What's Changed
- Adjust makefile targets to force release audiusd and core by @phelpsdb in #10727
- Clean up some other lingering libs usage by @schottra in #10729
- Do not kill app in case of tls fail by @endline in #10730
- [C-5522] Add mobile sign up deep links by @dylanjeffers in #10712
- [C-5386] Guest checkout sale notifications and UI by @dylanjeffers in #10713
- Upgrade ios simulator to 16 pro by @dylanjeffers in #10728
- re-organize core by @alecsavvy in #10726
- Do not block on audius-ctl devnet by @endline in #10732
- Add back notification settings by @raymondjacobson in #10733
- Undo added fatal sentry logs (keep them only on "crashes") by @DejayJD in #10736
- [C-5540] Stop logging console & network errors to sentry by @amendelsohn in #10737
- Guest checkout zombie state access by @isaacsolo in #10718
- prod audio analysis backfill by @alecsavvy in #10734
- Fix guestEmail account slice by @dylanjeffers in #10742
- Improve sdk bundle size for SSR purposes by @raymondjacobson in #10731
Full Changelog: https://github.com/AudiusProject/audius-protocol/compare/protocol-v0.7.56...audius-ctl@0.1.74