github Azure/azure-sdk-for-go sdk/resourcemanager/elastic/armelastic/v0.2.0

latest releases: sdk/resourcemanager/trustedsigning/armtrustedsigning/v0.1.0, sdk/resourcemanager/computeschedule/armcomputeschedule/v0.1.0, sdk/resourcemanager/containerservice/armcontainerservice/v6.2.0-beta.1...
pre-release2 years ago

0.2.0 (2022-01-14)

Breaking Changes

  • Function *TagRulesClient.Get parameter(s) have been changed from (context.Context, string, string, string, *TagRulesGetOptions) to (context.Context, string, string, string, *TagRulesClientGetOptions)
  • Function *TagRulesClient.Get return value(s) have been changed from (TagRulesGetResponse, error) to (TagRulesClientGetResponse, error)
  • Function *TagRulesClient.BeginDelete parameter(s) have been changed from (context.Context, string, string, string, *TagRulesBeginDeleteOptions) to (context.Context, string, string, string, *TagRulesClientBeginDeleteOptions)
  • Function *TagRulesClient.BeginDelete return value(s) have been changed from (TagRulesDeletePollerResponse, error) to (TagRulesClientDeletePollerResponse, error)
  • Function *OperationsClient.List parameter(s) have been changed from (*OperationsListOptions) to (*OperationsClientListOptions)
  • Function *OperationsClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (*OperationsListPager) to (*OperationsClientListPager)
  • Function *MonitorsClient.List parameter(s) have been changed from (*MonitorsListOptions) to (*MonitorsClientListOptions)
  • Function *MonitorsClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (*MonitorsListPager) to (*MonitorsClientListPager)
  • Function *VMHostClient.List parameter(s) have been changed from (string, string, *VMHostListOptions) to (string, string, *VMHostClientListOptions)
  • Function *VMHostClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (*VMHostListPager) to (*VMHostClientListPager)
  • Function *MonitoredResourcesClient.List parameter(s) have been changed from (string, string, *MonitoredResourcesListOptions) to (string, string, *MonitoredResourcesClientListOptions)
  • Function *MonitoredResourcesClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (*MonitoredResourcesListPager) to (*MonitoredResourcesClientListPager)
  • Function *MonitorsClient.ListByResourceGroup parameter(s) have been changed from (string, *MonitorsListByResourceGroupOptions) to (string, *MonitorsClientListByResourceGroupOptions)
  • Function *MonitorsClient.ListByResourceGroup return value(s) have been changed from (*MonitorsListByResourceGroupPager) to (*MonitorsClientListByResourceGroupPager)
  • Function *DeploymentInfoClient.List parameter(s) have been changed from (context.Context, string, string, *DeploymentInfoListOptions) to (context.Context, string, string, *DeploymentInfoClientListOptions)
  • Function *DeploymentInfoClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (DeploymentInfoListResponse, error) to (DeploymentInfoClientListResponse, error)
  • Function *TagRulesClient.List parameter(s) have been changed from (string, string, *TagRulesListOptions) to (string, string, *TagRulesClientListOptions)
  • Function *TagRulesClient.List return value(s) have been changed from (*TagRulesListPager) to (*TagRulesClientListPager)
  • Function *MonitorsClient.BeginCreate parameter(s) have been changed from (context.Context, string, string, *MonitorsBeginCreateOptions) to (context.Context, string, string, *MonitorsClientBeginCreateOptions)
  • Function *MonitorsClient.BeginCreate return value(s) have been changed from (MonitorsCreatePollerResponse, error) to (MonitorsClientCreatePollerResponse, error)
  • Function *MonitorsClient.BeginDelete parameter(s) have been changed from (context.Context, string, string, *MonitorsBeginDeleteOptions) to (context.Context, string, string, *MonitorsClientBeginDeleteOptions)
  • Function *MonitorsClient.BeginDelete return value(s) have been changed from (MonitorsDeletePollerResponse, error) to (MonitorsClientDeletePollerResponse, error)
  • Function *MonitorsClient.Get parameter(s) have been changed from (context.Context, string, string, *MonitorsGetOptions) to (context.Context, string, string, *MonitorsClientGetOptions)
