Az 2.7.0
Gallery Module for ARM .NET Standard cmdlets: link
To install Az
from the PowerShell Gallery, run the following command:
Install-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery -Force
To update from an older version of Az
, run the following command:
Update-Module -Name Az
Changes since last release
- Update '-Format' parameter description in 'Set-AzApiManagementPolicy' reference documentation
- Removed references of deprecated cmdlet 'Update-AzApiManagementDeployment' from reference documentation. Use 'Set-AzApiManagement' instead.
- Fixed example typo in reference documentation for 'Register-AzAutomationDscNode'
- Added clarification on OS restriction to Register-AzAutomationDSCNode
- Fixed Start-AzAutomationRunbook cmdlet Null reference exception for -Wait option.
- Add UploadSizeInBytes parameter tp New-AzDiskConfig
- Add Incremental parameter to New-AzSnapshotConfig
- Add a low priority virtual machine feature:
- MaxPrice, EvictionPolicy and Priority parameters are added to New-AzVMConfig.
- MaxPrice parameter is added to New-AzVmssConfig, Update-AzVM and Update-AzVmss cmdlets.
- Fix VM reference issue for Get-AzAvailabilitySet cmdlet when it lists all availability sets in the subscription.
- Fix the null exception for Get-AzRemoteDesktopFile.
- Fix VHD Seek method for end-relative position.
- Fix UltraSSD issue for New-AzVM and Update-AzVM.
- Adding 3 new commands for ADF V2 - Add-AzDataFactoryV2TriggerSubscription, Remove-AzDataFactoryV2TriggerSubscription, and Get-AzDataFactoryV2TriggerSubscriptionStatus
- Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 4.1.3
- Call out breaking changes
- Add support to invoke failover for an IotHub to the geo-paired disaster recovery region.
- Add support to manage message enrichment for an IotHub. New cmdlets are:
- Add-AzIotHubMessageEnrichment
- Get-AzIotHubMessageEnrichment
- Remove-AzIotHubMessageEnrichment
- Set-AzIotHubMessageEnrichment
- Pointing to the most recent Monitor SDK, i.e. 0.24.1-preview
- Adds non-braking changes to the Metrics cmdlets, i.e. the Unit enumeration supports several new values. These are read-only cmdlets, so there would be no change in the input of the cmdlets.
- The api-version of the ActionGroups requests is now 2019-06-01, before it was 2018-03-01. The scenario tests have been updated to accommodate for this change.
- The constructors for the classes EmailReceiver and WebhookReceiver added one new mandatory argument, i.e. a Boolean value called useCommonAlertSchema. Currently, the value is fixed to false to hide this breaking change from the cmdlets. NOTE: this is a temporary change that must be validated by the Alerts team.
- The order of the arguments for the constructor of the class Source (related to the ScheduledQueryRuleSource class) changed from the previous SDK. This change required two unit tests to the be fixed: they compiled, but failed to pass the tests.
- The order of the arguments for the constructor of the class AlertingAction (related to the ScheduledQueryRuleSource class) changed from the previous SDK. This change required two unit tests to the be fixed: they compiled, but failed to pass the tests.
