github Azure/azure-functions-durable-extension v2.3.0
Durable Functions v2.3.0 Release

latest releases: v2.13.2, v2.13.1, v3.0.0-rc.1...
3 years ago

NuGet Package

What's new

  • AppLease settings for GeoRedundancy feature (#1431, #1128): By default, two apps with the same name will not be able to read messages from a task hub at the same time. This is primarily intended to make supporting geo-redundant deployments easier.
  • New partition management strategies (#1445): Enabled via a setting, switches to a new partition management strategy that eliminates the occasional duplicate function executions that occur when an application is scaled-out to additional instances.
  • Long running durable timers (#1390, #14): Durable timers were previously restricted to 6 days. This restriction has been removed and timers can be set for arbitrarily long durations.
  • Added TaskEventId to function traces (#1386, #1382): This change adds additional information to traces that allows you to distinguish multiple activity function calls in the same orchestration.
  • Adding DefaultAzureCredentialOptions to ManagedIdentityTokenSource() (#1407, #1279): Allows using Durable HTTP with managed identities in government clouds.
  • Durable Task Framework logging (#1426): You can now capture the lower-level logs emitted by the Durable Task Framework. This includes core engine logs (DurableTask.Core) and the Azure Storage provider logs (DurableTask.AzureStorage). See here for more information.

Bug fixes

  • Durable Entity signaling duplication at scale (#1417)
  • DurableHttpRequest Throws Exception When Content Is Supplied (#1344)
  • Traces with IsReplay=false not correctly filtered out in Application Insights (#1351) - contributed by @AtOMiCNebula!
  • Start orchestration cross function app (#1281)
  • ReadEntityStateAsync sometimes fails with HTTP 412 when calling Azure Storage (#1406)
  • Activity fail to correctly deserialize DateTimeOffset and lose the offset (#393, #934)
  • Millisecond field in ISO8601 string value is changed unexpectedly between starter and orchestrator (Azure/azure-functions-durable-js#208)


  • Updated nuget dependencies (#1426):
    • Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.DurableTask --> 2.3.0
    • Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Analyzers --> 0.3.0
    • Microsoft.Azure.DurableTask.AzureStorage --> 1.8.0
    • Microsoft.Azure.DurableTask.Core --> 2.4.1
  • Swapping Microsoft.Azure.Services.AppAuthentication nuget dependency for Azure.Identity (#1399)

Breaking changes

  • Improve unit testability of .NET interfaces (#1422): New methods were added to IDurableOrchestrationContext, IDurableOrchestrationClient, IDurableEntityContext, and IDurableEntityClient to make them easier to unit test. This is a breaking change if you have custom implementations of these interfaces in your unit test code. If you are using a unit test framework like Moq (recommended) that can automatically implement interfaces, then this is a non-breaking change.

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