github Azure/azure-powershell v6.10.0-October2018

latest releases: Az.Network-v7.7.1-preview, Az.Network-v7.7.0-preview, Az.MySql-v1.2.0...
5 years ago


Gallery Module for ARM Cmdlets: link

To install AzureRM from the PowerShell Gallery, run the following command:

Install-Module -Name AzureRM -Repository PSGallery -Force

To update from an older version of AzureRM, run the following command:

Update-Module -Name AzureRM

Changes since last release


  • Fix Copy Blob/File won't copy metadata when destination has metadata issue
    • Start-AzureStorageBlobCopy
    • Start-AzureStorageFileCopy


  • Support Get-AzureRmCognitiveServicesAccountSkus without an existing account.


  • Fix Get-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName to return more than 50 results if needed
  • Added an example of the 'SimpleParameterSet' to New-AzureRmVmss cmdlet help.
  • Fixed a typo in the Azure Disk Encryption progress message


  • Updated the ADF .Net SDK version to 2.3.0.


  • Added NetworkProfile functionality. new cmdlets added
    • Get-AzureRMNetworkProfile
    • New-AzureRMNetworkProfile
    • Remove-AzureRMNetworkProfile
    • Set-AzureRMNetworkProfile
    • New-AzureRMContainerNicConfig
    • New-AzureRmContainerNicConfigIpConfig
  • Added service association link on Subnet Model
  • Added cmdlet New-AzureRmVirtualNetworkTap, Get-AzureRmVirtualNetworkTap, Set-AzureRmVirtualNetworkTap, Remove-AzureRmVirtualNetworkTap
  • Added cmdlet Set-AzureRmNEtworkInterfaceTapConfig, Get-AzureRmNEtworkInterfaceTapConfig, Remove-AzureRmNEtworkInterfaceTapConfig


  • Allow any string as Size parameter going forward. Add P5 in PSArgumentCompleter popup


  • Add missing -Mode parameter to Set-AzureRmPolicyDefinition
  • Fix Get-AzureRmProviderOperation commandlet bug for operations with Origin containing User


  • Fixed issue where some backup cmdlets would not recognize the current azure subscription


  • Support get the Storage resource usage of a specific location, and add warning message for get global Storage resource usage is obsolete.
    • Get-AzureRmStorageUsage


  • New Cmdlet Get-AzureRMWebAppContainerContinuousDeploymentUrl - Gets the Container Continuous Deployment Webhook URL
  • New Cmdlets New-AzureRMWebAppContainerPSSession and Enter-WebAppContainerPSSession - Initiates a PowerShell remote session into a windows container app

Changes since last release: v6.9.0-September2018...v6.10.0-October2018

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