github Azure/ResourceModules v0.10.0

latest releases: module-archive, v0.11.1, v0.11.0...
18 months ago


📯6 new modules and several extensions to existing modules with child resources and additional features, bringing the number of covered service modules to 124 and the total of resource type templates to 313
📯Enabled reusable workflows in GitHub module validation pipelines, avoiding code duplication
📯Improved user experience running module validation pipelines, allowing users to control which jobs they want to run
📯Integrated PSRule pre-flight checks with GitHub module validation workflows
📯Automated documentation of Pester tests


  • New modules:
    • Microsoft.Insights/dataCollectionRules
    • Microsoft.Insights/dataCollectionEndpoints
    • Microsoft.Purview/accounts
    • Microsoft.HealthcareApis/workspaces
    • Microsoft.App/containerApps
    • Microsoft.App/managedEnvironments
  • Several new child modules, including:
    • Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/tables
    • Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/dataExports
    • Microsoft.EventGrid/domains/topics
  • Updated API version and extended parameters for several modules including those under Storage, Compute, Network, KeyVault, DesktopVirtualization resource providers
  • PSRule - Aligned modules with rule 'Azure.Resource.UseTags'
  • Reduce parameter names to necessary baseline
  • Removed the parameters of those properties that allow a single value only & updated docs
  • Addressed Bicep Update about null-checks
  • Update builtInRoleNames for nested RBAC modules
  • Add premium option to StorageAccount tier with test
  • Included OIDC issuer URL as output to the AKS module
  • Compute Gallery Image Definition update
  • Added min test to managedClusters
  • Enabled RBAC role assignment for disk encryption set key
  • Extend managedCluster and K8s extensions with flux config
  • Support for configuring backup retention policies for Azure SQL Database
  • Key Vault - Added support for key auto-rotation
  • Add support for ADF GlobalParameter
  • Added Database for MySQL Flexible Server Module
  • Added restrictOutboundNetworkAccess to Microsoft.Sql/servers
  • Added missing 'enableDefaultTelemetry' param in test files
  • Simplify roleAssignment implementation for Resource Group
  • Reduced permissions of ML encryption test
  • Updated Encryption Set module conditions for Managed Identities
  • Updated SKU options and added generation parameter for VNET Gateways
  • ManagedClusters - Fix a bug for addonprofiles
  • ManagedCluster - Add support for enabling Open Service Mesh
  • SQL server databases added support for createMode
  • Added test cases to Azure Firewall
  • Update diagnostic settings name approach
  • Updated SKU for the Managed Environment Test
  • Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces - adding 'systemAssignedPrincipalId' as output

CI Environment

  • Integrate PSRule action with GH module workflows
  • Added controls to enable only Pester and or only deployment tests
  • Added automation to update the Static Validation Tests documentation
  • GitHub Reusable workflows for module validation pipelines
  • Moved test scripts to shared folder & renamed shared templates folder
  • Increased Azure DevOps timeout for Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments
  • Use GITHUB_TOKEN for manage issue platform pipeline
  • Remove assign issue to project GitHub workflow


  • Update Resource Group roleAssignments name (GUID) to use Resource Group resourceID instead of Resource Group name
  • Remove JSON function from modules not requiring it
  • Disable referenced modules telemetry for a few modules missing the functionality
  • Replace 'adp' naming prefix across modules
  • Align ADO module pipeline input parameters
  • Updated documentation references from - to
  • Replace missing occurrences of links and regenerated readmes
  • Automation account fix parameter names
  • Fix filter for excluded workflows in manage issue pipeline
  • Fix target-path reference for Universal Package Publish
  • Regenerate readmes after PSRule tags PR
  • Diskencryptionsets and Eventgridsubscriptions tags update
  • Automation account schedule frequency update
  • Updated tags of SignalRService Resource Provider
  • Storage Account Local User : Pass on correct parameter
  • Fixed a minor utility issue due to a parameter type change
  • Small documentation fixes
  • Removed child resource that may not be used in the applied context


