github Azure/AKS 2022-08-21
Release 2022-08-21

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22 months ago

Release 2022-08-21

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  • Starting with Kubernetes 1.25, the following changes will be made default:
    • Ubuntu 22.04 for x86, AMD and ARM64 architectures will be the default host.
    • Windows Server 2022 will be the default Windows host. Important, old windows 2019 containers will not work on windows server 2022 hosts.
  • Kubernetes 1.21 version has been deprecated as of July 31st, 2022. See documentation on how to upgrade your cluster.
  • Some AKS labels have been deprecated with the Kubernetes 1.24 release. Update your AKS labels to the recommended substitutions. See more information on label deprecations and how to update your labels in the Use labels in an AKS cluster documentation.
  • Docker will no longer be supported as a container runtime on Windows after September 1, 2022. Follow these steps in our documentation to upgrade your Kubernetes cluster to change your container runtime to containerd.
  • The Open Service Mesh addon has been updated from version 1.1.1 to version 1.2.0 for AKS clusters running 1.24.0+. Please note the breaking changes mentioned in the version 1.2.0 release notes

Release notes

  • Bug fixes
    • Missing CWD(Current Working Directory) field in process creation events fixed. Update low level collector image version from 1.3.42 to 1.3.49.
    • Added a scheduled task "hns-remediator-task" in AKS Windows nodes which will restart kubeproxy automatically when HNS service crashes.
  • Component Updates
    • Upgrade Azure Disk V2 CSI Driver to v2.0.0-beta.6
    • Upgrade Azure Disk CSI driver to v1.22.0
    • AKS Ubuntu 18.04 image updated to AKSUbuntu-1804-2022.08.15

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