github Azure/AKS 2023-11-28
Release 2023-11-28

latest releases: 2025-02-20, 2025-01-30, 2025-01-06...
15 months ago

Release 2023-11-28

Monitor the release status by regions at AKS-Release-Tracker.


  • Kubernetes 1.25 is being deprecated on January 14, 2024 and support will transition to our platform support policy. Please upgrade to Kubernetes version 1.26 or above.
  • No new clusters can be created with Azure AD Integration (legacy). Existing AKS clusters with Azure Active Directory integration will keep working. All Azure AD Integration (legacy) AKS clusters will be migrated to AKS-managed Azure AD automatically starting from December 1st, 2023. We recommend updating your cluster with AKS-managed Azure AD before December 1st, 2023. This way you can manage the API server downtime during non-business hours.
  • Starting January 2024, due to Gatekeeper Upstream removing validation for constraint template contents at create/update time, the Azure Policy Add-On will now no longer support this. The Azure Policy Add-On will report ‘InvalidConstraint/Template’ compliance reason code for detected errors after constraint template admission. This change does not impact other compliance reason codes. Customers are encouraged to continue to follow best practices when updating Azure Policy for Kubernetes definitions (i.e. Gator CLI.
  • Starting Kubernetes 1.29, the default cgroups implementation on Azure Linux AKS nodes will be cgroupsv2. Older versions of Java, .NET and NodeJS do not support memory querying v2 memory constraints and this will lead to out of memory (OOM) issues for workloads. Please test your applications for cgroupsv2 compliance, and read the FAQ for cgroupsv2.
  • Staring with the 2024-01-01 and 2024-01-02-preview APIs, we will begin to reject unknown fields in the request payloads.
  • Changes to reduce the kube-reserved memory reservation and eviction threshold will not be available in 1.28 as previously shared due to a release issue. These optimizations will be releasing with AKS Kubernetes minor version 1.29, which previews in January 2024.

Release notes

  • Preview Features

  • Bug Fixes

    • Under some conditions it was possible to upgrade to Azure CNI Overlay from Kubenet while using the Calico network policy. This scenario is now blocked.
  • Behavioral Change

    • Updated AKS add-on affinity to run on system-pool when Node Auto Provisioning is enabled.
    • Resource group names, Azure Virtual Network names, and subnet names for clusters with Azure CNI Overlay networking or Dynamic IP allocation can't be longer than 63 characters.
  • Component Updates

    • Update Eraser version to v1.2.3. This update has 3 CVE fixes:
    • Azure Linux image has been updated to Azure Linux - 202311.22.0.
    • AKS Ubuntu 22.04 image has been updated to AKSUbuntu-2204-202312.06.0.
    • Azure Windows 2019 Image has been updated to Azure Windows 2019 - 17763.5122.231115
    • Azure Windows 2022 Image has been updated to Azure Windows 2022 - 20348.2113.231115

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