github Azure/azure-powershell v7.3.2-March2022
Az 7.3.2

latest releases: Az.Network-v7.13.0-preview, Az.Accounts-v4.0.2, v13.1.0-January2025...
2 years ago

Gallery Module for Azure PowerShell:

To install Az from the PowerShell Gallery, run the following command:

Install-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery -Force

To update from an older version of Az, run the following command:

Update-Module -Name Az

SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts

  • Az-Cmdlets-
    • 83A799506454DA9ABBBF49F4CBC5CD91689D150C8460C788D8F9D35CD03523F6

7.3.2 - March 2022


  • Changed target framework of AuthenticationAssemblyLoadContext to netcoreapp2.1 [#17428]


  • Updated New-AzVM feature for 'vCPUsAvailable' and 'vCPUsPerCore' parameters. Cmdlets will not try to use the new 'VMCustomizationPreview' feature if the user does not have access to that feature. [#17370]

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