github Avnsx/fansly-downloader v0.4.1-post1
Fansly Downloader Executable v0.4.1-post1

18 months ago

Introducing the compiled Windows-exclusive version of Fansly Downloader, offering an executable file that allows you to conveniently launch the program without the need for the installation of Python. To begin, please unzip the zip file using WinRAR or a similar program.

📝 Note: Please be aware that this release is not an exact replica of the latest Python code version 0.4.2 found in the GitHub repository. The reason for this discrepancy is that version 0.4.2 is currently experiencing packaging issues when attempting to create a standalone executable using pyinstaller. Therefore, this release represents a minor update to version 0.4.1, ensuring that the executable version of Fansly Downloader remains operational until a resolution for version 0.4.2 is identified.

⚠️ Warning: All current versions of Fansly-Downloader have restricted functionality for timeline downloads, due to Fansly continously introducing more rate-limiting changes. You can monitor the progress and resolution of this matter by referring to this issue ticket.

Read Quick Start & Configuration Options to understand how to utilise Fansly Downloader correctly

Changelog v0.4.1-post1

- minor adjustment to counter fanslys recent introduction of rate limiting (id 148)

bug fixes:
- fixed unhandled TypeError (issues id 147)
- fixed download_directory path breaking on case-sensitive filesystems (id 126)

VirusTotal (👥 Community Effort: #121):
Fansly Downloader.exe:

Version downloads:

Packaged using pyinstaller

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