github Azure/azure-sdk-for-go sdk/resourcemanager/iotsecurity/armiotsecurity/v0.3.0

latest releases: sdk/messaging/eventgrid/azsystemevents/v0.4.2, sdk/containers/azcontainerregistry/v0.2.2, sdk/monitor/query/azlogs/v1.1.0-beta.1...
pre-release2 years ago

0.3.0 (2022-04-12)

Breaking Changes

  • Function *LocationsClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (*LocationsClientListPager) to (*runtime.Pager[LocationsClientListResponse])
  • Function NewDevicesClient return value(s) have been changed from (*DevicesClient) to (*DevicesClient, error)
  • Function *DevicesClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (*DevicesClientListPager) to (*runtime.Pager[DevicesClientListResponse])
  • Function NewDeviceGroupsClient return value(s) have been changed from (*DeviceGroupsClient) to (*DeviceGroupsClient, error)
  • Function *OperationsClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (*OperationsClientListPager) to (*runtime.Pager[OperationsClientListResponse])
  • Function *DeviceGroupsClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (*DeviceGroupsClientListPager) to (*runtime.Pager[DeviceGroupsClientListResponse])
  • Function NewOnPremiseSensorsClient return value(s) have been changed from (*OnPremiseSensorsClient) to (*OnPremiseSensorsClient, error)
  • Function NewLocationsClient return value(s) have been changed from (*LocationsClient) to (*LocationsClient, error)
  • Function NewOperationsClient return value(s) have been changed from (*OperationsClient) to (*OperationsClient, error)
  • Function NewSensorsClient return value(s) have been changed from (*SensorsClient) to (*SensorsClient, error)
  • Function NewSitesClient return value(s) have been changed from (*SitesClient) to (*SitesClient, error)
  • Function NewDefenderSettingsClient return value(s) have been changed from (*DefenderSettingsClient) to (*DefenderSettingsClient, error)
  • Type of ErrorAdditionalInfo.Info has been changed from map[string]interface{} to interface{}
  • Type of Slot.AdditionalData has been changed from map[string]interface{} to interface{}
  • Type of OnPremiseSensor.Properties has been changed from map[string]interface{} to interface{}
  • Type of Firmware.AdditionalFields has been changed from map[string]interface{} to interface{}
  • Type of DeviceProperties.AdditionalFields has been changed from map[string]interface{} to interface{}
  • Type of LocationModel.Properties has been changed from map[string]interface{} to interface{}
  • Type of DeviceGroupModel.Properties has been changed from map[string]interface{} to interface{}
  • Const AlertIntentCredentialAccess has been removed
  • Const AlertIntentPersistence has been removed
  • Const AlertSeverityHigh has been removed
  • Const AlertIntentUnknown has been removed
  • Const AlertSeverityMedium has been removed
  • Const AlertIntentProbing has been removed
  • Const AlertStatusInProgress has been removed
  • Const AlertSeverityInformational has been removed
  • Const AlertIntentExploitation has been removed
  • Const RecommendationSeverityOffByPolicy has been removed
  • Const AlertIntentExfiltration has been removed
  • Const SeverityScoreLow has been removed
  • Const RecommendationSeverityMedium has been removed
  • Const AlertSeverityLow has been removed
  • Const RecommendationSeverityLow has been removed
  • Const AlertIntentDefenseEvasion has been removed
  • Const RecommendationSeverityHigh has been removed
  • Const AlertIntentPreAttack has been removed
  • Const AlertIntentExecution has been removed
  • Const SeverityScoreCritical has been removed
  • Const AlertIntentDiscovery has been removed
  • Const SeverityScoreHigh has been removed
  • Const RecommendationSeverityNotApplicable has been removed
  • Const SeverityScoreMedium has been removed
  • Const AlertIntentImpact has been removed
  • Const RecommendationSeverityUnknown has been removed
  • Const AlertIntentPrivilegeEscalation has been removed
  • Const RecommendationSeverityHealthy has been removed
  • Const AlertIntentCollection has been removed
  • Const AlertIntentCommandAndControl has been removed
  • Const SeverityScoreNone has been removed
  • Const AlertStatusClosed has been removed
  • Const AlertIntentInitialAccess has been removed
  • Const AlertStatusNew has been removed
  • Const AlertIntentLateralMovement has been removed
  • Function *AlertTypesClient.Get has been removed
  • Function *DevicesClientListPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function SeverityScore.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function AlertTypeProperties.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function *DeviceGroupsClientListPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *IotDeviceVulnerabilityClient.List has been removed
  • Function AlertPropertiesModel.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function *IotAlertsClientListPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *OperationsClientListPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function NewRecommendationTypesClient has been removed
  • Function VersionKind.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *IotDeviceVulnerabilityClientListPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function *IotAlertsClientListPager.Err has been removed
  • Function SensorStatus.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function AlertPatchPropertiesModel.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function PossibleAlertSeverityValues has been removed
  • Function DeviceVulnerabilityPropertiesModel.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function SlotType.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function NewAlertTypesClient has been removed
  • Function AlertTypeList.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function NewIotRecommendationsClient has been removed
  • Function *DevicesClientListPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function AlertSeverity.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function DeviceStatus.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function AuthorizedState.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function DeviceDataSource.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function PossibleAlertStatusValues has been removed
  • Function OnboardingStatus.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function RecommendationTypeProperties.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function *DeviceGroupsClientListPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *IotRecommendationsClient.List has been removed
  • Function RecommendationListModel.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function *IotDeviceVulnerabilityClientListPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *LocationsClientListPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *IotDeviceVulnerabilityClient.Get has been removed
  • Function ProgrammingState.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function RecommendationTypeList.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function PossibleSeverityScoreValues has been removed
  • Function RecommendationSeverity.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *OperationsClientListPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *IotDeviceVulnerabilityClientListPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *RecommendationTypesClient.Get has been removed
  • Function NewIotDeviceVulnerabilityClient has been removed
  • Function *DevicesClientListPager.Err has been removed
  • Function TiStatus.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function MacCertainty.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *LocationsClientListPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *IotRecommendationsClientListPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *IotAlertsClient.Patch has been removed
  • Function *IotRecommendationsClientListPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *DeviceGroupsClientListPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function MdeIntegration.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function AlertStatus.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function AlertIntent.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function PossibleRecommendationSeverityValues has been removed
  • Function *LocationsClientListPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function PossibleAlertIntentValues has been removed
  • Function Criticality.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function AlertListModel.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function DeviceVulnerabilityListModel.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function *AlertTypesClient.List has been removed
  • Function OnboardingKind.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *IotAlertsClient.List has been removed
  • Function *RecommendationTypesClient.List has been removed
  • Function *IotRecommendationsClient.Get has been removed
  • Function PurdueLevel.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function *IotAlertsClient.Get has been removed
  • Function *IotAlertsClientListPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function *IotRecommendationsClientListPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function *OperationsClientListPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function NewIotAlertsClient has been removed
  • Function SensorType.ToPtr has been removed
  • Function CreatedByType.ToPtr has been removed
  • Struct AlertListModel has been removed
  • Struct AlertModel has been removed
  • Struct AlertPatchPropertiesModel has been removed