  • New condition for adding examples in module readme
  • Updated regex to remove top-level dependsOn statements
  • Enforce PowerShell version 7.3 where required


  • Add further details to identity bug of Recovery Services Vault to its documentation
  • Removed outdated 'upgrade release' page in favor of our general upgrade guidelines
  • Added disclaimer/guidance on which version of the code to leverage
  • Added a PowerShell script example to frontload all supported publish locations with all modules

New Contributors

Tested with version(s)

  • Bicep: 0.15.31
  • Powershell: 7.3.2
  • Az CLI: 2.46.0

All merged PRs

Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v0.10.0

  • [Modules] Bump StorageAccount and add params by @MariusStorhaug in #2617
  • [Modules] Update KeyVault API Versions by @fblix in #2623
  • [Modules] Adding new module for Microsoft.Insights/dataCollectionRules by @krbar in #2614
  • [Modules] Adding new module for Microsoft.Insights/dataCollectionEndpoints by @krbar in #2620
  • [CI Environment] Added controls to enable only Pester and or only deployment tests by @AlexanderSehr in #2590
  • [Fixes] CI environment - Skip static and deployment validation feature by @eriqua in #2627
  • [Fixes] CI environment - Skip deployment if static failing by @eriqua in #2628
  • [Modules] Updated Disk Encryption Set to latest published API version (2022-07-02) by @ahmadabdalla in #2636
  • [Fixes] Update rg roleAssignments name (guid) to use rg resourceID instead of rg name by @eriqua in #2642
  • [CI Environment] Added automation to update the Static Validation Tests documentation by @AlexanderSehr in #2591
  • [Fixes] Added space workaround by @AlexanderSehr in #2645
  • [Modules] Added Microsoft Purview Account module by @tyconsulting in #2646
  • [Modules] Add premium option to StorageAccount tier with test by @MariusStorhaug in #2643
  • [Fixes] Remove json function from modules not requiring it by @eriqua in #2661
  • [Modules] Update PIP API version and modules cross referencing it by @eriqua in #2663
  • [Fixes] Disable referenced modules telemetry for a few modules missing the functionality by @eriqua in #2664
  • [Fixes] Replace 'adp' naming prefix across modules by @eriqua in #2665
  • [Modules] Included OIDC issuer URL as output to the AKS module by @akata72 in #2654
  • [Modules] New Module - Add Health Data Services Bicep modules by @lapellaniz in #2398
  • [Modules] Compute gallery image definition update by @shawntmeyer in #2674
  • [Modules] Regenerated all docs to account for new Bicep update by @AlexanderSehr in #2682
  • [Modules] Added min test to managedClusters by @MariusStorhaug in #2680
  • [Modules] Updated Virtual Network Gateway Module API Version (2022-07-01) by @ahmadabdalla in #2685
  • [Modules] Enabled RBAC role assignment for disk encrpytion set key by @AlexanderSehr in #2684
  • [Modules] Reduce parameter names to necessary baseline by @AlexanderSehr in #2686
  • [Fixes] Align ADO module pipeline input parameters by @eriqua in #2687
  • [Fixes] Updated documentation references from - to learn by @ElYusubov in #2691
  • [CI Environment] GH Reusable workflows PoC by @eriqua in #2637
  • [Fixes] Replace missing occurrences of links and regenerated readmes by @eriqua in #2697
  • [Modules] Extend managedCluster and K8s extensions with flux config by @MariusStorhaug in #2679
  • [Fixes] Automation account fix parameter names by @eriqua in #2723
  • [Modules] Updated Application Gateway module to the latest API Version (2022-07-01) by @MariusStorhaug in #2725
  • [Modules] Updated Azure Load Balancer Module to the latest API version (2022-07-01) by @ahmadabdalla in #2719
  • [Modules] Updated Application Security Groups Module to the latest API version (2022-07-01) by @ahmadabdalla in #2720