  • Function *MonitorsClient.Get return value(s) have been changed from (MonitorsGetResponse, error) to (MonitorsClientGetResponse, error)
  • Function *MonitorsClient.Update parameter(s) have been changed from (context.Context, string, string, *MonitorsUpdateOptions) to (context.Context, string, string, *MonitorsClientUpdateOptions)
  • Function *MonitorsClient.Update return value(s) have been changed from (MonitorsUpdateResponse, error) to (MonitorsClientUpdateResponse, error)
  • Function *VMCollectionClient.Update parameter(s) have been changed from (context.Context, string, string, *VMCollectionUpdateOptions) to (context.Context, string, string, *VMCollectionClientUpdateOptions)
  • Function *VMCollectionClient.Update return value(s) have been changed from (VMCollectionUpdateResponse, error) to (VMCollectionClientUpdateResponse, error)
  • Function *VMIngestionClient.Details parameter(s) have been changed from (context.Context, string, string, *VMIngestionDetailsOptions) to (context.Context, string, string, *VMIngestionClientDetailsOptions)
  • Function *VMIngestionClient.Details return value(s) have been changed from (VMIngestionDetailsResponseEnvelope, error) to (VMIngestionClientDetailsResponse, error)
  • Function *TagRulesClient.CreateOrUpdate parameter(s) have been changed from (context.Context, string, string, string, *TagRulesCreateOrUpdateOptions) to (context.Context, string, string, string, *TagRulesClientCreateOrUpdateOptions)
  • Function *TagRulesClient.CreateOrUpdate return value(s) have been changed from (TagRulesCreateOrUpdateResponse, error) to (TagRulesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse, error)
  • Type of MonitorProperties.ElasticProperties has been changed from *ElasticProperties to *Properties
  • Function *MonitoredResourcesListPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *MonitorsCreatePoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *TagRulesDeletePoller.Done has been removed
  • Function *OperationsListPager.Err has been removed
  • Function MonitorsCreatePollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function *TagRulesListPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function MonitorsDeletePollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function *OperationsListPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *MonitorsCreatePoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *MonitorsDeletePoller.Done has been removed
  • Function *MonitorsDeletePollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *VMHostListPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function *MonitorsDeletePoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *MonitorsDeletePoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function ElasticMonitorResource.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function *OperationsListPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function *MonitorsCreatePollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *MonitorsCreatePoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function *MonitoredResourcesListPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function *MonitorsListByResourceGroupPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function ElasticMonitorResourceUpdateParameters.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function *MonitorsListPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *MonitorsListByResourceGroupPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *TagRulesDeletePoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function *TagRulesListPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *TagRulesDeletePollerResponse.Resume has been removed
  • Function *MonitoredResourcesListPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *TagRulesDeletePoller.ResumeToken has been removed
  • Function *MonitorsDeletePoller.FinalResponse has been removed
  • Function *MonitorsListPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function TagRulesDeletePollerResponse.PollUntilDone has been removed