- Support Dynamic Threshold criteria for metric alert V2
- New-AzMetricAlertRuleV2Criteria: now creats dynamic threshold criteria also
- Add-AzMetricAlertRuleV2: now accept dynamic threshold criteria also
- Improvements in Scheduled Query Rule cmdlets (SQR)
- Cmdlets will accept 'Location' paramater in both formats, either the location (e.g. eastus) or the location display name (e.g. East US)
- Illustrated 'Enabled' parameter in help files properly
- Added examples for 'ActionGroup' optional parameter
- Overall improved help files
- Fix bug in determining scope type for 'Set-AzActionRule'
- Fix incorrect example in 'New-AzApplicationGateway' reference documentation
- Add note in 'Get-AzNetworkWatcherPacketCapture' reference documentation about retrieving all properties for a packet capture
- Fixed example in 'Test-AzNetworkWatcherIPFlow' reference documentation to correctly enumerate NICs
- Improved cloud exception parsing to display additional details if they are present
- Improved cloud exception parsing to handle additional type of SDK exception
- Fixed incorrect mapping of Security Rule models
- Added properties to network interface for private ip feature
- Added property 'PrivateEndpoint' as type of PSResourceId to PSNetworkInterface
- Added property 'PrivateLinkConnectionProperties' as type of PSIpConfigurationConnectivityInformation to PSNetworkInterfaceIPConfiguration
- Added new model class PSIpConfigurationConnectivityInformation
- Added new ApplicationRuleProtocolType 'mssql' for Azure Firewall resource
- MultiLink support in Virtual WAN
- New cmdlets
- New-AzVpnSiteLink
- New-AzVpnSiteLinkConnection
- Updated cmdlet:
- New-VpnSite
- Update-VpnSite
- New-VpnConnection
- Update-VpnConnection
- New cmdlets
- Fixed documents for some PowerShell examples to use Az cmdlets instead of AzureRM cmdlets
- Update AzureVMpolicy Object with ProtectedItemsCount Attribute
- Added Tests for VM policy and Original Storage Account Restore
- Fix bug where New-AzRoleAssignment could not be called without parameter Scope.
- Fixed typo in example for 'Update-AzServiceFabricReliability' reference documentation
- Adding new cmdlets to manage appliaction and services:
- New-AzServiceFabricApplication
- New-AzServiceFabricApplicationType
- New-AzServiceFabricApplicationTypeVersion
- New-AzServiceFabricService
- Update-AzServiceFabricApplication
- Get-AzServiceFabricApplication
- Get-AzServiceFabricApplicationType
- Get-AzServiceFabricApplicationTypeVersion
- Get-AzServiceFabricService
- Remove-AzServiceFabricApplication
- Remove-AzServiceFabricApplicationType
- Remove-AzServiceFabricApplicationTypeVersion
- Remove-AzServiceFabricServic
- Upgraded Service Fabric SDK to version 1.2.0 which uses service fabric resource provider api-version 2019-03-01.
- Add Update, Restart, CheckNameAvailability, GetUsage Cmdlets
- Update example in reference documentation for 'Get-AzSqlElasticPool'
- Added vCore example to creating an elastic pool (New-AzSqlElasticPool).
- Remove the validation of EmailAddresses and the check that EmailAdmins is not false in case EmailAddresses is empty in Set-AzSqlServerAdvancedThreatProtectionPolicy and Set-AzSqlDatabaseAdvancedThreatProtectionPolicy
- Enabled removal of server/database auditing settings when multiple diagnostic settings that enable audit category exist.
- Fix email addresses validation in multiple Sql Vulnerability Assessment cmdlets (Update-AzSqlDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentSetting, Update-AzSqlServerVulnerabilityAssessmentSetting, Update-AzSqlInstanceDatabaseVulnerabilityAssessmentSetting and Update-AzSqlInstanceVulnerabilityAssessmentSetting).
- Updated example in reference documentation for 'Get-AzStorageAccountKey'
- In upload/Downalod Azure File,support perserve the source File SMB properties (File Attributtes, File Creation Time, File Last Write Time) in the destination file
- Set-AzStorageFileContent
- Get-AzStorageFileContent
- Fix Upload block blob with properties/metadate fail on container enabled ImmutabilityPolicy.
- Set-AzStorageBlobContent
- Support manage Azure File shares with Management plane API
- New-AzRmStorageShare
- Get-AzRmStorageShare
- Update-AzRmStorageShare
- Remove-AzRmStorageShare
- Fixing issue where webapp Tags were getting deleted when migrating App to new ASPwhere webapp Tags were getting deleted when migrating App to new ASP
- Fixing the Publish-AzureWebapp to work across Linux and windows
- Update example in 'Get-AzWebAppPublishingProfile' reference documentation