github Azure/azure-iot-sdk-csharp 2021_03_18-patch4
Microsoft Azure IoT SDKs for .NET LTS patch Release 2022-01-18

latest releases: 2024-11-21, 2024-03-28, lts_2024-03-29_patch10...
2 years ago

This release is a patch for the Microsoft Azure IoT Hub SDK for .NET LTS patch Release 2021-10-19 LTS release.

Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client 1.36.4

  • Fix bug where operations on a disposed Device Client would throw NullReferenceException. Operations on a disposed Device Client will now throw ObjectDisposedException (#2286)
  • Adding a reference to DotNetty.Common 0.7.1 to fix the threading issue introduced in 0.7.0. (#2272)

Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Provisioning.Transport.Mqtt 1.14.2

  • Adding a reference to DotNetty.Common 0.7.1 to fix the threading issue introduced in 0.7.0. (#2272)

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