  • Function *MonitorsListPager.NextPage has been removed
  • Function *VMHostListPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *VMHostListPager.PageResponse has been removed
  • Function *MonitorsCreatePoller.Done has been removed
  • Function ElasticMonitorResourceListResponse.MarshalJSON has been removed
  • Function *TagRulesDeletePoller.Poll has been removed
  • Function *TagRulesListPager.Err has been removed
  • Function *MonitorsListByResourceGroupPager.Err has been removed
  • Function ResourceProviderDefaultErrorResponse.Error has been removed
  • Struct DeploymentInfoListOptions has been removed
  • Struct DeploymentInfoListResponse has been removed
  • Struct DeploymentInfoListResult has been removed
  • Struct ElasticCloudDeployment has been removed
  • Struct ElasticCloudUser has been removed
  • Struct ElasticMonitorResource has been removed
  • Struct ElasticMonitorResourceListResponse has been removed
  • Struct ElasticMonitorResourceUpdateParameters has been removed
  • Struct ElasticProperties has been removed
  • Struct MonitoredResourcesListOptions has been removed
  • Struct MonitoredResourcesListPager has been removed
  • Struct MonitoredResourcesListResponse has been removed
  • Struct MonitoredResourcesListResult has been removed
  • Struct MonitorsBeginCreateOptions has been removed
  • Struct MonitorsBeginDeleteOptions has been removed
  • Struct MonitorsCreatePoller has been removed
  • Struct MonitorsCreatePollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct MonitorsCreateResponse has been removed
  • Struct MonitorsCreateResult has been removed
  • Struct MonitorsDeletePoller has been removed
  • Struct MonitorsDeletePollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct MonitorsDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Struct MonitorsGetOptions has been removed
  • Struct MonitorsGetResponse has been removed
  • Struct MonitorsGetResult has been removed
  • Struct MonitorsListByResourceGroupOptions has been removed
  • Struct MonitorsListByResourceGroupPager has been removed
  • Struct MonitorsListByResourceGroupResponse has been removed
  • Struct MonitorsListByResourceGroupResult has been removed
  • Struct MonitorsListOptions has been removed
  • Struct MonitorsListPager has been removed
  • Struct MonitorsListResponse has been removed
  • Struct MonitorsListResult has been removed
  • Struct MonitorsUpdateOptions has been removed
  • Struct MonitorsUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Struct MonitorsUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct OperationsListOptions has been removed
  • Struct OperationsListPager has been removed
  • Struct OperationsListResponse has been removed
  • Struct OperationsListResult has been removed
  • Struct TagRulesBeginDeleteOptions has been removed
  • Struct TagRulesCreateOrUpdateOptions has been removed
  • Struct TagRulesCreateOrUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Struct TagRulesCreateOrUpdateResult has been removed
  • Struct TagRulesDeletePoller has been removed
  • Struct TagRulesDeletePollerResponse has been removed
  • Struct TagRulesDeleteResponse has been removed
  • Struct TagRulesGetOptions has been removed
  • Struct TagRulesGetResponse has been removed
  • Struct TagRulesGetResult has been removed
  • Struct TagRulesListOptions has been removed
  • Struct TagRulesListPager has been removed
  • Struct TagRulesListResponse has been removed
  • Struct TagRulesListResult has been removed
  • Struct VMCollectionUpdateOptions has been removed
  • Struct VMCollectionUpdateResponse has been removed
  • Struct VMHostListOptions has been removed
  • Struct VMHostListPager has been removed
  • Struct VMHostListResponseEnvelope has been removed
  • Struct VMHostListResult has been removed
  • Struct VMIngestionDetailsOptions has been removed
  • Struct VMIngestionDetailsResponseEnvelope has been removed
  • Struct VMIngestionDetailsResult has been removed
  • Field InnerError of struct ResourceProviderDefaultErrorResponse has been removed

