github AutoHotkey/AutoHotkey v1.1.34.03

latest releases: v2.0.16, v2.1-alpha.12, v2.1-alpha.11...
24 months ago

Fixed double backspacing of supplementary Unicode characters in hotstrings.

Fixed a:: not firing if a up:: and a & b:: are present.

Fixed MinSize/MaxSize being applied incorrectly before the first call to Gui Show.

Fixed the hook thread getting stuck in an infinite loop if an InputHook has been restarted too soon after being stopped.

Fixed crashes or undefined behaviour when a blank parameter is passed to FileCopy, FileMove, FileCopyDir, FileMoveDir or FileRemoveDir.

Fixed dead keys erroneously being reapplied by the keyboard hook after the final character of a hotstring is suppressed (e.g. for :?*:ò::ó).

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