github Azure/azure-sdk-for-go sdk/resourcemanager/datafactory/armdatafactory/v4.0.0

latest releases: sdk/resourcemanager/mongocluster/armmongocluster/v0.1.0, sdk/resourcemanager/oracledatabase/armoracledatabase/v1.0.0, sdk/internal/v1.9.1...
7 months ago

4.0.0 (2023-12-22)

Breaking Changes

  • Type of AmazonMWSLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of AmazonRdsForLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of AmazonRdsForSQLServerLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of AmazonRedshiftLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of AmazonS3CompatibleLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of AmazonS3LinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of AsanaLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of AzureBatchLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of AzureBlobFSLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of AzureDataLakeAnalyticsLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of AzureDataLakeStoreLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of AzureDatabricksDetltaLakeLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of AzureDatabricksLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of AzureFileStorageLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of AzureFunctionLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of AzureMLLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of AzureMLServiceLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of AzureMariaDBLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of AzureMySQLLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of AzurePostgreSQLLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of AzureSQLDWLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of AzureSQLDatabaseLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of AzureSQLMILinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of AzureSearchLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of CassandraLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of CommonDataServiceForAppsLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of ConcurLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of CosmosDbLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of CouchbaseLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of DataworldLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of Db2LinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of DrillLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of DynamicsAXLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of DynamicsCrmLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of DynamicsLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of EloquaLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of FileServerLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of FtpServerLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of GoogleAdWordsLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of GoogleBigQueryLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of GoogleCloudStorageLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of GoogleSheetsLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of GreenplumLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of HBaseLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of HDInsightHiveActivityTypeProperties.Variables has been changed from []any to map[string]any
  • Type of HDInsightLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of HDInsightOnDemandLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of HTTPLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of HdfsLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of HiveLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of HubspotLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of ImpalaLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of InformixLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of JiraLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of MagentoLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of MariaDBLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of MarketoLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of MicrosoftAccessLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of MongoDbLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of MySQLLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of NetezzaLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of ODataLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of OdbcLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of Office365LinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of OracleCloudStorageLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of OracleLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of OracleServiceCloudLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of PaypalLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of PhoenixLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of PostgreSQLLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of PrestoLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of QuickBooksLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of QuickbaseLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of ResponsysLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of RestResourceDatasetTypeProperties.AdditionalHeaders has been changed from any to map[string]any
  • Type of RestResourceDatasetTypeProperties.PaginationRules has been changed from any to map[string]any
  • Type of RestServiceLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of SQLServerLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of SalesforceLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of SalesforceMarketingCloudLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of SalesforceServiceCloudLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of SapBWLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of SapCloudForCustomerLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of SapHanaLinkedServiceProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of SapOdpLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of SapOpenHubLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of SapTableLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of ServiceNowLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of SftpServerLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of SharePointOnlineListLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of ShopifyLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of SmartsheetLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of SnowflakeLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of SparkLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of SquareLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of SybaseLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of TeamDeskLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of TeradataLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of VerticaLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of XeroLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of ZendeskLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Type of ZohoLinkedServiceTypeProperties.EncryptedCredential has been changed from any to *string
  • Enum CosmosDbServicePrincipalCredentialType has been removed
  • Enum SalesforceSourceReadBehavior has been removed
  • Field EnablePartitionDiscovery, PartitionRootPath of struct HTTPReadSettings has been removed

