github Azure/aad-pod-identity v1.7.4

latest releases: v1.8.17, v1.8.16, v1.8.15...
3 years ago

Warning ⚠️

  • v1.7.4 contains breaking changes if upgrading from 1.5.x - Please read the doc carefully before upgrading.
  • AAD Pod Identity v1.7+ is disabled by default on clusters with Kubenet. Please refer this doc for more details.

Details about the changes which went into the v1.7.4 release can be found here:

Note The images are now hosted in

Installation/Upgrade for RBAC clusters:

kubectl apply -f

For AKS clusters, deploy the MIC and AKS add-on exception by running -
kubectl apply -f

For non-RBAC clusters:

kubectl apply -f

# For AKS clusters, deploy the MIC and AKS add-on exception by running -
kubectl apply -f

Using Helm:

helm repo update
helm install aad-pod-identity aad-pod-identity/aad-pod-identity

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