github AudiusProject/audius-protocol @audius/creator-node@0.4.2

latest releases: client-v1.5.83, @audius/spl@1.0.0, @audius/sdk@4.1.0...
10 months ago

Full Changelog:
[0982909] - Separate health check for registration (#5741)
[25ae547] - Remove expensive cid_lookup backfill and slow down beaming (#5732)
[3ec6f3e] - [CON-803] Support moving data between CDK drivers (#5729)
[2d41f3c] - [CON-802] Clean up creator-node (#5717)
[aa00b5b] - Bump version to 0.4.2
[cf46d05] - Return extremely old images even when they have extra .jpg (#5708)
[7898f08] - [CON-788] Migrate legacy files (Qm CIDs) to v2 bucket (CDK) (#5702)
[39f860f] - Ignore non-CID Qm keys in repair.go (#5707)
[08dcffb] - Use tmp file key without slash (#5692)
[746190d] - Delete CDK .tmp files on startup (#5687)
[9d7f1cf] - Ignore .tmp files when sharding (#5684)
[36794e5] - [CON-796] Shard CDK keys (#5678)
[6d068ae] - Remove disused problem blobs + ui (#5673)
[2fcfe7f] - use custom DNS in go http client (#5671)
[feb8a0d] - Fix mediorum persistence readme (#5677)

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