0.10.0-preview - April 2020
- Az modules is now available in preview on Azure Stack Hub. This allows for cross-platform compatibility with Linux and macOs. Azure Stack Hub now supports PowerShell core with the Az modules, more information here
- Az modules support profile 2019-03-01-hybrid:
- Az.Billing
- Az.Compute
- Az.DataBoxEdge
- Az.EventHub
- Az.IotHub
- Az.KeyVault
- Az.Monitor
- Az.Network
- Az.Resources
- Az.Storage
- Az.Websites
- Three new PowerShell modules for az have been introduced that work with Azure Stack Hub, which are Az.Databox, Az.IotHub, and Az.EventHub
- Commands remain relatively the same, with minor changes such as changing AzureRM to Az
- Updated link to PowerShell documentation for Azure Stack Hub can be found here
- Upgrade from ADAL to MSAL