Features Added

  • New function *MonitorsClientListByResourceGroupPager.NextPage(context.Context) bool
  • New function MonitorResourceListResponse.MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
  • New function *MonitorsClientDeletePoller.ResumeToken() (string, error)
  • New function *MonitorsClientCreatePollerResponse.Resume(context.Context, *MonitorsClient, string) error
  • New function MonitorResource.MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
  • New function *TagRulesClientListPager.NextPage(context.Context) bool
  • New function *MonitorsClientCreatePoller.FinalResponse(context.Context) (MonitorsClientCreateResponse, error)
  • New function MonitorsClientCreatePollerResponse.PollUntilDone(context.Context, time.Duration) (MonitorsClientCreateResponse, error)
  • New function *MonitorsClientCreatePoller.ResumeToken() (string, error)
  • New function *TagRulesClientListPager.PageResponse() TagRulesClientListResponse
  • New function *MonitoredResourcesClientListPager.PageResponse() MonitoredResourcesClientListResponse
  • New function *MonitorsClientListPager.NextPage(context.Context) bool
  • New function *MonitorsClientListByResourceGroupPager.PageResponse() MonitorsClientListByResourceGroupResponse
  • New function *TagRulesClientDeletePoller.FinalResponse(context.Context) (TagRulesClientDeleteResponse, error)
  • New function *TagRulesClientDeletePoller.Done() bool
  • New function *MonitoredResourcesClientListPager.Err() error
  • New function *MonitorsClientListByResourceGroupPager.Err() error
  • New function *MonitorsClientDeletePoller.FinalResponse(context.Context) (MonitorsClientDeleteResponse, error)
  • New function *TagRulesClientDeletePoller.ResumeToken() (string, error)
  • New function *MonitorsClientDeletePoller.Done() bool
  • New function *OperationsClientListPager.NextPage(context.Context) bool
  • New function *VMHostClientListPager.Err() error
  • New function *TagRulesClientDeletePollerResponse.Resume(context.Context, *TagRulesClient, string) error
  • New function *OperationsClientListPager.Err() error
  • New function *VMHostClientListPager.NextPage(context.Context) bool
  • New function *MonitorsClientListPager.PageResponse() MonitorsClientListResponse
  • New function MonitorResourceUpdateParameters.MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
  • New function TagRulesClientDeletePollerResponse.PollUntilDone(context.Context, time.Duration) (TagRulesClientDeleteResponse, error)
  • New function *MonitoredResourcesClientListPager.NextPage(context.Context) bool
  • New function *VMHostClientListPager.PageResponse() VMHostClientListResponse
  • New function *MonitorsClientDeletePoller.Poll(context.Context) (*http.Response, error)
  • New function MonitorsClientDeletePollerResponse.PollUntilDone(context.Context, time.Duration) (MonitorsClientDeleteResponse, error)
  • New function *OperationsClientListPager.PageResponse() OperationsClientListResponse
  • New function *MonitorsClientDeletePollerResponse.Resume(context.Context, *MonitorsClient, string) error
  • New function *MonitorsClientListPager.Err() error
  • New function *TagRulesClientDeletePoller.Poll(context.Context) (*http.Response, error)
  • New function *MonitorsClientCreatePoller.Poll(context.Context) (*http.Response, error)
  • New function *MonitorsClientCreatePoller.Done() bool
  • New function *TagRulesClientListPager.Err() error
  • New struct CloudDeployment
  • New struct CloudUser
  • New struct DeploymentInfoClientListOptions
  • New struct DeploymentInfoClientListResponse
  • New struct DeploymentInfoClientListResult
  • New struct MonitorResource
  • New struct MonitorResourceListResponse
  • New struct MonitorResourceUpdateParameters
  • New struct MonitoredResourcesClientListOptions
  • New struct MonitoredResourcesClientListPager
  • New struct MonitoredResourcesClientListResponse
  • New struct MonitoredResourcesClientListResult
  • New struct MonitorsClientBeginCreateOptions
  • New struct MonitorsClientBeginDeleteOptions
  • New struct MonitorsClientCreatePoller
  • New struct MonitorsClientCreatePollerResponse
  • New struct MonitorsClientCreateResponse
  • New struct MonitorsClientCreateResult
  • New struct MonitorsClientDeletePoller
  • New struct MonitorsClientDeletePollerResponse
  • New struct MonitorsClientDeleteResponse
  • New struct MonitorsClientGetOptions
  • New struct MonitorsClientGetResponse
  • New struct MonitorsClientGetResult
  • New struct MonitorsClientListByResourceGroupOptions
  • New struct MonitorsClientListByResourceGroupPager
  • New struct MonitorsClientListByResourceGroupResponse
  • New struct MonitorsClientListByResourceGroupResult
  • New struct MonitorsClientListOptions
  • New struct MonitorsClientListPager
  • New struct MonitorsClientListResponse
  • New struct MonitorsClientListResult
  • New struct MonitorsClientUpdateOptions
  • New struct MonitorsClientUpdateResponse
  • New struct MonitorsClientUpdateResult
  • New struct OperationsClientListOptions
  • New struct OperationsClientListPager
  • New struct OperationsClientListResponse
  • New struct OperationsClientListResult
  • New struct Properties
  • New struct TagRulesClientBeginDeleteOptions
  • New struct TagRulesClientCreateOrUpdateOptions
  • New struct TagRulesClientCreateOrUpdateResponse
  • New struct TagRulesClientCreateOrUpdateResult
  • New struct TagRulesClientDeletePoller
  • New struct TagRulesClientDeletePollerResponse
  • New struct TagRulesClientDeleteResponse
  • New struct TagRulesClientGetOptions
  • New struct TagRulesClientGetResponse
  • New struct TagRulesClientGetResult
  • New struct TagRulesClientListOptions
  • New struct TagRulesClientListPager
  • New struct TagRulesClientListResponse
  • New struct TagRulesClientListResult
  • New struct VMCollectionClientUpdateOptions
  • New struct VMCollectionClientUpdateResponse
  • New struct VMHostClientListOptions
  • New struct VMHostClientListPager
  • New struct VMHostClientListResponse
  • New struct VMHostClientListResult
  • New struct VMIngestionClientDetailsOptions
  • New struct VMIngestionClientDetailsResponse
  • New struct VMIngestionClientDetailsResult
  • New field Error in struct ResourceProviderDefaultErrorResponse

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