Gallery Module for Azure PowerShell :
To install Az
from the PowerShell Gallery, run the following command:
Install-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery -Force
To update from an older version of Az
, run the following command:
Update-Module -Name Az
Docker images
5.0.0 - October 2020
- [Breaking Change] Removed 'Get-AzProfile' and 'Select-AzProfile'
- Replaced Azure Directory Authentication Library with Microsoft Authentication Library(MSAL)
- [Breaking Change] Removed parameter alias 'ClientIdAndSecret' in 'New-AzAksCluster' and 'Set-AzAksCluster'.
- [Breaking Change] Changed the default value of 'NodeVmSetType' in 'New-AzAksCluster' from 'AvailabilitySet' to 'VirtualMachineScaleSets'.
- [Breaking Change] Changed the default value of 'NetworkPlugin' in 'New-AzAksCluster' from 'None' to 'azure'.
- [Breaking Change] Removed parameter 'NodeOsType' in 'New-AzAksCluster' as it supports only one value Linux.
- Added 'Get-AzBillingAccount' cmdlet
- Added 'Get-AzBillingProfile' cmdlet
- Added 'Get-AzInvoiceSection' cmdlet
- Added new parameters in 'Get-AzBillingInvoice' cmdlet
- Removed properties DownloadUrlExpiry, Type, BillingPeriodNames from the response of Get-AzBillingInvoice cmdlet
- Added cmdlets to support multi-origin and private link functionality
- Updated SDK to 7.4.0-preview.
- Added '-VmssId' parameter to 'New-AzVm'
- Added 'PlatformFaultDomainCount' parameter to the 'New-AzVmss' cmdlet.
- New cmdlet 'Get-AzDiskEncryptionSetAssociatedResource'
- Added 'Tier' and 'LogicalSectorSize' optional parameters to the New-AzDiskConfig cmdlet.
- Added 'Tier', 'MaxSharesCount', 'DiskIOPSReadOnly', and 'DiskMBpsReadOnly' optional parameters to the 'New-AzDiskUpdateConfig' cmdlet.
- [Breaking Change] Updates API version to 2020-05-01
- [Breaking Change] Removed SKU 'Classic' and parameter 'StorageAccountName' from 'New-AzContainerRegistry'
- Added New cmdlets: 'Connect-AzContainerRegistry', 'Import-AzContainerRegistry', 'Get-AzContainerRegistryUsage', 'New-AzContainerRegistryNetworkRule', 'Set-AzContainerRegistryNetworkRule'
- Added new parameter 'NetworkRuleSet' to 'Update-AzContainerRegistry'
- Fixed a bug that may cause updating databricks workspace without
to fail.
- Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 4.12.0
- Updated ADF encryption client SDK version to 4.14.7587.7
- Added 'Stop-AzDataFactoryV2TriggerRun' and 'Invoke-AzDataFactoryV2TriggerRun' commands
- Require Location property for creating top level arm objects.
* MadeApplicationGroupType
required forNew-AzWvdApplicationGroup
* MadeHostPoolArmPath
required forNew-AzWvdApplicationGroup
* AddedPreferredAppGroupType
- [Breaking Change] Removed 'IncludeSlot' switch parameter from all but one parameter set of 'Get-AzFunctionApp'. The cmdlet now supports retrieving deployment slots in the results when '-IncludeSlot' is specified.
- Updated 'New-AzFunctionApp':
- Fixed -DisableApplicationInsights so that no application insights project is created when this option is specified. [#12728]
- [Breaking Change] Removed support to create PowerShell 6.2 function apps.
- [Breaking Change] Changed the default runtime version in Functions version 3 on Windows for PowerShell function apps from 6.2 to 7.0 when the RuntimeVersion parameter is not specified.
- [Breaking Change] Changed the default runtime version in Functions version 3 on Windows and Linux for Node function apps from 10 to 12 when the RuntimeVersion parameter is not specified.
- [Breaking Change] Changed the default runtime version in Functions version 3 on Linux for Python function apps from 3.7 to 3.8 when the RuntimeVersion parameter is not specified.