  • [Modules] Updated Route Table Module to the latest API Version (2022-07-01) by @ahmadabdalla in #2792
  • [Modules] Updated Public IP Prefix Module to the latest API Version (2022-07-01) by @ahmadabdalla in #2790
  • [Modules] Updated Azure Firewall Module to the latest API Version (2022-07-01) by @ahmadabdalla in #2788
  • [Modules] Updated Firewall Policies Module to the latest API Version (2022-07-01) by @ahmadabdalla in #2787
  • [Modules] Updated Private Endpoints Module to the latest API Version (2022-07-01) by @ahmadabdalla in #2722
  • [Modules] Updated Network Interface Module to the latest API version (2022-07-01) by @ahmadabdalla in #2721
  • [Modules] Updated Virtual Network Module to the latest API Version (2022-07-01) by @ahmadabdalla in #2791
  • [Modules] Updated Virtual WAN Module to the latest API Version (2022-07-01) by @ahmadabdalla in #2793
  • [Modules] Updated Express Route Circuit Module to latest API Version (2022-07-01) by @ahmadabdalla in #2794
  • [Modules] Connections Module to latest API Version (2022-07-01) by @ahmadabdalla in #2797
  • [Modules] Updated Network Security Group Module to latest API Version (2022-07-01) by @ahmadabdalla in #2795
  • [Modules] Updated Local Network Gateway Module to the latest API Version (2022-07-01) by @ahmadabdalla in #2799
  • [Modules] Updated DDoS Protection Plan Module to the latest API Version (2022-07-01) by @ahmadabdalla in #2801
  • [Modules] Updated IP Groups Module to the latest API Version (2022-07-01) by @ahmadabdalla in #2800
  • [Fixes] fix filter for excluded workflows in manage issue pipeline by @rahalan in #2803
  • [Utilities] New condition for adding examples in module readme by @MariusStorhaug in #2658
  • [Utilities] Updated regex to remove only top-level dependsOn statements by @AlexanderSehr in #2804
  • [Modules] Fixing failing dataCollectionRules pipeline by @krbar in #2809
  • [Modules] Updated VPN Sites Module to the latest API Version (2022-07-01) by @ahmadabdalla in #2789
  • [CI Environment] Moved test scripts to shared folder & renamed shared templates folder by @AlexanderSehr in #2681
  • [Modules] Addressed Bicep Update about null-checks by @AlexanderSehr in #2806
  • [Modules] Support for configuring backup retention policies for Azure SQL Database by @MariusStorhaug in #2811
  • [Modules] Update Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization RP modules API version by @eriqua in #2815
  • [Modules] Updated App Service Environments to latest API Version (2022-03-01) by @ahmadabdalla in #2639
  • [Modules] Updated VPN Gateway Module to the latest API Version (2022-07-01) by @ahmadabdalla in #2786
  • [Modules] Fixed bug for storage account premium minimum test file by @ahmadabdalla in #2821
  • [Modules] Updated Synapse Workspace module to the latest API version by @krbar in #2823
  • [CI Environment] Integrate PSRule action with GH module workflows by @eriqua in #2812
  • [Modules] Log Analytics Workspace - added support for tables, dataExports, identity by @krbar in #2822
  • [Modules] Updated Microsoft.Compute/images: API versions, image sku by @krbar in #2833
  • [Modules] Updated Microsoft.Compute/disks: API versions, image sku, new properties by @krbar in #2831
  • [Wiki] Add further details to identity bug of RSV to documentation by @fblix in #2624
  • [Modules] Key Vault - Added support for key key auto-rotation by @krbar in #2840
  • [Modules] Add support for ADF GlobalParameter by @tyconsulting in #2842
  • [Fixes] Fix target-path reference for Universal Package Publish by @AlexanderSehr in #2841
  • [Modules] Added Database for MySQL Flexible Server Module by @ahmadabdalla in #2657
  • [CI Environment] Increased Azure DevOps timeout for Microsoft.Web/hostingEnvironments by @krbar in #2843
