github Azure/azure-sdk-for-go sdk/resourcemanager/hybridcontainerservice/armhybridcontainerservice/v1.0.0

8 months ago

1.0.0 (2024-01-26)

Breaking Changes

  • Function *ProvisionedClusterInstancesClient.BeginCreateOrUpdate parameter(s) have been changed from (context.Context, string, ProvisionedClusters, *ProvisionedClusterInstancesClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions) to (context.Context, string, ProvisionedCluster, *ProvisionedClusterInstancesClientBeginCreateOrUpdateOptions)
  • Type of ControlPlaneProfile.ControlPlaneEndpoint has been changed from *ControlPlaneEndpointProfileControlPlaneEndpoint to *ControlPlaneProfileControlPlaneEndpoint
  • Type of VirtualNetworkExtendedLocation.Type has been changed from *string to *ExtendedLocationTypes
  • NetworkPolicyFlannel from enum NetworkPolicy has been removed
  • ProvisioningStateCreated, ProvisioningStateInProgress from enum ProvisioningState has been removed
  • ResourceProvisioningStateCreated, ResourceProvisioningStateInProgress from enum ResourceProvisioningState has been removed
  • Function *AgentPoolClient.BeginUpdate has been removed
  • Operation *AgentPoolClient.ListByProvisionedCluster has supported pagination, use *AgentPoolClient.NewListByProvisionedClusterPager instead.
  • Struct AgentPoolPatch has been removed
  • Struct AgentPoolProvisioningStatusOperationStatus has been removed
  • Struct AgentPoolProvisioningStatusOperationStatusError has been removed
  • Struct ControlPlaneEndpointProfileControlPlaneEndpoint has been removed
  • Struct KubernetesVersionCapabilities has been removed
  • Struct ProvisionedClusterPropertiesStatusOperationStatus has been removed
  • Struct ProvisionedClusterPropertiesStatusOperationStatusError has been removed
  • Struct ProvisionedClusters has been removed
  • Struct ProvisionedClustersListResult has been removed
  • Struct VirtualNetworkPropertiesInfraVnetProfileVmware has been removed
  • Field Location of struct AgentPool has been removed
  • Field AvailabilityZones, NodeImageVersion of struct AgentPoolProperties has been removed
  • Field OperationStatus of struct AgentPoolProvisioningStatusStatus has been removed
  • Field AvailabilityZones, LinuxProfile, Name, NodeImageVersion, OSSKU, OSType of struct ControlPlaneProfile has been removed
  • Field Capabilities of struct KubernetesVersionProperties has been removed
  • Field AvailabilityZones, NodeImageVersion of struct NamedAgentPoolProfile has been removed
  • Field ProvisionedClusters of struct ProvisionedClusterInstancesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Field ProvisionedClusters of struct ProvisionedClusterInstancesClientGetResponse has been removed
  • Field ProvisionedClustersListResult of struct ProvisionedClusterInstancesClientListResponse has been removed
  • Field Name of struct ProvisionedClusterPoolUpgradeProfile has been removed
  • Field OperationStatus of struct ProvisionedClusterPropertiesStatus has been removed
  • Field AgentPoolProfiles of struct ProvisionedClusterUpgradeProfileProperties has been removed
  • Field DhcpServers of struct VirtualNetworkProperties has been removed
  • Field Vmware of struct VirtualNetworkPropertiesInfraVnetProfile has been removed
  • Field Phase of struct VirtualNetworkPropertiesStatusOperationStatus has been removed

Features Added

  • New value ProvisioningStateCreating, ProvisioningStatePending added to enum type ProvisioningState
  • New value ResourceProvisioningStatePending added to enum type ResourceProvisioningState
  • New enum type Expander with values ExpanderLeastWaste, ExpanderMostPods, ExpanderPriority, ExpanderRandom
  • New struct ClusterVMAccessProfile
  • New struct ControlPlaneProfileControlPlaneEndpoint
  • New struct ProvisionedCluster
  • New struct ProvisionedClusterListResult
  • New struct ProvisionedClusterPropertiesAutoScalerProfile
  • New struct StorageProfile
  • New struct StorageProfileNfsCSIDriver
  • New struct StorageProfileSmbCSIDriver
  • New field EnableAutoScaling, KubernetesVersion, MaxCount, MaxPods, MinCount, NodeLabels, NodeTaints in struct AgentPoolProperties
  • New field CurrentState in struct AgentPoolProvisioningStatusStatus
  • New field KubernetesVersion in struct AgentPoolUpdateProfile
  • New field EnableAutoScaling, KubernetesVersion, MaxCount, MaxPods, MinCount, NodeLabels, NodeTaints in struct NamedAgentPoolProfile
  • New anonymous field ProvisionedCluster in struct ProvisionedClusterInstancesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • New anonymous field ProvisionedCluster in struct ProvisionedClusterInstancesClientGetResponse
  • New anonymous field ProvisionedClusterListResult in struct ProvisionedClusterInstancesClientListResponse
  • New field AutoScalerProfile, ClusterVMAccessProfile, StorageProfile in struct ProvisionedClusterProperties
  • New field CurrentState in struct ProvisionedClusterPropertiesStatus

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