github Azure/azure-iot-sdk-csharp 2017-8-25
Microsoft Azure IoT Hub SDK for C# Release 2017-8-25

latest releases: 2024-11-21, 2024-03-28, lts_2024-03-29_patch10...
7 years ago

Csharp Device Client (Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client v1.4.2)

  • fix no return from twin update reported properties during disconnect

Csharp Service Client (Microsoft.Azure.Devices v1.3.2)

  • Take C2DMethod timeouts into account for HTTP InvokeDeviceMethod requests

Device Explorer (v1.3.2)

  • Expose content-type and content-encoding system properties on UI
  • Update DeviceExplorer to use latest Microsoft.Azure.Devices module
  • Expose C2D message system properties on UI

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