NuGet Package
New Features
- Exposed IServiceCollection extension methods AddDurableTaskFactory() for net461 releases so classic .NET Framework apps using the .NET Core model of dependency injection can create their own Durable Clients. (#1653)
- Removed incorrect information from C# docs summary for IDurableEntityClient.ReadEntityStateAsync() regarding states larger than 16KB (#1637)
- Fix a NullReferenceException in IDurableClient.SignalClient() for IDurableClient objects created by the new DurabilityClientFactory (#1644)
- Fixed compatibility issue with System.Reactive (#1620)
- [Performance] Reduced number of entity deserializations when entities are still loaded in memory (#1621)
- [DTFx] Retry operations on Storage SDK deadlocks instead of app recycle (Azure/durabletask#500)
- [DTFx] Fixed issue where orchestrations got stuck due to start/raise-event races (Azure/durabletask#497)
Dependency Changes
- Removed dependency on Mono.Posix.NETStandard by instead relying on P/Invoke to generate inotify signals in Linux; reducing the size of the package (#1643) - thanks @shibayan!
- Removed ApplicationInsights.DependencyCollector package (#1593) - thanks @shibayan!
- Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.DurableTask.Analyzers --> 0.4.0 (#1648)
- Microsoft.Azure.DurableTask.AzureStorage --> 1.8.4 (#1655)