Features Added

  • Support for test fakes and OpenTelemetry trace spans.
  • Type of AmazonS3CompatibleReadSettings.EnablePartitionDiscovery has been changed from *bool to any
  • Type of AmazonS3ReadSettings.EnablePartitionDiscovery has been changed from *bool to any
  • Type of AzureBlobFSReadSettings.EnablePartitionDiscovery has been changed from *bool to any
  • Type of AzureBlobStorageLinkedServiceTypeProperties.AccountKind has been changed from *string to any
  • Type of AzureBlobStorageLinkedServiceTypeProperties.ServiceEndpoint has been changed from *string to any
  • Type of AzureBlobStorageReadSettings.EnablePartitionDiscovery has been changed from *bool to any
  • Type of AzureDataLakeStoreReadSettings.EnablePartitionDiscovery has been changed from *bool to any
  • Type of AzureFileStorageReadSettings.EnablePartitionDiscovery has been changed from *bool to any
  • Type of CosmosDbLinkedServiceTypeProperties.ServicePrincipalCredentialType has been changed from *CosmosDbServicePrincipalCredentialType to any
  • Type of FileServerReadSettings.EnablePartitionDiscovery has been changed from *bool to any
  • Type of FtpReadSettings.EnablePartitionDiscovery has been changed from *bool to any
  • Type of FtpReadSettings.UseBinaryTransfer has been changed from *bool to any
  • Type of GoogleCloudStorageReadSettings.EnablePartitionDiscovery has been changed from *bool to any
  • Type of HdfsReadSettings.EnablePartitionDiscovery has been changed from *bool to any
  • Type of OracleCloudStorageReadSettings.EnablePartitionDiscovery has been changed from *bool to any
  • Type of SalesforceServiceCloudSource.ReadBehavior has been changed from *SalesforceSourceReadBehavior to any
  • Type of SalesforceSource.ReadBehavior has been changed from *SalesforceSourceReadBehavior to any
  • Type of SapEccLinkedServiceTypeProperties.URL has been changed from *string to any
  • Type of SapEccLinkedServiceTypeProperties.Username has been changed from *string to any
  • Type of SftpReadSettings.EnablePartitionDiscovery has been changed from *bool to any
  • Type of SynapseNotebookActivityTypeProperties.NumExecutors has been changed from *int32 to any
  • New enum type ActivityOnInactiveMarkAs with values ActivityOnInactiveMarkAsFailed, ActivityOnInactiveMarkAsSkipped, ActivityOnInactiveMarkAsSucceeded
  • New enum type ActivityState with values ActivityStateActive, ActivityStateInactive
  • New enum type ConnectionType with values ConnectionTypeLinkedservicetype
  • New enum type FrequencyType with values FrequencyTypeHour, FrequencyTypeMinute, FrequencyTypeSecond
  • New enum type MappingType with values MappingTypeAggregate, MappingTypeDerived, MappingTypeDirect
  • New function NewChangeDataCaptureClient(string, azcore.TokenCredential, *arm.ClientOptions) (*ChangeDataCaptureClient, error)
  • New function *ChangeDataCaptureClient.CreateOrUpdate(context.Context, string, string, string, ChangeDataCaptureResource, *ChangeDataCaptureClientCreateOrUpdateOptions) (ChangeDataCaptureClientCreateOrUpdateResponse, error)
  • New function *ChangeDataCaptureClient.Delete(context.Context, string, string, string, *ChangeDataCaptureClientDeleteOptions) (ChangeDataCaptureClientDeleteResponse, error)
  • New function *ChangeDataCaptureClient.Get(context.Context, string, string, string, *ChangeDataCaptureClientGetOptions) (ChangeDataCaptureClientGetResponse, error)
  • New function *ChangeDataCaptureClient.NewListByFactoryPager(string, string, *ChangeDataCaptureClientListByFactoryOptions) *runtime.Pager[ChangeDataCaptureClientListByFactoryResponse]
  • New function *ChangeDataCaptureClient.Start(context.Context, string, string, string, *ChangeDataCaptureClientStartOptions) (ChangeDataCaptureClientStartResponse, error)
  • New function *ChangeDataCaptureClient.Status(context.Context, string, string, string, *ChangeDataCaptureClientStatusOptions) (ChangeDataCaptureClientStatusResponse, error)
  • New function *ChangeDataCaptureClient.Stop(context.Context, string, string, string, *ChangeDataCaptureClientStopOptions) (ChangeDataCaptureClientStopResponse, error)
  • New function *ClientFactory.NewChangeDataCaptureClient() *ChangeDataCaptureClient
  • New function *LakeHouseLinkedService.GetLinkedService() *LinkedService
  • New function *LakeHouseLocation.GetDatasetLocation() *DatasetLocation
  • New function *LakeHouseReadSettings.GetStoreReadSettings() *StoreReadSettings
  • New function *LakeHouseTableDataset.GetDataset() *Dataset
  • New function *LakeHouseTableSink.GetCopySink() *CopySink
  • New function *LakeHouseTableSource.GetCopySource() *CopySource
  • New function *LakeHouseWriteSettings.GetStoreWriteSettings() *StoreWriteSettings
  • New function *ParquetReadSettings.GetFormatReadSettings() *FormatReadSettings
  • New struct ChangeDataCapture
  • New struct ChangeDataCaptureFolder
  • New struct ChangeDataCaptureListResponse
  • New struct ChangeDataCaptureResource
  • New struct DataMapperMapping
  • New struct IntegrationRuntimeDataFlowPropertiesCustomPropertiesItem
  • New struct LakeHouseLinkedService
  • New struct LakeHouseLinkedServiceTypeProperties
  • New struct LakeHouseLocation
  • New struct LakeHouseReadSettings