  • Struct AlertPatchPropertiesModelProperties has been removed
  • Struct AlertPropertiesModel has been removed
  • Struct AlertType has been removed
  • Struct AlertTypeList has been removed
  • Struct AlertTypeProperties has been removed
  • Struct AlertTypesClient has been removed
  • Struct AlertTypesClientGetOptions has been removed
  • Struct AlertTypesClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Struct AlertTypesClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct AlertTypesClientListOptions has been removed
  • Struct AlertTypesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Struct AlertTypesClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct DefenderSettingsClientCreateOrUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct DefenderSettingsClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct DefenderSettingsClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct DefenderSettingsClientPackageDownloadsResult has been removed
  • Struct DeviceGroupsClientCreateOrUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct DeviceGroupsClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct DeviceGroupsClientListPager has been removed
  • Struct DeviceGroupsClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct DeviceVulnerabilityListModel has been removed
  • Struct DeviceVulnerabilityModel has been removed
  • Struct DeviceVulnerabilityPropertiesModel has been removed
  • Struct DevicesClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct DevicesClientListPager has been removed
  • Struct DevicesClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct IotAlertsClient has been removed
  • Struct IotAlertsClientGetOptions has been removed
  • Struct IotAlertsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Struct IotAlertsClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct IotAlertsClientListOptions has been removed
  • Struct IotAlertsClientListPager has been removed
  • Struct IotAlertsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Struct IotAlertsClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct IotAlertsClientPatchOptions has been removed
  • Struct IotAlertsClientPatchResponse has been removed
  • Struct IotAlertsClientPatchResult has been removed
  • Struct IotDeviceVulnerabilityClient has been removed
  • Struct IotDeviceVulnerabilityClientGetOptions has been removed
  • Struct IotDeviceVulnerabilityClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Struct IotDeviceVulnerabilityClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct IotDeviceVulnerabilityClientListOptions has been removed
  • Struct IotDeviceVulnerabilityClientListPager has been removed
  • Struct IotDeviceVulnerabilityClientListResponse has been removed
  • Struct IotDeviceVulnerabilityClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct IotRecommendationsClient has been removed
  • Struct IotRecommendationsClientGetOptions has been removed
  • Struct IotRecommendationsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Struct IotRecommendationsClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct IotRecommendationsClientListOptions has been removed
  • Struct IotRecommendationsClientListPager has been removed
  • Struct IotRecommendationsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Struct IotRecommendationsClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct LocationsClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct LocationsClientListPager has been removed
  • Struct LocationsClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct OnPremiseSensorsClientCreateOrUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct OnPremiseSensorsClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct OnPremiseSensorsClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct OperationsClientListPager has been removed
  • Struct OperationsClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct RecommendationListModel has been removed
  • Struct RecommendationModel has been removed
  • Struct RecommendationPropertiesModel has been removed
  • Struct RecommendationType has been removed
  • Struct RecommendationTypeList has been removed
  • Struct RecommendationTypeProperties has been removed
  • Struct RecommendationTypesClient has been removed
  • Struct RecommendationTypesClientGetOptions has been removed
  • Struct RecommendationTypesClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Struct RecommendationTypesClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct RecommendationTypesClientListOptions has been removed
  • Struct RecommendationTypesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Struct RecommendationTypesClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct SensorsClientCreateOrUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct SensorsClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct SensorsClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct SitesClientCreateOrUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct SitesClientGetResult has been removed
  • Struct SitesClientListResult has been removed
  • Struct TechniqueModel has been removed
  • Field OnPremiseSensorsClientCreateOrUpdateResult of struct OnPremiseSensorsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct OnPremiseSensorsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct SensorsClientDownloadActivationResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct SensorsClientDownloadResetPasswordResponse has been removed
  • Field DeviceGroupsClientListResult of struct DeviceGroupsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct DeviceGroupsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct SensorsClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Field LocationsClientGetResult of struct LocationsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct LocationsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct SitesClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Field DeviceGroupsClientCreateOrUpdateResult of struct DeviceGroupsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct DeviceGroupsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field SitesClientCreateOrUpdateResult of struct SitesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct SitesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field DefenderSettingsClientListResult of struct DefenderSettingsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct DefenderSettingsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field OnPremiseSensorsClientGetResult of struct OnPremiseSensorsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct OnPremiseSensorsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct DefenderSettingsClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Field SensorsClientListResult of struct SensorsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct SensorsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field DefenderSettingsClientCreateOrUpdateResult of struct DefenderSettingsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct DefenderSettingsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field SensorsClientGetResult of struct SensorsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct SensorsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field DefenderSettingsClientGetResult of struct DefenderSettingsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct DefenderSettingsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field LocationsClientListResult of struct LocationsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct LocationsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field SitesClientListResult of struct SitesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct SitesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field DevicesClientGetResult of struct DevicesClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct DevicesClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct SensorsClientTriggerTiPackageUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct OnPremiseSensorsClientDownloadActivationResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct DefenderSettingsClientDownloadManagerActivationResponse has been removed
  • Field SitesClientGetResult of struct SitesClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct SitesClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct DeviceGroupsClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Field DefenderSettingsClientPackageDownloadsResult of struct DefenderSettingsClientPackageDownloadsResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct DefenderSettingsClientPackageDownloadsResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct OnPremiseSensorsClientDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Field OperationsClientListResult of struct OperationsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct OperationsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct OnPremiseSensorsClientDownloadResetPasswordResponse has been removed
  • Field SensorsClientCreateOrUpdateResult of struct SensorsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct SensorsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field OnPremiseSensorsClientListResult of struct OnPremiseSensorsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct OnPremiseSensorsClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field DevicesClientListResult of struct DevicesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct DevicesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field DeviceGroupsClientGetResult of struct DeviceGroupsClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field RawResponse of struct DeviceGroupsClientGetResponse has been removed

