github Azure/azure-powershell v6.1.1-May2018

latest releases: v12.1.0-July2024, Az.Network-v7.7.1-preview, Az.Network-v7.7.0-preview...
6 years ago

Changes Since Last Release


  • Revert change to New-AzureRmADServicePrincipal that gave service principals Contributor permissions over the current subscription if no values were provided for the Role or Scope parameters
    • If no values are provided for Role or Scope, the service principal is created with no permissions
    • If a Role is provided, but no Scope, the service principal is created with the specified Role permissions over the current subscription
    • If a Scope is provided, but no Role, the service principal is created with Contributor permissions over the specified Scope
    • If both Role and Scope are provided, the service principal is created with the specified Role permissions over the specified Scope

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