IoT Central updates
Added missing "update" sub-commands for all commands supporting it:
az iot central device update
az iot central device-template update
az iot central file-upload-config update
az iot central organization update
az iot central user update
Added "compact" mode for
az iot central device-template list
When "-c" flag is passed, only Ids, display names and model types will be shown for the templates in the application. -
az iot central device c2d-message purge
to purge cloud-to-device message queue
IoT DPS updates
Added RBAC support for DPS dataplane commands, similar to the RBAC support for IoT Hub.
The type of auth used to execute commands can be controlled with the "--auth-type" parameter
which accepts the values "key" or "login". The value of "key" is set by default.-
When "--auth-type" has the value of "key", like before the CLI will auto-discover
a suitable policy when interacting with DPS. -
When "--auth-type" has the value "login", an access token from the Azure CLI logged in principal
will be used for the operation. -
The following commands currently support
:az iot dps enrollment
az iot dps enrollment-group
az iot dps registration
Update DPS dataplane SDK to use the newer 2021-10-01 API version. Most command
functionality has not changed. Updated commands include:az iot dps enrollment create
andaz iot dps enrollment update
optional device information via--device-info