Features Added

  • New anonymous field SiteModel in struct SitesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • New anonymous field SiteModel in struct SitesClientGetResponse
  • New anonymous field DeviceGroupModel in struct DeviceGroupsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • New anonymous field SitesList in struct SitesClientListResponse
  • New anonymous field OnPremiseSensor in struct OnPremiseSensorsClientGetResponse
  • New anonymous field DeviceList in struct DevicesClientListResponse
  • New anonymous field LocationList in struct LocationsClientListResponse
  • New anonymous field DefenderSettingsList in struct DefenderSettingsClientListResponse
  • New anonymous field OnPremiseSensor in struct OnPremiseSensorsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • New anonymous field DefenderSettingsModel in struct DefenderSettingsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • New anonymous field SensorModel in struct SensorsClientGetResponse
  • New field Body in struct OnPremiseSensorsClientDownloadActivationResponse
  • New anonymous field DefenderSettingsModel in struct DefenderSettingsClientGetResponse
  • New anonymous field OnPremiseSensorsList in struct OnPremiseSensorsClientListResponse
  • New field Body in struct DefenderSettingsClientDownloadManagerActivationResponse
  • New anonymous field LocationModel in struct LocationsClientGetResponse
  • New anonymous field OperationList in struct OperationsClientListResponse
  • New anonymous field PackageDownloads in struct DefenderSettingsClientPackageDownloadsResponse
  • New anonymous field SensorModel in struct SensorsClientCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • New field Body in struct SensorsClientDownloadResetPasswordResponse
  • New anonymous field SensorsList in struct SensorsClientListResponse
  • New field Body in struct SensorsClientDownloadActivationResponse
  • New anonymous field DeviceGroupList in struct DeviceGroupsClientListResponse
  • New anonymous field DeviceModel in struct DevicesClientGetResponse
  • New field Body in struct OnPremiseSensorsClientDownloadResetPasswordResponse
  • New anonymous field DeviceGroupModel in struct DeviceGroupsClientGetResponse

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