Az 1.7.0
Gallery Module for ARM .NET Standard cmdlets: link
To install Az
from the PowerShell Gallery, run the following command:
Install-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery -Force
To update from an older version of Az
, run the following command:
Update-Module -Name Az
Changes since last release
- Updated Add-AzEnvironment and Set-AzEnvironment to accept parameter AzureAnalysisServicesEndpointResourceId
- Using ServiceClient in dataplane cmdlets and removing the original authentication logic
- Making Add-AzureASAccount a wrapper of Connect-AzAccount to avoid a breaking change
- Fixed New-AzAutomationSoftwareUpdateConfiguration cmdlet bug for Inclusions. Now parameter IncludedKbNumber and IncludedPackageNameMask should work.
- Bug fix for azure automation update management dynamic group
- Add HyperVGeneration parameter to New-AzDiskConfig and New-AzSnapshotConfig
- Allow VM creation with galley image from other tenants.
- Fixed issue in the -Command parameter of New-AzContainerGroup which added a trailing empty argument
- Updated ADF .Net SDK version to 3.0.2
- Updated Set-AzDataFactoryV2 cmdlet with extra parameters for RepoConfiguration related settings.
- Improve handling of providers for 'Get-AzResource' when providing '-ResourceId' or '-ResourceGroupName', '-Name' and '-ResourceType' parameters
- Improve error handling for for 'Test-AzDeployment' and 'Test-AzResourceGroupDeployment'
- Handle errors thrown outside of deployment validation and include them in output of command instead
- More information here: #6856
- Add '-IgnoreDynamicParameters' switch parameter to set of deployment cmdlets to skip prompt in script and job scenarios
- More information here: #6856
- Support Database Data Classification.
- Report detail error when create Storage context with parameter -UseConnectedAccount, but without login Azure account
- New-AzStorageContext
- Support Manage Blob Service Properties of a specified Storage account with Management plane API
- Update-AzStorageBlobServiceProperty
- Get-AzStorageBlobServiceProperty
- Enable-AzStorageBlobDeleteRetentionPolicy
- Disable-AzStorageBlobDeleteRetentionPolicy
- -AsJob support for Blob and file upload and download cmdlets
- Get-AzStorageBlobContent
- Set-AzStorageBlobContent
- Get-AzStorageFileContent
- Set-AzStorageFileContent