  • New struct LakeHouseTableDataset
  • New struct LakeHouseTableDatasetTypeProperties
  • New struct LakeHouseTableSink
  • New struct LakeHouseTableSource
  • New struct LakeHouseWriteSettings
  • New struct MapperAttributeMapping
  • New struct MapperAttributeMappings
  • New struct MapperAttributeReference
  • New struct MapperConnection
  • New struct MapperConnectionReference
  • New struct MapperDslConnectorProperties
  • New struct MapperPolicy
  • New struct MapperPolicyRecurrence
  • New struct MapperSourceConnectionsInfo
  • New struct MapperTable
  • New struct MapperTableProperties
  • New struct MapperTableSchema
  • New struct MapperTargetConnectionsInfo
  • New struct ParquetReadSettings
  • New struct SecureInputOutputPolicy
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct Activity
  • New field IsolationLevel in struct AmazonRdsForSQLServerSource
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct AppendVariableActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct AzureDataExplorerCommandActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct AzureFunctionActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct AzureMLBatchExecutionActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct AzureMLExecutePipelineActivity
  • New field Authentication in struct AzureMLServiceLinkedServiceTypeProperties
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct AzureMLUpdateResourceActivity
  • New field IsolationLevel in struct AzureSQLSource
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct ControlActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct CopyActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct CustomActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct DataLakeAnalyticsUSQLActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct DatabricksNotebookActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct DatabricksSparkJarActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct DatabricksSparkPythonActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct DeleteActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct ExecuteDataFlowActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct ExecutePipelineActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct ExecuteSSISPackageActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct ExecuteWranglingDataflowActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct ExecutionActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct FailActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct FilterActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct ForEachActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct GetMetadataActivity
  • New field GoogleAdsAPIVersion, LoginCustomerID, PrivateKey, SupportLegacyDataTypes in struct GoogleAdWordsLinkedServiceTypeProperties
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct HDInsightHiveActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct HDInsightMapReduceActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct HDInsightPigActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct HDInsightSparkActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct HDInsightStreamingActivity
  • New field AdditionalColumns in struct HTTPReadSettings
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct IfConditionActivity
  • New field CustomProperties in struct IntegrationRuntimeDataFlowProperties
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct LookupActivity
  • New field DriverVersion in struct MongoDbAtlasLinkedServiceTypeProperties
  • New field FormatSettings in struct ParquetSource
  • New field NumberOfExternalNodes, NumberOfPipelineNodes in struct PipelineExternalComputeScaleProperties
  • New field IsolationLevel in struct SQLDWSource
  • New field IsolationLevel in struct SQLMISource
  • New field IsolationLevel in struct SQLServerSource
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct SQLServerStoredProcedureActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct ScriptActivity
  • New field SelfContainedInteractiveAuthoringEnabled in struct SelfHostedIntegrationRuntimeStatusTypeProperties
  • New field SelfContainedInteractiveAuthoringEnabled in struct SelfHostedIntegrationRuntimeTypeProperties
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, Policy, State in struct SetVariableActivity
  • New field SetSystemVariable in struct SetVariableActivityTypeProperties
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct SwitchActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct SynapseNotebookActivity
  • New field ConfigurationType, SparkConfig, TargetSparkConfiguration in struct SynapseNotebookActivityTypeProperties
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct SynapseSparkJobDefinitionActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct UntilActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct ValidationActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct WaitActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, State in struct WebActivity
  • New field OnInactiveMarkAs, Policy, State in struct WebHookActivity

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