github Azure/ALZ-Bicep v0.12.0

latest releases: v0.17.3, v0.17.2, v0.17.1...
18 months ago


This release brings mainly lots of goodness in the Azure Policy space as well as improving our testing, thanks to PSRule for Azure, also updating the Private DNS Zones for Private Link that get deployed in the Private DNS Zones module, and finally changing our module docs to being programmatically generated, so you only need to update a .bicep module now and the docs get generated as part of your PR 🥳

Policy Changes

  1. Converted Deny-Public-IP assignment to new assignment using built-in policy called Deny-Public-IP-Addresses as detailed in #398 & #386
  2. Add new default assignment of Deploy-Private-DNS-Zones to corp MG fixing #137 and brining assignments into alignment across all ALZ implementation options (portal and Terraform)
  3. Remove assignment of Deny-Public-IP in default assignments from corp to bring assignments into alignment across all ALZ implementation options (portal and Terraform)

Breaking Changes

Nothing technically breaking, however you will just need to remove the old policy assignments of Deny-Public-IP from corp and identity Management Groups and re-run/deploy the alzDefaultPolicyAssignments.bicep and this will put the assignment, using the built-in definition instead of the custom one, to the identity Management Group.

More on this process and instructions can be found here: How to migrate ALZ custom policies to Azure built-in policies

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.11.0...v0.12.0

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