github Azure/azure-powershell v3.7.0-March2020

latest releases: Az.Network-v7.7.1-preview, Az.Network-v7.7.0-preview, Az.MySql-v1.2.0...
4 years ago

3.7.0 - March 2020

Gallery Module for ARM .NET Standard cmdlets: link

To install Az from the PowerShell Gallery, run the following command:

Install-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery -Force

To update from an older version of Az, run the following command:

Update-Module -Name Az


  • Fixed 'Get-AzTenant'/'Get-AzDefault'/'Set-AzDefault' throw NullReferenceException when not login [#10292]


  • Added the following parameters to 'New-AzDiskConfig' cmdlet:
    • DiskIOPSReadOnly, DiskMBpsReadOnly, MaxSharesCount, GalleryImageReference
  • Allowed Encryption property to Target parameter of 'New-AzGalleryImageVersion' cmdlet.
  • Fixed tempDisk issue for 'Set-AzVmss' -Reimage and 'Invoke-AzVMReimage' cmdlets. [#11354]
  • Added support to below cmdlets for new SAP Extension
    • 'Set-AzVMAEMExtension'
    • 'Get-AzVMAEMExtension'
    • 'Remove-AzVMAEMExtension'
    • 'Update-AzVMAEMExtension'
  • Fixed errors in examples of help document
  • Showed the exact string value for VM PowerState in the table format.
  • 'New-AzVmssConfig': fixed serialization of AutomaticRepairs property when SinglePlacementGroup is disabled. [#11257]


  • Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 4.8.0
  • Added optional parameters to 'Invoke-AzDataFactoryV2Pipeline' command to support rerun


  • Added breaking change description for 'Export-AzDataLakeStoreItem' and 'Import-AzDataLakeStoreItem'
  • Added option of Byte encoding for 'New-AzDataLakeStoreItem', 'Add-AzDAtaLakeStoreItemContent', and 'Get-AzDAtaLakeStoreItemContent'


  • Supported specifying minimal supported TLS version when creating cluster.


  • Added support to manage distributed settings per-device. New Cmdlets are:
    • 'Get-AzIotHubDistributedTracing'
    • 'Set-AzIotHubDistributedTracing'


  • Added breaking change attributes to 'New-AzKeyVault'


  • Updated documentation for 'New-AzScheduledQueryRuleLogMetricTrigger'


  • Updated cmdlets to allow cross-tenant VirtualHubVnetConnections
    • 'New-AzVirtualHubVnetConnection'
    • 'Update-AzVirtualHubVnetConnection'
    • 'New-AzVirtualHub'
    • 'Update-AzVirtualHub'
  • Removed Sql Management SDK dependency


  • Improved error messages


  • Azure Site Recovery added support for doing reprotect and updated vm properties for Azure disk encrypted Virtual Machines.
  • Added Azure Site Recovery VmwareToAzure properties DR monitoring
  • Azure Backup added support for retrying policy update for failed items.
  • Azure Backup Added support for disk exclusion settings during backup and restore.
  • Azure Backup Added Support for Restoring Multiple files/folders in AzureFileShare
  • Azure Backup Added support for User-specified Resourcegroup support while updating IaasVM Policy


  • Fixed 'Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName -Name -ExpandProperties -ResourceType' to use actual apiVersion of resources instead of default apiVersion [#11267]
  • Added correlationId logging for error scenarios
  • Small documentation change to 'Get-AzResourceLock'. Added example.
  • Escaped single quote in parameter value of 'Get-AzADUser' [#11317]
  • Added new cmdlets for Deployment Scripts ('Get-AzDeploymentScript', 'Get-AzDeploymentScriptLog', 'Save-AzDeploymentScriptLog', 'Remove-AzDeploymentScript')


  • Added readable secondary parameter to 'Invoke-AzSqlDatabaseFailover'
  • Added cmdlet 'Disable-AzSqlServerActiveDirectoryOnlyAuthentication'
  • Saved sensitivity rank when classifying columns in the database.


  • General availability of 'Az.Support' module


  • Added support for working with webapp Traffic Routing Rules via below new cmdlets
    • 'Get-AzWebAppTrafficRouting'
    • 'Update-AzWebAppTrafficRouting'
    • 'Add-AzWebAppTrafficRouting'
    • 'Remove-AzWebAppTrafficRouting'

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