github Azure/AKS 2021-01-25
Release 2021-01-25

latest releases: 2024-10-25, 2024-10-06, 2024-09-18...
3 years ago

This release is rolling out to all regions - ETA for conclusion 2021-02-03 for public cloud.


  • The Azure Kubernetes Service pod security policy (preview) feature will be retired on May 31st, 2021.
  • Once GA AKS will default to its new GPU specialized image as the supported option for GPU-capable agent nodes.
  • As previously announced, with the Holiday Season ending AKS will deprecate Kubernetes v1.16, completing the extension given after the GA of v1.19 for the holiday season and returning to the regular 3 supported versions window. After the week of January 31st, 2021 you will no longer be able to create v1.16.x based clusters or node pools.

Release Notes

  • Features
  • Preview Features
    • AKS now supports WinDSR in AKS Windows nodes in preview by registering the Microsoft.ContainerService/EnableAKSWindowsDSR feature flag.
    • New options for Custom node Configuration: ContainerLogMaxSizeMB, ContainerLogMaxFiles, PodMaxPids.
    • AKS now supports Auto-Upgrade channels.
  • Bug Fixes
    • When clusters that are using bring your own subnet and route table with kubenet are deleted, they will now clean up any routes set by Kubernetes/AKS.
    • Added new IP availability validation for cluster upgrade of kubenet clusters.
    • Fixed bug where Standard_DC2s_v2, Standard_DC4s_v2, Standard_DC8_v2 were incorrectly listed as supporting Accelerated Networking resulting in creation failures.
  • Behavioral Change
    • The Reset Service Principal operation will now perform a node image upgrade in-order to update the configuration of each agent node.
  • Component Updates
    • AKS Windows image has been updated to 2019-datacenter-core-smalldisk-17763.1697.210113.
    • AKS Ubuntu 16.04 image updated to AKSUbuntu-1604-2021.01.13.
    • AKS Ubuntu 18.04 image updated to AKSUbuntu-1804-2021.01.13.
    • Virtual Node updated to Virtual Kubelet 1.3.2.

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