  • [Modules] Added restrictOutboundNetworkAccess to Microsoft.Sql/servers by @thofle in #2836
  • [Modules] Added missing 'enableDefaultTelemetry' param in test files by @krbar in #2844
  • [Modules] Updated Network Watcher Module to the latest API Version (2022-07-01) by @ahmadabdalla in #2798
  • [Modules] Update Container Instances API version and CMK implementation by @eriqua in #2845
  • [Modules] Simplify roleAssignment implementation for Resource Group by @MariusStorhaug in #2855
  • [Utilities] Enforce PS7.3 where required by @AlexanderSehr in #2859
  • [Modules] Reduced permissions of ML encr test by @AlexanderSehr in #2862
  • [Modules] Added modules App-containerApps & App-managedEnvironment (follow-up PR) by @AlexanderSehr in #2848
  • [Modules] Updated Encryption Set module conditions for Managed Identities by @ahmadabdalla in #2864
  • [CI Environment] Use GITHUB_TOKEN for manage issue platform pipeline by @eriqua in #2696
  • [Modules] Updated SKU options and added generation parameter for VNET Gateways by @ahmadabdalla in #2875
  • [Modules] Removed the paramerers of those properties that allow a single value only & updated docs by @AlexanderSehr in #2813
  • [Modules] Reduced further module names to required minimum by @AlexanderSehr in #2689
  • [Modules] managedClusters - Fix a bug for addonprofiles by @MariusStorhaug in #2880
  • [Modules] PSRule - Fix Rule Azure.Resource.UseTags by @fabmas in #2860
  • [Modules] managedCluster - Add support for enabling Open Service Mesh by @MariusStorhaug in #2887
  • [Fixes] Regenerate readmes after PSRule tags PR by @eriqua in #2895
  • [Wiki] Remove outdated upgrade release page by @eriqua in #2890
  • [Modules] SQL server databases added support for createMode by @thofle in #2878
  • [Fixes] Diskencryptionsets and Eventgridsubscriptions tags update by @eriqua in #2985
  • [Fixes] Automation account schedule frequency update by @eriqua in #2986
  • [Fixes] Update tags signalRService RP by @eriqua in #2987
  • [Fixes] Storage Account Local User : Pass on correct parameter by @davidkarlsen in #2893
  • [Modules] Update Azure NetApp Files API version by @eriqua in #2989
  • [Wiki] Added disclaimer/guidance on which version of the code to leverage by @matebarabas in #3001
  • [CI Environment] Remove assign issue to project GH workflow by @eriqua in #3008
  • [Modules] Update builtInRoleNames for nested RBAC modules by @eriqua in #3010
  • [Modules] Added test cases to Azure Firewall by @JPEasier in #2889
  • [Modules] Update diagnostic settings name approach by @eriqua in #2884
  • [Fixes] Fixed a minor utility issue due to a parameter type change by @AlexanderSehr in #3026
  • [Modules] Updated Availability Sets Module to Latest API Version (2022-11-01) by @ahmadabdalla in #3030
  • [Modules] Updated Recovery Vault to latest API Version (2023-01-01) by @ahmadabdalla in #3034
  • [Modules] Updated SKU for the Managed Environment Test by @ahmadabdalla in #3031
  • [Modules] Updated VMSS Module to the latest API Version (2022-11-01) by @ahmadabdalla in #3033
  • [Modules] Added EventGrid Domain Topics Module by @shaban-khan in #3002
  • [Modules] Updated AKS Module to the latest API Version by @krbar in #3035
  • [Modules] Updated Virtual Machine Module to latest API Version (2022-11-01) by @ahmadabdalla in #3032
  • [Modules] Microsoft.Synapse/workspaces - adding 'systemAssignedPrincipalId' as output by @krbar in #3037
  • [Wiki] Added a PowerShell script example to frontload all supported publish locations with all modules by @oliverlabs in #3043
  • [Fixes] Small documentation fixes by @AlexanderSehr in #3044
  • [Fixes] Removed child resource that may not be used in the applied context by @AlexanderSehr in #2999

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