • Function *LogAnalyticsQueryPackQueryProperties.UnmarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function PossibleCreatedByTypeValues has been removed
  • Function StorageInsightListResult.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function *SystemDataAutoGenerated.UnmarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function RestoredLogs.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function ClusterListResult.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function SavedSearchesListResult.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function *QueriesClient.NewListPager has been removed
  • Function *LogAnalyticsQueryPackProperties.UnmarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function PossibleTablePlanEnumValues has been removed
  • Function DataExportListResult.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function ManagementGroupProperties.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function LogAnalyticsQueryPackQuerySearchPropertiesRelated.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function WorkspaceListUsagesResult.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function *RestoredLogs.UnmarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function TablesListResult.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function SystemDataAutoGenerated.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function DataSourceListResult.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function SearchResults.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function *SearchResults.UnmarshalJSON has been removed
  • Struct AzureResourceProperties has been removed
  • Struct Column has been removed
  • Struct LogAnalyticsQueryPack has been removed
  • Struct LogAnalyticsQueryPackListResult has been removed
  • Struct LogAnalyticsQueryPackProperties has been removed
  • Struct LogAnalyticsQueryPackQuery has been removed
  • Struct LogAnalyticsQueryPackQueryListResult has been removed
  • Struct LogAnalyticsQueryPackQueryProperties has been removed
  • Struct LogAnalyticsQueryPackQueryPropertiesRelated has been removed
  • Struct LogAnalyticsQueryPackQuerySearchProperties has been removed
  • Struct LogAnalyticsQueryPackQuerySearchPropertiesRelated has been removed
  • Struct QueriesClient has been removed
  • Struct QueriesClientDeleteOptions has been removed
  • Struct QueriesClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Struct QueriesClientGetOptions has been removed
  • Struct QueriesClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Struct QueriesClientListOptions has been removed
  • Struct QueriesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Struct QueriesClientPutOptions has been removed
  • Struct QueriesClientPutResponse has been removed
  • Struct QueriesClientSearchOptions has been removed
  • Struct QueriesClientSearchResponse has been removed
  • Struct QueriesClientUpdateOptions has been removed
  • Struct QueriesClientUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Struct QueryPacksClient has been removed
  • Struct QueryPacksClientCreateOrUpdateOptions has been removed
  • Struct QueryPacksClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Struct QueryPacksClientDeleteOptions has been removed
  • Struct QueryPacksClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Struct QueryPacksClientGetOptions has been removed
  • Struct QueryPacksClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Struct QueryPacksClientListByResourceGroupOptions has been removed
  • Struct QueryPacksClientListByResourceGroupResponse has been removed
  • Struct QueryPacksClientListOptions has been removed
  • Struct QueryPacksClientListResponse has been removed
  • Struct QueryPacksClientUpdateTagsOptions has been removed
  • Struct QueryPacksClientUpdateTagsResponse has been removed
  • Struct QueryPacksResource has been removed
  • Struct RestoredLogs has been removed
  • Struct ResultStatistics has been removed
  • Struct Schema has been removed
  • Struct SearchResults has been removed
  • Struct SystemData has been removed
  • Struct SystemDataAutoGenerated has been removed
  • Struct TablesClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions has been removed
  • Struct TablesClientBeginDeleteOptions has been removed
  • Struct TablesClientBeginUpdateOptions has been removed
  • Struct TablesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Struct TablesClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Struct TablesClientMigrateOptions has been removed
  • Struct TablesClientMigrateResponse has been removed
  • Struct TagsResource has been removed
  • Field DefaultDataCollectionRuleResourceID of struct WorkspaceProperties has been removed
  • Field ArchiveRetentionInDays of struct TableProperties has been removed
  • Field TotalRetentionInDays of struct TableProperties has been removed
  • Field LastPlanModifiedDate of struct TableProperties has been removed
  • Field ResultStatistics of struct TableProperties has been removed
  • Field RestoredLogs of struct TableProperties has been removed
  • Field SearchResults of struct TableProperties has been removed
  • Field ProvisioningState of struct TableProperties has been removed
  • Field Plan of struct TableProperties has been removed
  • Field Schema of struct TableProperties has been removed
  • Field ETag of struct Workspace has been removed
  • Field SystemData of struct Workspace has been removed
  • Field SystemData of struct Table has been removed

Features Added

  • New function *TablesClient.Update(context.Context, string, string, string, Table, *TablesClientUpdateOptions) (TablesClientUpdateResponse, error)
  • New struct TablesClientUpdateOptions
  • New field Etag in struct Workspace

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