github AutoHotkey/AutoHotkey v1.1.33.11

latest releases: v2.0.16, v2.1-alpha.12, v2.1-alpha.11...
2 years ago

Fixed Format(n) returning blank when n is a pure numeric expression.
Fixed the debugger's inability to query obj.<base>.<base>.
Changed debugger step/breakpoints to slip over Try/Catch/Finally/Case.
Fixed Switch { incorrectly raising a load-time error.
Fixed debugger stack_get reporting incorrect line after OnError.
Fixed debugger stack_get reporting incorrect line for auto-execute thread.
Fixed auto-env retrieval and A_ComVar to safely allow for variables larger than the official limit [PR #259 from mikeblas].
Fixed A_EventInfo for mouse wheel hotkeys [broken by v1.1.33.05].
Fixed ControlClick to convert coordinates correctly for wheel messages.
Fixed the IDispatch implementation for AutoHotkey objects to preserve case for property names.
Fixed #Warn StdOut to default to codepage 0 when /ErrorStdOut is not used.
Fixed crashes when a timer's __delete() meta-function deletes the next timer.

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