- For New-AzHDInsightCluster cmdlet:
- Replaced parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountName' with 'StorageAccountResourceId'
- Replaced parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountKey' with 'StorageAccountKey'
- Replaced parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountType' with 'StorageAccountType'
- Removed parameter 'PublicNetworkAccessType'
- Removed parameter 'OutboundPublicNetworkAccessType'
- Added new parameters: 'StorageFileSystem' and 'StorageAccountManagedIdentity' to support ADLSGen2
- Added new parameter 'EnableIDBroker' to Support HDInsight ID Broker
- Added new parameters: 'KafkaClientGroupId', 'KafkaClientGroupName' and 'KafkaManagementNodeSize' to support Kafka Rest Proxy
- For New-AzHDInsightClusterConfig cmdlet:
- Replaced parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountName' with 'StorageAccountResourceId'
- Replaced parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountKey' with 'StorageAccountKey'
- Replaced parameter 'DefaultStorageAccountType' with 'StorageAccountType'
- Removed parameter 'PublicNetworkAccessType'
- Removed parameter 'OutboundPublicNetworkAccessType'
- For Set-AzHDInsightDefaultStorage cmdlet:
- Replaced parameter 'StorageAccountName' with 'StorageAccountResourceId'
- For Add-AzHDInsightSecurityProfile cmdlet:
- Replaced parameter 'Domain' with 'DomainResourceId'
- Removed the mandatory requirement for parameter 'OrganizationalUnitDN'
- [Breaking Change] Deprecated parameter DisableSoftDelete in 'New-AzKeyVault' and EnableSoftDelete in 'Update-AzKeyVault'
- [Breaking Change] Removed attribute SecretValueText to avoid displaying SecretValue directly [#12266]
- Supported new resource type: managed HSM
- CRUD of managed HSM and cmdlets to operate keys on managed HSM
- Full HSM backup/restore, AES key creation, security domain backup/restore, RBAC
- [Breaking Change] Updated parameters naming conventions and associated examples
- [Breaking Change] Removed parameter 'HostedSubnet' and added 'Subnet' instead
- Added new cmdlets for Virtual Router Peer Routes
- 'Get-AzVirtualRouterPeerLearnedRoute'
- 'Get-AzVirtualRouterPeerAdvertisedRoute'
- Updated New-AzFirewall cmdlet:
- Added parameter '-SkuTier'
- Added parameter '-SkuName' and made Sku as Alias for this
- Removed parameter '-Sku'
- [Breaking Change] Made 'Connectionlink' argument mandatory in 'Start-AzVpnConnectionPacketCapture' and 'Stop-AzVpnConnectionPacketCapture'
- [Breaking Change] Updated 'New-AzNetworkWatcherConnectionMonitorEndPointObject' to remove parameter '-Filter'
- [Breaking Change] Replaced 'New-AzNetworkWatcherConnectionMonitorEndpointFilterItemObject' cmdlet with 'New-AzNetworkWatcherConnectionMonitorEndpointScopeItemObject'
- Updated 'New-AzNetworkWatcherConnectionMonitorEndPointObject' cmdlet:
- Added parameter '-Type'
- Added parameter '-CoverageLevel'
- Added parameter '-Scope'
- Updated 'New-AzNetworkWatcherConnectionMonitorProtocolConfigurationObject' cmdlet with new parameter '-DestinationPortBehavior'
- Fixing Workload Restore for contributor permissions.
- Added new parameter sets and validations for Restore-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem cmdlet.
- Fixed parsing bug
- Updated ARM template What-If cmdlets to remove preview message from results
- Fixed an issue where template deployment cmdlets crash if '-WhatIf' is set at a higher scope [#13038]
- Fixed an issue where template deployment cmdlets does not preserve case for template parameters
- Added a default API version to be used in 'Export-AzResourceGroup' cmdlet
- Added cmdlets for Template Specs ('Get-AzTemplateSpec', 'Set-AzTemplateSpec', 'New-AzTemplateSpec', 'Remove-AzTemplateSpec', 'Export-AzTemplateSpec')
- Added support for deploying Template Specs using existing deployment cmdlets (via the new -TemplateSpecId parameter)
- Updated 'Get-AzResourceGroupDeploymentOperation' to use the SDK.
- Removed '-ApiVersion' parameter from '*-AzDeployment' cmdlets.
- Added DiffBackupIntervalInHours to 'Set-AzSqlDatabaseBackupShortTermRetentionPolicy'
- Fixed issue where New-AzSqlDatabaseExport fails if networkIsolation not specified [#13097]
- Fixed issue where New-AzSqlDatabaseExport and New-AzSqlDatabaseImport were not returning OperationStatusLink in the result object [#13097]
- Update Azure Paired Regions URL in Backup Storage Redundancy Warnings
- Removed obsolete property RestorePolicy.LastEnabledTime
- 'Enable-AzStorageBlobRestorePolicy'
- 'Disable-AzStorageBlobRestorePolicy'
- 'Get-AzStorageBlobServiceProperty'
- 'Update-AzStorageBlobServiceProperty'
- Change Type of DaysAfterModificationGreaterThan from int to int?
- 'Set-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicy'
- 'Get-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicy'
- 'Add-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicyAction'
- 'New-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicyRule'
- Supported create/update file share with access tier
- 'New-AzRmStorageShare'
- 'Update-AzRmStorageShare'
- Supported set/update/remove Acl recursively on Datalake Gen2 item
- 'Set-AzDataLakeGen2AclRecursive'
- 'Update-AzDataLakeGen2AclRecursive'
- 'Remove-AzDataLakeGen2AclRecursive'
- Supported Container access policy with new permission x,t
- 'New-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy'
- 'Set-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy'
- Changed the output of get/set Container access policy cmdlet, by change the child property Permission type from enum to String
- 'Get-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy'
- 'Set-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy'
- Fixed a sample script issue of set management policy with json
- 'Set-AzStorageAccountManagementPolicy'
- Added support for Premium V3 pricing tier
- Updated the WebSites SDK to 3.1.0
Thanks to our community contributors
- @atul-ram, Update (#13176)
- @dineshreddy007, Get the App Roles assigned correctly in case of Stack HCI registration using WAC token. (#13249)
- @kongou-ae, Update (#13217)
- Lohith Chowdary Chilukuri (@Lochiluk), Update (#13150)
- Matthew Burleigh (@mburleigh)
- Add links to PowerShell cmdlets referenced in the document (#13203)
- Add links to PowerShell cmdlets referenced in the document (#13190)
- Add links to PowerShell cmdlets referenced in the document (#13189)
- add links to referenced cmdlets (#13137)
- Add links to PowerShell cmdlets referenced in the document (#13204)
- Add links to PowerShell cmdlets referenced in the document (#13205)